
ENGLAND! I suppose it is out of order to cunt a whole country but can I say, it appears to me to be most definitely fucked and well on the way to cuntdom. I am just back from a few weeks in the still quite green but now not so pleasant land that I left 40 years ago to emigrate to Australia. Admittedly I was only in Birmingham and the Midlands generally but I think that was a good representation.

Whilst I had a great time I did find it quite depressing at times to see just how much things seem to have changed for the worse. The weather was not very good but Birmingham just seemed so damp and depressing.Sure, they have revitalised the city center but some of the suburbs….fuck me, the litter in some places would put a Mumbai slum to shame. Chicken shops and Burger joints everywhere and crowds of “yoofs “on every corner. More burquas than Kabul, more deep tans than Kingston Jamaica and more mosques than Saudi Arabia and in some suburbs hardly any Anglo Saxon appearing people. Almost all of the people I met, when I told them I had emigrated years ago all said the same thing. “I wish I had, this country is fucked “.

Another thing, all of the pavements have “Acne “……..Singapore did the right thing when they banned chewing gum. What a blight those dark spots are, every 6 inches or so. And don’t start me on the dog shit and beggars on every corner and in every doorway in the city center. Broad Street Birmingham on a Friday night was like a hookers convention as streams of hen parties competed to see who could get pissed the quickest. Quite entertaining though as I watched pretty, scantily clad young things puking their guts up in the gutter.

Now, I aint saying Australia is perfect but fuck me, it is a lot better than the country I used to love. Not much to love there now I am sad to say.

Nominated by Grumpy Old Cunt

62 thoughts on “England

  1. I wish I could say…….you don’t like my country, fuck off back where you came from cunt! But , of course, that would be raaay-sist and get me arrested by the thought police.
    Aside from that, this IS where you came from and, although i’ve never been away for any great length of time I have a fucking memory and I know what you say is true.
    There’s nobody to blame but ourselves. Yes, the politicians sold us down the river but we voted the cunts in. We voted one lot in because we were scared of the other lot, then we voted in the other lot because the first lot were cunts….. but they were all the fucking same anyway. I’m rambling now….. have to fuck off to work now to fill the rich cunts’ pockets and support all the foreign freeloaders. Catch you later.

    • I’m trying to think of a worthy reply, but the truth is that Grumpy is spot on. We have become a spineless, apathetic nation and the only people who give a shit are correspondents on this site. Eichman had some good ideas on the problem of undesirables…..

      • Here is my worthy reply Sarnt’ Major

        I know your faults and failures and the troubles you have been through,
        But it’s more about what happens now and what we are coming to,
        Don’t make this out a battle hymn or a song for victory
        It’s just a way to try to say what England means to me,
        The echo’s from her green hills runs through her city streets
        And the rain that falls on England washes all the cares from me,
        Rows and rows of crosses who remembers why, what for?
        Those corners of a foreign field, the dust in them concealed out of sight but not out of mind
        Don’t you know that England feels?
        From the mountains of Northumberland, from the Pennines to the sea
        The wind that blows through England breaths life to you and me
        Her accents and her colours change from the mountain to the moorland from the coastline to the dale,
        When I leave and when I am coming home I am lost for words to say.

        British born, English by the grace of God

        Lets have no more of this defeatism talk and mutiny shit. There is a change in the air. Brexit will bring about massive upheaval – not because we are too weak and pathetic to survive it but because it will be a reckoning – the ferry man wants paying. Those who will pay, suffer the sacrifices and the strength that needs to be exerted will reap the benefits. Those who don’t will either fuck off or be fucked off. England has been through similar strife before, in fact it has been on the bones of its arse before. After the Napoleonic wars and particularly after the Great War. It was written at the time that after the losses of the war and the Spanish flu (the flu killed more than the trenches and mechanised slaughter of the Somme, Verdun and the Dardanelles combined and then some) England would never recover, as in NEVER. It did and it went on to thrive not only survive.
        Its just another hiccup that will take a massive dose of cod liver oil to get it back on track.
        If history ever taught us one lesson that has been learned by foreigners – at some point in history they were all tamed. That’s don’t underestimate or fuck with the English. In the end we always succeed. From the days of Harold – since 1066 no foreign army has set foot on our shores to the days of Nelson and Wellington, Churchill and Thatcher (Love her or loathe her). The toffs have always relied on exertions of better men than themselves and has never once been found wanting. At Trafalgar Nelson raised his last flag command “England expects every man to do his duty”. They did – they will again. Fuck the naysayers – we did pretty well for a rocky outcrop attached or shackled to nothing. We fucked Europe and once owned most of the inhabited Earth. Does anybody really think we couldn’t do it again??

      • Here is my worthy reply Sarnt’ Major

        I know your faults and failures and the troubles you have been through,
        But it’s more about what happens now and what we are coming to,
        Don’t make this out a battle hymn or a song for victory
        It’s just a way to try to say what England means to me,
        The echo’s from her green hills runs through her city streets
        And the rain that falls on England washes all the cares from me,
        Rows and rows of crosses who remembers why, what for?
        Those corners of a foreign field, the dust in them concealed out of sight but not out of mind
        Don’t you know that England feels?
        From the mountains of Northumberland, from the Pennines to the sea
        The wind that blows through England breaths life to you and me
        Her accents and her colours change from the mountain to the moorland from the coastline to the dale,
        When I leave and when I am coming home I am lost for words to say.

        British born, English by the grace of God

        Lets have no more of this defeatism talk and mutiny shit. There is a change in the air. Brexit will bring about massive upheaval – not because we are too weak and pathetic to survive it but because it will be a reckoning – the ferry man wants paying. Those who will pay, suffer the sacrifices and the strength that needs to be exerted will reap the benefits. Those who don’t will either fuck off or be fucked off. England has been through similar strife before, in fact it has been on the bones of its arse before. After the Napoleonic wars and particularly after the Great War. It was written at the time that after the losses of the war and the Spanish flu (the flu killed more than the trenches and mechanised slaughter of the Somme, Verdun and the Dardanelles combined and then some) England would never recover, as in NEVER. It did and it went on to thrive not only survive.
        Its just another hiccup that will take a massive dose of cod liver oil to get it back on track.
        If history ever taught us one lesson that has been learned by the Slopes, blambos, all manner of the hue of the Africunts – at some point in history they were all tamed. That’s don’t underestimate or fuck with the English. In the end we always succeed. From the days of Harold – since 1066 no foreign army has set foot on our shores to the days of Nelson and Wellington, Churchill and Thatcher (Love her or loathe her). The toffs have always relied on exertions of better men than themselves and has never once been found wanting. At Trafalgar Nelson raised his last flag command “England expects every man to do his duty”. They did – they will again. Fuck the naysayers – we did pretty well for a rocky outcrop attached or shackled to nothing. We fucked Europe and once owned most of the inhabited Earth. Does anybody really think we couldn’t do it again??

    • Off to work myself in half an hour, Freddie… And the dulcet tones of Eastern Europe, Pakistan, and the fucking Congo… Where? Fucking Manchester, that’s where! As old Moses might say, ‘Oh, my fucking life!’….

    • If anyone’s responsible for the shithole this country’s become it’s my generation (I was born 2 days before Blair). Even so, the young don’t seem to give a fuck about the nature and extent of our cultural decline or where it’s heading anyway, they’ve been brainwashed into blaming everything on common sense and Brexit, so fuck them.

      Thank Dog I we didn’t have kids.

      • I was only abroad for ten years…
        The tragedy is, that much of GB still remains very beautiful: I even like Cardiff, where I am living now. I would come back for holidays.
        But the sheer bloody cuntitude. Feckin unbelievable.
        I feel homesick for Switzerland. Am praying that I can get back there at some point, on a permanent basis.
        GB is now fucked beyond the point of any hope. I am not a violent Belinda, but heartily agree with Sgt Major Cunt re Eichmann.

  2. A once proud nation now full of snowflakes, libfucks, progressives, grasses, narcissists, apologists, softarses, narks, appeasers, peaceful sandfilth, bogo-bogos, iron curtain euromuck, gyppo ‘travelling’ scum, social media mongs, celebrity cunts, transbenders, femstapo misandrist fascists, and blambos infiltrating the monarchy…..


    • Fuck me! I’d never seen the cunts catalogued quite this was before, Christ, are we screwed.

  3. Sinking fast is dear old Blighty… But even the Titanic had a band… Where we once had the Beatles and the Stones, we now have Ginger Gremlin Sheeran and Little Slags Mix….. As I said, fucked…..

  4. Sadly, all the above comments and the cunting itself ring true, and not just for England, but for Western Europe as a whole. We are living through the fag end of a culture that inspired and built a new world. Now, that world is finishing us off, it won’t happen overnight, but will slowly but surely grind relentlessly on, decade after decade .
    Some countries are trying to fight back, but it’s a hard road.
    One of the biggest problems is we have no code, no unifying belief and no cause that the majority will unite behind. A country and continent riddled with division and diversity .
    I suppose, in the end, Darwinism will prevail.

  5. Britain’s second Dark Age (1997-2010) really did for this country.

    Like her or loathe her we did have a leader between 1979-1991 who actually did care for this country’s sovereignty, who would not be pushed around by Brussels and who still had balls on the world stage.

    The weak men who succeeded her – from the treacherous grey one thru to pig fucker – have done their utmost to stifle the notion of sovereignty, gifted all power to the EU and made us a laughing stock on the world stage…oh and finally we get “own goal” May to guarantee our political and financial demise.

    Yesterday walking through Luton to get to the cash-point it was more like walking through Islamabad than an English town. O’course to merely mention this vast demographic change makes you waycist.

    You can’t comment that most white folk you see are Polish cos that makes you xenophobic.

    And you can’t mention that the only English sounding accent you’ll hear in town is likely to be homeless or beggars sat under said cash-points because that would mean that the authorities care more about their imports than they do about their own. Alas they do.

    Combine that with the neo-liberal brainwashing that takes place throughout the educational establishment who are taught to love all things “peaceful”, EU and foreign, and to hate anything English…well, the seeds of our demise has been in the making for over 40yrs. All funded by globalist, Kalergi pusher billionaire, George “cunt” Soros!

    It took us 1,000yrs to make most of the map pink. Yes this tiny little country, who just happened to be half decent in a scrap (which is now waycist o’course), brought industry and progression to all corners of the world (also waycist), ended up bankrupting itself in order to defend what is now basically the EU (run by the 4th Reich under Emperor Palpatine Merkel and her Vichy French collaborators), and now exists in a state of self-loathing for once being great and for doing the right thing twice over on behalf of other cunts!

    Yes, England is a cunt. What’s left of it.

  6. I thought Norfolk was safe until the brown tide reached my village. Even now in the Highlands the cunts fly in from Lutonistan.

  7. I live in a nice village too Cuntflap after years of being force-fed cultural enrichment in a city, its almost 100% white, a stolen bike and some chavs setting the bonfire alight early was last years crimewave. Thank my lucky stars but feel for other cunters, as you see the areas you have grown up in, turn into a foreign land.

  8. Think it’s about time we made our national flag more diverse, inclusive, progressive, and globalist, by removing the cross. There’s nought which is Christian here anymore anyway; all replaced physically by outsiders or culturally through rampant materialism, both part of our new neoliberal economic religion.

    We’re an embarrassment to the religion, to morals of any kind, to the legacy of our ancestors, and to ourselves.

    I’ll always love our landscapes, but the rest can go to hell.

      • White on white background? Careful mate, that astronomical level of white privilege will get you in trouble with the stasi-twatterati.

        Rainbow snowflake on black/brown/tan chequerboard perhaps?

  9. Good morning Grumpy. The only place I know that is really still England is Amber Valley in Derbyshire and the towns therein, Heanor, Ripley, Alfreton and Belper and going up from Alfreton, also Clay Cross on the A61. You might even see the St George Cross flying proudly especially on the other side of the border from Heanor in Eastwood, Notts. It is in this general area that the percentage of blambos is at its lowest. Chinese tourists with posh cameras like Eastwood as it is the birth place of the pervert DH Lawrence, but in general the few ethnics you do see are doctors, pharmacists and takeaway workers. There is a real problem with our culture if we can’t produce them. White British chip shop owner? No fucking chance! Even the Chinese professionals have helpful sounding names like Eric, Wilson and Patrick. I met only one peaceful but he had been peaceful for Queen and Country in the Royal Engineers. It’s worth a trip and is not at all cuntish. Unless we can produce a professional class of white British we are truly fucked. Or a working class that’s actually prepared to fucking work. Or reverse the legislation that actually promotes the blambo fuckers as under-represented. Heanor is on a list of crap towns but I like it. It is the salt of the earth and contains the “wild beast” (fuck off Bonio) that is Englishness. Time to let it out of the fucking cage. It would burn the fuckers down double quick.

  10. My village is ok. One Sikh family who are a good bunch and that’s it. Otherwise white as fuck. The nearby town is full of Peacefuls and a shit load of Timorese. (Fuck knows why we have them.) The EU lot are a lively bunch who seem to work and drink hard. It is however far better than the shitholes of Yorkshire I used to visit for work.
    I was away for a time from the 90s to the 00s. Seffrica. It seems Labour fucked everything up while my back was turned so I understand Grumpy Old Cunt’s dismay. The rot set in in the 80s. Thatcher on one side and outdated unions on the other. Neither seemed to give a fuck about what happened to the industrial heartlands of the UK. We now seem to be a take away economy, spooning shite down our throats at every opportunity.
    I should have stayed away but S Africa is in an even bigger mess.

  11. Great Cunting Grumpy.

    It’s fast becoming a choice between Singapore, Iran, or Venezuela. I know which one I would choose.

    Because this country, as we oldies once knew it, is finished.

  12. At one time I might have been sceptical as to the practical viability of your proposition Cuntflap… but with the advent of online shopping and deliveries by drone, I see no reason to believe the ISAC gated community would not be a roaring success.

    Plus, the Wall of Cunts could be built for real, 20ft high, with giant mugshots of the Cunts facing out, reminding the snowflake scum left outside just who got them into the fine mess they’re in now.

  13. well the little town of aldershite has its own problems, My particular area has houses of multiple occupation and no parking.
    outside my hovel there is parallel parking for 4 vehicles with one being a disabled bay.
    some inconsiderate shite decided to park in the middle of two of the spaces reducing 4 spaces to 3 (i was slightly miffed not being able to park)
    any way a little later and a few beers towards loss of restraint, I took the dogs for a little wander and picked up their nice warm malleable shit (which I always do) sauntered home and the demon drink kicked in, I was thinking what a cunt, what a selfish cunt, I am upset, I am outraged, you don’t give a fuck, you should be upset, you should be outraged.
    so I gave one of the bags a good squish, untied it, reversed it over my hand and squished a nice quantity of dog shit under the drivers handle.
    Positive action at its best, do I now feel bitter. upset, frustrated ? no! it’s not me that started the day with a hand full of dog shit, I am cool with the world.

    • Good boy Lordy im not far from you, i better watch where I park the Mog next time i visit Aldershot.

  14. A general reply to all the comments above. I realise that I was only in Birmingham and the local environs and that there must be pockets of the real “English and England ” that I remember with affection and I wish that I had more time to seek them out. Long may they exist but I fear that that time may not be for much longer.
    I also commend to you a book I picked up while I was over there called “Patronising Bastards – How The Elites Destroyed Britain ” by Quentin Letts. Read it and weep fellow cunters, read it and weep. It should be on everyone’s Christmas wish list.

    • See also ‘ 50 People Who Buggered Up Britain’ also by Letts. Any time I feel like a nice cathartic cry I open it at random. Though since its publication, a further throng of Britain-buggerers has not been lacking.

      A programme of targeted assassination is long overdue.

  15. My therapist thinks I may be suffering from xenophobia, probably caught it from some foreign cunt….

  16. Everywhere’s the same. The same town centres with the same souless shops. We work in souless business parks, souless factories. Everything is uniform in this this soul-destroying Capitalistic world.

  17. I live in Brighton and this town really has gone to shit. It’s become overrun with left-wing dickheads trying to live out their teenage fantasies: barstaff who are actually “musicians”, shop assistants who are actually “actors”, waiters/waitresses who are actually “stand-up comedians/comediennes”, administrators who are actually “writers”, “artists” who are only one housing benefit payment away from being made homeless and about 1001 “creatives” who’ve never earned enough to trouble the inland revenue. On top of all of that there are extortionate rental/mortgage costs that could make an oligarch wet himself, homelessness and addiction problems that can rival any inner-city borough and more than enough arty-farty ponces and “artisan” bullshit to sink a battleship.
    There you have the complete distillation of pretentiousness, delusion and arrogance that Brighton (and Hove) has become. But hey, at least the football club are doing well…

  18. “It cannot be too often repeated that what destroyed the Family in the modern world was Capitalism. No doubt it might have been Communism, if Communism had ever had a chance, outside that semi-Mongolian wilderness where it actually flourishes. But so far as we are concerned, what has broken up households and encouraged divorces, and treated the old domestic virtues with more and more open contempt, is the epoch and power of Capitalism.

    “It is Capitalism that has forced a moral feud and a commercial competition between the sexes; that has destroyed the influence of the parent in favour of the influence of the employer; that has driven men from their homes to look for jobs; that has forced them to live near their factories or their firms instead of near their families; and, above all, that has encouraged for commercial reasons, a parade of publicity and garish novelty, which is in its nature the death of all that was called dignity and modesty by our mothers and fathers.”

    — G.K. Chesterton (1935)

    Found here, with commentary:


    • Fair and widely accepted analysis. Even so, Capitalism remains the least worst of the economic system on offer. Can’t see a return to Feudalism grabbing the electorate’s imagination any time soon… and we know where Communism /Socialism leads…

      • It’s rather hard to tell the Communists from the Capitalists now anyway. They all seem to spout the same collectivist shit and they all seem to be very fond of money.
        Animal Farm indeed…

      • Least worst economic system, perhaps, perhaps not. My perpetual question is for whose benefit? Capitalism (to sketchily summarise Chesterton) requires that its participants – except the top of the food chain – exchange their old freedoms for shiny new stuff. The term ‘global’ was not in use in 1935. GKC didn’t see the full horror of the logical extension of the capitalism of his day (in which, at least, British factories and services were owned by British people). Is ‘capitalism’ a thing any more? A philosophy? An academic science? No. It’s something greedy cunts accidentally assemble in their common interest, no matter what gets knocked down in the process. And whether it’s the ‘least worst’ system or not, it’s directly responsible for just about everything we cunt here, except militant Islam, which is actually framed as a reaction to and rejection of Western materialism, so it’s not unconnected.

      • Unless we diminish human nature (something the Libtards seem to be doing their utmost to achieve) or eliminate the human race altogether (which is an ever increasing possibility) then for all its flaws capitalism tempered by democracy remains the only rational option. Everything else’s is anti-aspirational bullshit pie in the sky bollocks.

        Will leave it there cos I’m pretty sure I’m wasting my and everybody else’s time.

      • Then maybe we need some irrational options, which was very much Chesterton’s lifelong position. I’ll leave it there too.

  19. All the jobs and momentum is towards the major cities. In hindsight I could now maybe pick a path to get out and employed in the countryside, but even then no guarantee if success..

    Remote working should be common place but it hasn’t happened; cunt corporate bums on seats policy and gov refusing to modernise our shit copper infrastructure.

    Plus it’s taken me this long just to figure out which side of the playpen smells least of shit! Trapped is how I feel about it.

  20. I live in Brighton; a town that has become overrun with anti-British left-wing communists who can’t see beyond the self-indulgent, hypocritical ideology of an a-level politics student. They are nasty, bitter and twisted individuals who think the modern world owes them everything. These are the same dickheads who get all their weekly shopping from Sainsbury’s, Tesco and/or Asda while bitching about capitalism on their laptops/smartphones/tablets. These ungrateful little shits also failed to realise that England is rich from its past. No, we’re not perfect but our achievements far outweigh our shortcomings. I am proud to be English and I would tell the rest of you to keep calm and soldier on, but I feel like one of a dying breed. The Left are wet, weak and about as patriotic as Arthur Scargill and the French.

  21. The big Shitties full of ethnics, while the indigenous set up enclaves outside.In the end we are gonna end up with 2 armed camps eyeing each other suspiciously.
    It aint gonna end well,thats for sure.

  22. It’s difficult to identify a particular point in time or particular reason for the decline of the UK. There are some indicators though.

    7th Century Arabia. An illiterate shepherd in a cave is commanded by a voice in his head to write down the word of god. Yeah, right. The result is what is now know as Islam which is a supremacist, repressive and violent philosophy in which women are inferior to men and young pubescent girls exist for the sexual gratification of male adults. Non-believers can choose between death or enslavement. Consecutive UK governments have allowed millions of these cunts to come and live here. What fucking lunacy. It’s slow suicide. These cunts have no intention of ‘integrating’. What they want is for you to bow to Mecca or lose your head. Islam is a cunt.

    When Japan surrendered at the end of WWII the Yanks abruptly ended Lend Lease making the UK effectively bankrupt. J. M. Keynes (Eton, Cambridge, homosexual) negotiated the Anglo-American loan with the USA and Canada in 1946. The Yanks insisted on the convertibility of Sterling to US dollars at a rate fixed by them leading to the pound being devalued by 70%. The UK remained bankrupt until it finally repaid the loan on 29th December 2006. All this whilst the Yanks poured billions of dollars into the former 3rd Reich and its quisling collaborators under the Marshall Plan. It was the Yanks who insisted the European countries cooperated economically and they are responsible for the embryo EU. Special relationship my arse. Keynes was a homo cunt and Yanks are cunts.

    The idea of political asylum as a basic right was first expressed in the 1948 Universal Declaration on Human Rights and is now enshrined in English and European law. This has allowed hundreds of thousands of scumbags from around the planet to enter the UK and drain our welfare of funds to which they have contributed not one penny. Current allowance for asylum seekers – couple with 2 children – 151 pounds a week. That’s more than my state pension. All human rights legislation is a cunt. All asylum seekers are cunts.

    Edward Heath (Oxford,homosexual?) sacked Enoch Powell from the shadow cabinet in April 1968 after his speech warning of the consequences of uncontrolled immigration as expressed by his constituents. Heath never spoke to Powell again. Heath ignored the possibilities of a Commonwealth free trade arrangement. He took the UK into the EU on 1st January 1973 since when the UK has been unable to negotiate its own trade arrangements. Heath was responsible more than any other single person for our current sorry state. He was a cunt of the first order and should never have been made Prime Minister (sound familiar?).

    June 1985, Schengen Treaty. Free movement of people. The UK opted out but the Amsterdam Treaty 1999 made it legally binding on UK. Result – Eurotrash everywhere. Again hands out bleeding the welfare system and not having contributed a penny. Is the NHS falling apart because of asylum seekers and Eurotrash? – nah; its bloody pensioners what’s to blame, innit. Free movement is a cunt.

    Various bits of legislation to curb the right to freedom of expression and freedom of speech. All in the name of ‘Hate Crime’. Your ‘protected characteristics’ include race, religion, sexual orientation, disability and transgender identity. God help us. The government has a Hate Crimes School Project so your little darlings will be able to think correctly by the age of 8. Blame Margaret Thatcher (Public Order Act 1986, John Major (Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994) Tony Blair (CUNT) (Racial and Religious Hatred Act 2006), Gordon Brown (Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008)
    Bit lengthy I know but an historical cunting has to have some detail. Cunts

    • Fucking hell top stuff Fimbriations. We need a war. I can imagine the flat broke pervert prophet in his cave working out how to make enough of a living to shag children and goats to his hearts conrent. I know, I’ll start a religion! Mohammed was a supreme cunt.

  23. I too live in Birmingham, and have done for almost 50 years. Admittedly it has moved “forward” (it’s motto) in some respects, but has taken massive strides backwards in terms of cultural enrichment. And as you say, nearly every suburb of the city has some ethnic minority representation compared to 30 years ago when only one or two suburbs did so (Handsworth and Lozells, spring to mind)

    The city, like other cities and towns in the UK, decaying like rotting teeth for all manner of reasons. Shootings and stabbings used to be a major headline here just 20 years ago, but today it barely warrants a paragraph or two in the local paper (The Birmingham Mail – which in itself is fucking awful rag!)

    Thank fuck I’m getting out of here next year, the place is driving me cranky with its crime, lack of police, road-rage, and general social dysfunction.

    Birmingham used to be a power house of the industrial revolution; but these days it couldn’t organize a piss up in a brewery (of which the city had quite a few back in the day; but they’ve all gone ffs!)

    • Used to watch through the big window the bottles going round the production line at M&B brewery top of Holloway Head.

      True story – worked on concrete gang pouring walls and floors for tower block bottom Holloway Head. 14th floor pouring wall me walking backwards foreman (Ben) other side of skip. Neither can see where walking – depend on crane driver not to walk us off wall. Suddenly me and Ben treading air holding on desperately to skip wheel. Paki crane driver reading newspaper. Back onto wall Ben runs down 14 flights up crane ladder and punches Paki into next week. No police called or any of that bollocks. Ben sacked on spot though. Everybody on site walked off, crossed road and were immediately employed on other tower block being built. Cheers our kid.

    • Where abouts NCFOM? Iwas from Quinton. Went for a nostalgic look. Fuck me. You need an escort of a squad from the SAs to go for the paper now from what I saw.

      • I have lived in Selly Oak, Bartley Green, Quinton and now Rubery.

        All of them used to be really nice areas 30 or 40 years ago, but typically they have fallen from grace with all manner of undesirables (drug lords mostly), moving in and turning each suburb into a right shithole!

        But even the leafier more middle-class suburbs like Harborne, Edgbaston, Bournville and Moseley are all slowly going down the same slippery shit-infested slope.

        Am off to Canada next year- really can’t wait given the way how this country has declined into a dumping ground for the libtards, the feckless and other irresponsible brain-dead, selfish, hypocritical cunts (present company excepted!)

      • If you want to get away from libtards, make sure you move to the wilds of Canada coz the cities are full of the same kinds of cunts that are currently trashing England.
        Their PM is the worst of the lot too…

  24. Doomed Doomed !!!!
    At least you don’t have wee jimmy krankie chaps !!!!!!!!!
    FUCK HER AND THE SNP !!!!!!!

    • Most of my close relatives live in greater Londonistan, CC. I doubt that even Krankie could hasten its demise in the face of the massive influx of people who seek not to integrate but to dominate and who play the race card every time that someone deigns to challenge them over their misdeeds.

    • Well you’ve obviously never been to Glubbdrubdib have you.
      You’re demoted. About turn! March out Corporal Schizophrenia.

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