Pauline Cafferkey (3)

I see Pauline Cafferkey is up to her fucking attention seeking shite again, as pointed out in boilmypiss’s well deserved rant.

This stupid cunt cost the nation tens of millions because of her fucking crass stupidity and her reckless behaviour in falsifying her medical record upon re-entry to the UK.

These fucking idiots who fuck off to shite ridden countries to” do their bit” should all be detained in isolation offshore upon return.( I strongly suggest somewhere like Ascension Island ) And they should be irradiated with     radioactive Iodine for good measure. Any surviving flesh can be bottled and stored in Lily Allen’s Bathroom. The green glow will provide adequate and subtle light to enhance Lily’s ablutions.

Cafferkey is a cunt, a stupid cunt, and we are all fucking cunts for letting cunts like this put all of our lives in danger, and we are monstrous cunts for our adulation of specimens of shite like her.

Nominated by Asimplearsehole.

Can I throw in a ‘drive past’ Cunting to Pauline Cafferkey, the Glaswegian nurse with the Ebola virus. The Cunt is heading back to Sierra Leone to try and raise a bit of cash out there to help some local charities ….

The Cunt was on the radio recently, bumbling on about how she is feeling health wise, hoping she will be fit to travel, and hopefully be able to do her bit for the people of Sierra Leone.

How about she raises some money in THIS FUCKING COUNTRY for the cost she has caused the NH fucking S !!!! It must have run into zillions of fucking pounds to look after her and ship her around in her fucking bubble, being treated by the UK’s finest and not forgetting the fact that she could have caused a major fucking epidemic in the UK … …. Now that does boil my piss !!

Nominated by Boilsmypiss.

Pauline Cafferkey [2]


Ebola riddled harridan Pauline Cafferkey is a fucking lying bitch who deserves a good cunting for her antics.

Having essentially bullshitted her way back into the UK from ‘heroically’ nursing the ‘needy’ in Sierra Leone by deliberately not declaring that she was running a temperature indicative that she too had gone and picked up the bug herself, she subsequently swans around potentially exposing who knows how many to contamination before finally succumbing to the symptoms herself and then expects the good old tax payer to shell out an undoubted fuck load of cash for her specialist treatment under strict isolation conditions, and on more than one occasion… cash that could have gone towards treating more deserving cases than that of someone who chose to put herself in harm’s way supposedly to ease the suffering of others abroad but then doesn’t give a flying fuck whether she goes on to cause another epidemic herself once back home.

Now facing formal nursing misconduct proceedings, the criminally reckless bitch is claiming that early symptoms of the disease would have impaired her judgement so there’s no evidence she had been deliberately dishonest in concealing her condition. Pull the other fucking one, love.

Cunt should be made to pay back every single fucking penny it cost to cure her.

Nominated by: Cunty McCunt Face

Pauline Cafferkey


Fuck that Ebola Nurse. Goes over for her do good in life and comes back to potentially infect every innocent living a normal life.

And how much time and money will be spent closing roads, separating hospital wings where some person(s) at Intensive Care will probably be pushed aside and die for her anyway.

Whats worse – the previous cunt that did this and lived to go back is now going to give her blood. Creating their own fucking race.

They should leave these cunts in Africa and treat them there or burn her on re entry.

I know there has been a recent posting on these cunts, but I feel this could be worthy of an emergency cunting. Of a late contender for cunt of the year.

Nominated by: King Cunt