Compensation (2)

Compensation is a cunt.
A very angry cunting to the government for awarding Manchester bombing victim and mother, Lisa Roussos, only £5500 for her own injuries and the same for the death of her 8 year-old child, Saffie, in the same attack.

Compare that to the £1 million compensation we, as a nation, gave to terrorist Jamal al-Harith merely for his detention in Guantanamo bay in 2017. This cunt went on to further prove his peaceful credentials by blowing himself up in an ISIS suicide attack.

Fuck off to the spineless pandering government cunts who use their own people as terror fodder whilst rewarding our enemies. You disgust me, you cunts.

Nominated by Zippy

21 thoughts on “Compensation (2)

  1. Spot on cunting. Our spineless government, judiciary and human rights establishment are to blame for this travesty.

    Fuck off you utter cunts.

  2. I’d boot every one of these peacefuls out of the fucking country……….with compensation of course!

    A packet of pork scratchings. Bon appetit you cunts!

  3. You can’t give too much compo for victims of terrorism because we all know who the real culprits are…….. the scum who imported this trash in the first place and then let them do and say as they like. All part of living in a big city after all.

  4. Legal aid seems to work the same way. Freely available for terrorists, Jihadi brides and prisoners to claim compo, but denied to ordinary people.

  5. Just wait and see that Begum Jihadi bride cunt get compo once the leftie courts decide she is a British citizen and has been incorrectly stripped of her citizenship.
    Also bet your bottom dollar it’s a darn sight more than the Manchester bomb families got.
    The whole system is a cunt run by cunts.

    • If that ugly buck toothed bitch gets a penny in compensation there will be rioting in the streets ( but not in Peacefull areas of course).

  6. Off track slightly,but this whole “Compensation ” business is out of hand.

    I don’t mean terrorists and their victims,more when some Cunt has been acting himself and gets a fucking good hiding. Too often you read about some fucker who was “on a night out” when he was attacked. Now I know that people are sometimes randomly attacked,but I bet that most times it’ll have been for a reason.

    Why should the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board award tax-payers money to some drunk Gibshite who came off worse?

    Fuck them.

  7. Do you get any compo for having your country and vote stolen from you?

    • Don’t you know- the compensation is a multicultural diversity which has so enriched our lives.

  8. I’m still waiting for the EU to compensate us for them pissing £300billion net UK taxpayers money down the 4th Reich shitter for fuck all over the past 46 years.

    • I’m sure some people in this country benefitted from some of that money. Trouble is, they weren’t fucking taxpayers in the first place.

      • I was referring to NET payments – money that doesn’t come back to this country. But take your point, some of it no doubt found its way into the pockets of gimmegrants, funding their journey to the UK, and EU enabling people traffickers, etc…

  9. Hezzelslime. How much EU compo has that cunt had for owning a load of empty fields?

  10. And what are the thousands of white british children raped by gangs of koran-reading men getting by way of compensation? I wish some whistleblowing cunt in goverment would total up the REAL cost of pooslim immigration into this country, both financial and social. Then the sleeping public would wake up to what has to be done.

    • The mosks should be torn down, and sold as scrap in order to pay compo.

      Hold on…does anyone want a 2′ X 1’6″ Belgian polypropylene reg, smelling strongly of unwashed arse, and dozens of copies of the flying donkey book, slightly stained ?

      • Bugger it…rug.

        Otherwise, it sounds a bit like Elsan Bog’s dodgy syrup.

  11. One of the few entertaining facebook pages was about chavs on council estates and their attempts to get compo through local news outlets, where they wore their constipated compo faces.

    My son only got 7 mcNuggets in his 9 McNugget meal. I want compo!

    I expect Zuckertits has had it banned and the page creator arrested for hate crime by now.

  12. Will we ever get to find out how much compensation has been thrown at the bonfire bunch.?

  13. Just goes to show that human rights are bollocks, it’s a great idea but can you have universal human rights? The theory is by upholding everyone’s human rights you protect millions of innocents at the cost extending them to the cunts who take others human rights away. Thing is scum know this and abuse the system taking a bundle of cash home for their trouble. It’s a dilemma for sure. I get the moral arguments.

    Then you read about this cunt who did exactly what scum do and exploited human rights, most probably donating his compensation to the cause and indirectly making us pay for him and his scum kind to buy the weapons and explosives they then used to arbitrarily remove the most basic of human rights from scores of innocents laughing in our faces.

    Human rights? Tell the thousands of innocents maimed and killed annually about how important it is to extend human rights to all, including subhuman vile murdering scum.

    Fuck em, catch em, kill em and let god sort them out. That’s a government protecting human rights.

  14. The compensation culture we’ve imported from America is truly staggering. And how many people who are awarded compensation actually deserve it. Not many, me thinks. It’s so abused it’s now becoming an epidemic. And if you want human rights, you have to earn them, like everything else in life. CCCUUUNNNTTTSSS.

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