
ENGLAND! I suppose it is out of order to cunt a whole country but can I say, it appears to me to be most definitely fucked and well on the way to cuntdom. I am just back from a few weeks in the still quite green but now not so pleasant land that I left 40 years ago to emigrate to Australia. Admittedly I was only in Birmingham and the Midlands generally but I think that was a good representation.

Whilst I had a great time I did find it quite depressing at times to see just how much things seem to have changed for the worse. The weather was not very good but Birmingham just seemed so damp and depressing.Sure, they have revitalised the city center but some of the suburbs….fuck me, the litter in some places would put a Mumbai slum to shame. Chicken shops and Burger joints everywhere and crowds of “yoofs “on every corner. More burquas than Kabul, more deep tans than Kingston Jamaica and more mosques than Saudi Arabia and in some suburbs hardly any Anglo Saxon appearing people. Almost all of the people I met, when I told them I had emigrated years ago all said the same thing. “I wish I had, this country is fucked “.

Another thing, all of the pavements have “Acne “……..Singapore did the right thing when they banned chewing gum. What a blight those dark spots are, every 6 inches or so. And don’t start me on the dog shit and beggars on every corner and in every doorway in the city center. Broad Street Birmingham on a Friday night was like a hookers convention as streams of hen parties competed to see who could get pissed the quickest. Quite entertaining though as I watched pretty, scantily clad young things puking their guts up in the gutter.

Now, I aint saying Australia is perfect but fuck me, it is a lot better than the country I used to love. Not much to love there now I am sad to say.

Nominated by Grumpy Old Cunt

62 thoughts on “England

  1. Just watch Talking Pictures TV on Freeview 81 and forget about all the shit in today’s world.

  2. @komodo. Take a slight exception to you using the word ‘irrational’ re GKC. Thinking about ‘The Blue Cross’ and Flambeaux unmasked. Denigrating reason is ‘bad theology’. He couldn’t be a priest. More to the point in this general discussion- he advocated a more equitable distributist society based on reason. That by rational discussion we can effect fairer economic relations. Also, the famous quote-‘The madman is not the man who has lost his reason but has only got reason left’. Still puts reason centre stage.

    • I was thinking more of the underlying theology than the intellectual process. Religion is irrational, at least on the face of it. Father Brown is no disciple of Karl Popper. And Chesterton returns again and again to his defence of Christianity as an essential component of the ‘rational’ mind.

      And I am confident Father Brown would agree that if no rational solution is in sight, it might be advisable to look for (conventionally) irrational ones, because (conventional) rationality has very clear limits. As he isn’t a mystic, there is no bar whatever to such solutions being rational, with hindsight. “The Napoleon of Notting Hill” refers…

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