Labour Party logic (4)

Jeremy Corbyn defiant

The logic of Labour MPs is as impeccable as ever:

They accuse Corbyn of being ineffective, yet at the same time they wish he’d played a more high profile role in the EU referendum campaign. Why? If he’s as useless as they claim, surely they wouldn’t want him anywhere near causes they care about?

They say Corbyn is a weak leader, yet their co-called coup is dragging on for weeks without any sign of achieving its objective while Corbyn continues to stare them down.

Eagle says she can provide strong and effective opposition to the Tories, yet a cursory glance at her voting record shows that she abstained on the Tory Welfare Bill, voted for the Iraq war (and against any investigations into it), voted to bomb Syria (on both occasions), voted against tighter regulations on fracking, voted against government transparency, voted for mass retention of communications data – in fact all the Left’s favourite causes she either voted AGAINST or abstained on! Meanwhile her own Corbyn-supporting constituency party has threatened to de-select her! Strong? Effective? Unifying?

You couldn’t make this shit up.

Nominated by: Fred West

Angela Eagle [2]

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Angela Eagle is a cunt. By the way What is it with fat politicians named Angela? cause they all look dumb and ugly as a dog’s arse.

Angela the fat dyke is bitching and moaning because Corbyn went against his own party’s interest for the Brexit crowd at the last minute. Maybe the fat dyke needs another sandwich instead or whining like a loser?

Also I don’t know whats gonna happen Both the Labour and Tory parties are complete crap, and now that Nigel has quit the UKIP party, there probably isn’t any third party strong enough to win. Also Boris Johnson is a bastard

Nominated by: Titslapper

The Eagle has landed…

Thankfully not on top of me!

Nominated by: Dioclese

Scientology [2]


Time to cunt Scientology for all its star shagging mind control weirdness which somehow has managed to achieve the status orf a religion with the Inland Revenue and the tax breaks that confers.

Hollow chested young men are attracted to it because they think it offers penis enlargement. It don’t. Not the way Lafayette Ron’s mob practice it. Trousers doine, arses up is the ritual position at Saint Hill. Take your auditing like a thetan.

One small problem. L Ron taught that Scientologists were immortal. Embarrassing rather that the cunt croaked in 1986.

Enjoy Tom Cruise and the mind control goons crashing through your windows if you post this. It’s a way orf bringing the stars orf Hollowood into your humdrum life.

Nominated by: Sir Limply Stoke