The Leaders’ Debate


The leaders debate: Seven king sized cunts… The main four, we know and hate, plus three other cunts… And who the fuck is that Aussie Dick Van Dyke who runs The Green Party?!

On the other side, Question Time… Peter Hitchens is also a colossal cunt…..

The SNP are also cunts… Only months ago the bastards wanted out of the UK… Now they have a say in how Britain is governed?! I have only three things to say: Culloden, Peru 1978 and fuck off!

Nominated by: Norman

93 thoughts on “The Leaders’ Debate

  1. Yah, those are specimens of some mighty fine cunts right there. Now, according to the rules I’d like to nominate myself. I’m a grade A fucking cunt, seriously, all of you are cunts, but I’m a bigger cunt than all of you together.

    I vote me for cunt.

  2. What never ceases to astonish me about the election, and politics in general, is the difference in treatment of UKIP and the bastard SNP, especially by the child abusers at the BBC.

    The bastard SNP are an openly racist, sectarian party whose idea of debate is to scream down anyone who opposes them. They play the victim card more often than an Islamist Scouser! They produce economic policies based on oil selling at $110 a barrel when it is worth about 3p and base the future of their so-called nation on the North Sea, which currently contains three gallons of crude, two disabled cod and a million tons of Norwegian shit. And yet! The BBC and other assorted Saville-ite cunts give them a get-out-of-jail-free-card every time.

    UKIP are a bunch of fuckwits who think leaving a trade agreement is a magic wand to cure everything from the deficit to hospital waiting lists and cancer. And yet! The BBC think Farage and his band of blazered cunts are the Devil-incarnate, who deserve to be ostracised for daring to question the wisdom of our Saville-ite leaders.

    The worst moment of the debate came when Wee Jimmy Krankie said to Farage that she was astonished that UKIP can blame everything on foreigners! What the fucking fuck? This coming from the leader of a cult that can be summed up in five words – “It’s all the English’s fault.” The complete lack of self-awareness in the racist scum of the bastard SNP never fails to amaze. Why the fucking fucking fucking FUCK does no-one challenge the racism of the bastard SNP? They are scum; racist, parochial, deluded fucktards with chips on both shoulders bigger than Ayers fucking Rock.

    I tell you what though; I’d give the leader of Plaid Cymru a damn good seeing to.

    • The SNP get it easy because the target of their racism is the English. We are the only people whom it is ok to be racist against. At least, it is in the eyes of the left. To them, we are the devil incarnate. Well, that’s ok by me, because it’s a role I’m more than happy to take on. If I don’t get treated with respect, I don’t treat anyone with respect. It’s that simple.

    • The political construct known as the EU us more than a trade agreement FFS. That’s the whole point. Dearie fucking me.

  3. I would like to nominate historical ignorant cunts who are under the fuckwitted impression that the Battle of Culloden was an England v Scotland affair. Nothing could be further from the truth. It was the Battle of the Boyne part 2 with British forces containing many lowland Scots arraigned against Catholic Jacobites many of whom were foreign. Indeed the same ignoramuses are also completely unaware that the majority of the crew of Nelsons HMS Victory at Trafalgar were Scottish sailors from Leith. But then again why let the truth get in the way of bigotry.

    • Well I don’t really know or care about all that fucking history bollocks, I’m more interested in now and the future. The fact is that England and its government are heavily controlled by Scots both in our own government and a potential fucking coalition with the SNP, God help us. Scotland have thier own fucking government so the SNP should fuck off and preach thier bollocks there. Most Scots hate us English yet fucking Cameron bows down to them at the independence elections promising more spend per head than we have in this country. What a cunt he is.

  4. “I’d give the leader of Plaid Cymru a damn good seeing to.”
    If you could shag some sense into her that might be worth a try, personally I find her as appealing as Jimmy Krankie of the SNP

    As far as Scotland goes, they had the opportunity to break with the UK and set up their own country, but the truth is that apart from those who still think they are living in the days of Rob Roy, most of them know where their bread is buttered and after Cameron and the other idiots dissuaded them from leaving the UK, their bread will be buttered so much more quickly.
    Frankly I don’t give a flying fuck if my opinion of the Scots, the Welsh and the Irish is taken as bigotry, I don’t live there, I don’t take their benefits and I see no reason why they should be given the subsidies that they are.

  5. Agreed, Lez. Bigotry my arse… If you go into a Welsh shop or pub, they will go from speaking English to speaking Welsh in a second… Just to alienate or piss off an English tourist or customer… And the SNP, in their own way, are as one eyed and prejudiced as Farage and UKIP… The reference to Culloden was put in simply because it annoys the Jocks… Same goes for the Scotland vs Peru game at the 1978 World Cup… So bollocks to the history lesson…

    Give Leanne Wood a seeing to? I would rather have stand on The Stretford End with a Man City shirt on…

    • Norman, why do I get the feeling your wife left you ages ago and you are a member of Fathers for Justice ? Tell me it isn’t true.

  6. ‘The reference to Culloden was put in simply because it annoys the Scots’ . No it wasn’t, it was put in because you are an ignorant cunt who needs to go back to school. Nice try but no cigar .

    • Why is it that on every forum, there is some arrogant and supercilious cunt who feels the need to regale all and sundry with his / her knowledge of History?

      • Exactly…. The same sort of condescending cunt who doesn’t have a sense of humour either…. ‘The reference to Culloden was put in simply because it annoys the Scots’ . No it wasn’t? Well it annoyed that wannabe Simon Schama. Otherwise the jumped up little fuck wouldn’t have replied…

        Oh, and don’t attempt to use multiple IDs on here. You can be found out and you will be found out…

      • ps oh Norman I will post under whatever fucking name I want. Who the fuck do you think you are you Stasi bastard.

      • Oh and another thing Norma, it appears your sense of humour doesn’t extend to comments made about the English ! Funny that.

      • He could be, Fred…. Of course anyone who knows this place will know that I was referring to the troll who had more names than the Devil and caused near meltdown here with his trolliing under multiple idents… And how we don’t wish for there to be a repeat of it…

        And who’s upset about remarks about the English? I’m not. Fucking hell! I mention Culloden in swipe at the SNP (that’s what it was) yet I get told I hate everything Scottish. I hate Sinn Fein too, but I don’t despise all Irish…

      • Oh I see Norma, so when you say you post things to annoy ‘The Scots’ you really mean the minority SNP ? Well glad you cleared that up. Not!

      • No Fred / Norman. This isn’t Dave/Patroller. His IP is in Ireland. This guy works from which puts him in Scotland.

        Could be another trolling troublemaker of course but we’ll keep any eye on him. Don’t mind a bit of banter, but there is a line that should not be crossed. I’m sure if he becomes a fucking nuisance, the regulars will let me know and we have the option to hoik him the fuck out of here.

        Take note FYSST – you’ve been warned so don’t be a cunt and we’ll all get along fine…

      • Fucking hell Dioclese , you have outed me as coming from Scotland which would have been a great revelation ‘Cept I told you that in my first post. Jesus Christ is this meant to be some kind of threat that you know my IP number ? Are you trying to intimidate me ? Oooooo I’m scared. What do you intend to do about the bigotry on display on your site ? What’s your message to any of my fellow countrymen who may visit this site from time to time ?

      • As you say, you said you came from Scotland in your own post, so what’s this ‘outing’ shit?

        And to put you straight, it’s not my site. I just help with the comment monitoring and authoring. If I wanted to out you, then I’d publish your location, name and address – which I have no intention of doing.

        No, we’re not threatening you – we’re just asking you nicely to curb the abuse in case you get mistaken for a troll. We don’t tolerate deliberate trolling. And also for the record, one of my best friends lives in Glasgow so I’ve nothing against Scotland or Scots. In fact I’m up there on holiday in a few weeks time going around the inner Hebrides and much looking forward to it. Scotland is a very scenic country.

        Bigotry is fine. Blatent confrontational abuse aimed at other contributor isn’t. If you want to write a post saying that the English are cunts, that’s fine. We’ll probably publish it…

        I suggest that we ALL curtail the name calling?

      • It certainly looks that way doesn’t it? Then again, fuckwits are all generally the same.

      • Why is it that on every forum which is set up for a bit of a laugh and enjoyed by folk who have much in common such as hating the PC culture gets taken over by pricks who think nothing about hating on Scots and conflating the SNP with Scots in general and who post anti Scottish bile day in and day out How is that ? I am a Scot. I am a unionist in the true sense yet all I read on here is hatred for me and my country. What the fuck us that about ?

      • It’s about people expressing an opinion. Personally I think the Welsh are a bunch of English hating cunts. As for the Scots, I’ve nothing against them except that I don’t want England ruled from Edinburgh any more that many Scots don’t want Scotland ruled from London.

        I am however forced to remind you that in the referendum Scotland did vote for Westminster rule so you only have yourselves to blame, don’t you? We never voted to be ruled from Edinburgh so I think you mind understand the resentment from south of the border?

      • What the fuck do you mean ‘you only have yourselves to blame ‘ ? I never wanted to break the Union and neither do the majority of my countrymen. Why is it so difficult for you to understand this? The fanatic kniwn as Nicola Sturgeon doesn’t represent me and never has . Do you want me to draw you diagrams in coloured crayon ?

      • Actually I think I will. Give me some time to think about it and
        I think I will give you something we all agree about Legohead.

      • A unionist? Do you hate the Irish? Have you ever said anything about them or Roman Catholics at all ever in your life? Like at an Old Firm game?

        So I said ‘annoy the Jocks’ So fucking what? When my team plays Chelsea, Spurs, Arsenal etc we sing songs about cockneys (and they sing songs about us). But the songs refer to the opposition fans we are facing. Not every Londoner in Britain… So I didn’t say annoy the SNP instead. What a terrible gaffe, eh|? It’s not my fault you take things so literally and obviusly take offence if anything even connected with Scotland is mentioned…

      • Actually you said ‘Scots’ not ‘Jocks’ stop misrepresenting yourself . Says a lot about you mind you.

      • I apologise I misquoted you, you did indeed say jocks. Problem is that is even more offensive. I Am not your or anyone else’s Jock. You got that. Cunt.

  7. The Battle of Culloden, and all that other shite where ‘scots’ are involved only serves to indicate what a bunch of turncoat cunts they really are. They have to be the only nation on the planet that still tries to make a living selling its arse to whomever will pay for it.

    Don’t complain about being buggered by the english when you are selling your arse to be buggered for english money.

      • I see. If you don’t like being lumped in with the other Scottish cunts, then please feel free to canvas your fellow scots and make sure they do their level best to remove the Fisher King and his tunnel cunt female side kick.

        You can of course be commended for actually being Scottish and in Scotland. Cunts of your ilk are usually everywhere else in the world telling people how good Scotland is.

  8. If the English had been allowed to vote on it, Scotland would have been independent long ago.

    • No it wouldn’t. Thankfully you do not represent your fellow countrymen. You do however represent the middle aged , fat, balding divorcee bigots on here.

      • Excuse me not everyone on here is a middle aged divorced bigot with a receeding hairline .I am 20 un married and have a full head of hair.I am quite fat though and as for the bigot part I leave others to judge.I wanted Scotland to stay part of the Union but if it means having the SNP in coalition then fuck it.

      • You sound like you agree with me. Please don’t be persuaded by the eejits on here who can’t tell the difference between the SNP and a commoner garden Scotsman.

  9. So here’s how it works on this forum. You are allowed to say whatever you like about the Scots, pour whatever bile you want and be as offensive and ignorant as you wish. Anyone who complains is castigated for having no sense of humour . However anyone saying something about the English is roundly condemned and attacked. Fucking can’t take it when you get a taste of your own medicine . Oh dear that’s exactly how bullies behave. Bunch of wankers. No wonder your wives left you.

    • Why the fixation with wives Cunt?
      You some sort of relationship councillor as well as being a Professor of History?

      • You should really be addressing this issue with your ex wife.

      • You sir are a sexually frustrated humourless divorced Scottish cunt!

      • Married for 33 years and with kids. So that rather fucks your theory my little ned.

      • Can you prove it. It’s just I can’t believe such projected self loathing onto our country doesn’t originate in your train wreck of a life ????

  10. We’ve just got rid of a troll on here who called himself Dave, Patroller, Bane and other names. He caused mayhem on here because of his trolling under various names (Dioclese discovered that). People who use mutiple idents are usually trolls and besides, why use more than one name? Nobody else here does. Apart from the aforementioned troll…

    I don’t care what you think or say about the English. I haven’t took offence at anything you’ve said about the English. I don’t care what you think or say about anything. My posts on this matter have been aimed at the SNP and them only. When did I mention the Scottish nation as a whole? Culloden (pardon my historical inaccuarcy, please do!) and the other remarks were made with those SNP clowns in mind. I am anti SNP, but I am also anti-Tory, anti-UKIP and anti-EDL and BNP… Another thing: you talk about generalisations, yet you feel free to make them yourself? Fathers For Justice? Where did you get crap? My wife can’t have kids unfortunatey…. You seem to have an obsession with wives leaving and divorce…

    By the way, are you a Rangers fan?

  11. New Thunderbirds is a cunt. This is a pre-emptive strike on Thunderbirds Are Go which starts in the UK on Saturday 4th April.

    Whoever decided that Thunderbirds needed to re-made in CGI is a fucktard who requires an urgent cunting. In all the pre-publicity about the new series, everyone involved with it is at pains to say how “timeless” the original was, but in the same breath these cunts also have the nerve to say it needs “modernising” – so it’s timeless AND in need of modernisation? How the fuck can that be? Same with the great Thunderbirds theme music by the late Barry Gray: these cunts talk about how “distinctive and timeless” it was, yet go on to say how it needs “updating” – by which they mean transformed into yet another forgettably generic “action/adventure” score. Just the usual poverty of ideas from uneducated Media Studies twats, so they take something tried, tested and well-loved and then proceed to fuck it up spectacularly. Fuck off back to New Zealand, you Kiwi cunts – and you can take your CGI Thunderbirds crap with you.

    Hang on, it’s being made in New Zealand…don’t we have an agent over there? An overnight visit from Flaxen Saxon and the new Thunderbirds studios could be reduced to ashes.

    • I used to watch the original Thunderbirds. All those stiff wooden dolls with the cold unblinking eyes, always interfering in global affairs like some globalist elite, never see the like again…
      (Oh wait a moment, the Party Political Broadcasts are due to start soon)

    • I agree Fred. I also seem to remember the CGI treatment was given to Captain Scarlet a few years ago and that was nowhere as good as the original. RIP Gerry Anderson .

    • Seems some of it is filmed at ‘Weta workshop’ which is only a few miles from where I live in windy Wellington. I’ve a few other projects on at the moment- being a dedicated incendary is bloody hard work, but someone has to do it. Anyway Fred, I’ll add it to the list.

  12. If I’d have made the post about UKIP or the Conservatives and then said I have three things to say: Bannockburn, Wembley 1967 and fuck off nobody would have batted an eyelid…

  13. Maybe I should have made it clearer that it was aimed at solely the SNP… But that’s how people do things… People don’t say ‘Everton supporters’ they say ‘Scousers’… People during and after the war didn’t say ‘Nazis’ they referred to them as Germans… I said Jocks instead of SNP supporters… Hardly dropping a massive bollock or a huge offence, but it obviously is to some, but there’s nothing I can do about that…

    As Dioclese said, opinions and disagreement about anything is fine. But getting personal, referring to peoples’ wives and train wrecks? If somebody says something I don’t like I’ll have it out with them. But I don’t automatically assume that they are a divorcee with their life in a mess… That is pretty strange…

    • I take it I touched a nerve with the wife thing . Sorry bout that mate but if was rather obvious by your self loathing projection.

    • Agreed.

      The bastard SNP want to make the people of the other three nations believe they represent all Scots. As Fat Alex and Wee Jimmy found out, and as our new Scottish friend Mr FYSST pointed out, they don’t. In a democratic vote, the people of Scotland voted to remain part of the UK. Losing a two horse race by more than 10% is a major defeat.

      The vile SNP seem to have a new strategy. Wee Jimmy has sent Fat Alex as her ambassador to London television studios to talk utter bollocks and piss everyone off so much that ordinary people in England, Wales and Northern Ireland vote to boot Scotland out of the Union. And a lot of folks are falling for it.

      My original point was that the racist scum of the SNP are treated with far more respect than the deluded buffoons of UKIP when, in actual fact, Fat Alex and Wee Jimmy spout far more bollocks than Farage and co. I think Mr FYSST would agree that these racist twats who think Braveheart was a documentary do not represent the views of ordinary Scottish people.

      Oh, and Mr Norman, you’d rather get a severe kicking from your fellow Stretford Enders than shag the lovely Leanne? I assume from your self proclaimed sexual deviancy that you work for BBC NorthWest.

      • I think it’s because Leanne Wood reminds me of that woman from Saxondale… That awful character who bugged the shit out of Tommy… That might be it… I’m no Tory, but I think Sam Cameron isn’t too shabby…

  14. ‘The reference to Culloden was put in simply because it annoys the Jocks… Same goes for the Scotland vs Peru game at the 1978 World Cup.’

    What I posted is there for all to see… I said Jocks, not Scots!… So don’t come it with me, you childish twat!

    • Childish ? And your posts are exemplars of adult maturity are they ? Dearie fucking me!

  15. A test of a blog that claims to be cutting edge say what you like and fuck the PC brigade is in how they treat the posts of those who disagree with them. I actually have faith in this blog despite the cuntery on display by some of the posters on here. Hope it’s not displaced.

    • Calling a few people ignorant cunts, fucking retards, bald divorcees, train wrecks and deliberately misquoting people, just because you disagreed with things they posted isn’t exactly a good start on your part, is it?

    • You’re so touchy. This is a site for cunting people in a pleasant friendly fashion, and you come on all belligerent and trying to pick fights with everyone. Lighten up, you dour humourless jockstrap. Don’t get your skids in a twist.

  16. We’re not talking about my posts. We are talking about how you said I wrote something when I didn’t, just to make you look right and justify you getting personal with members of this board… If that isn’t childish, I don’t know what is! Unlike you I don’t attempt to make other people out to be liars, and make out that they have had said something that they didn’t! What does that say about you?

  17. ‘ I apologise I misquoted you, you did indeed say jocks. Problem is that is even more offensive. I Am not your or anyone else’s Jock. You got that. Cunt.’

    As I have said, I meant the SNP when I said Jocks. No offence was intended to Scots in general… So you get offended at the word Jock? You’re never satisfied. This is like one of them Russian dolls that keeps producing one after the other.. That’s like an Irishman being upset if he’s called Paddy…. I can understand a black person being offended at the word Nigger. But Jock? It’s a Scottish name for fuck’s sake! (Jock Wallace? Or the great Jock Stein anyone?). It is quite obvious now that you are looking for things to be offended about and people to row with… If I’d have said Scottish bastards I’d understand it… If you get offended by someone using the word Jock then God help you…

    • And here’s a cut and pasted example of the kind of stable, rational individuals who leave comments for thecolemanexperience which I hope will amuse cunters here:

      “Why did the police stop looking for the murders of Jill Dando & Doctor Kelly? because Dave Stewart Annie Lennox and Tony & Cherie Blair had something to loose stolen children and Royalties for songs The Miracle of Love and Here Comes the rain again, from Michael Boyers, their friends responsible for carrying out the murders including the murder of Michael Boyers son, with a former police officer Janet MacKenzie who’s ex husband Rob MacKenzie is one of the gang members responsible for the murders of Jill Dando, Doctor Kelly my son and none other than Princess Diana and Dodi Al Fayed, the ring leaders are Ian Henry, Mi5 and the CIA same people, Grant Tully, Terry Boyers, Ian Henry has amusement arcades in the Newcastle Wallsend area, that pay for the murders including the murder of his former brother in law Peter Gowling, shot in the head in front of Ian Henry by Russell Bonalie who’s mate Norman Massey shot Jill Dando in the head, at the time Massey had a remarkable resemblance to Barry George and was working as a chauffeur, drug dealer and ponce for members of Parliament and QCs and claims Tony Blair was one of his best customers, he also did not deny shooting Jill Dando on two occasions that he tried to befriend me in Newcastle City Centre having known him as a teenager, other gang members George Tully along with Stan Henry and Alan Duncan boat builder murdered Ilene MacDougal better known as the Torso in the Tank 1978, the murder of a 17 year old innocent girl that Jill Dando was investigating as one of two unsolved murders, thee other from 1967 Angus Sibbet also murdered by Stan Henry former amusement arcade and casino and nightclub owner now in the health club business formally known as Springs. who’s daughter Kay Henry Gowling, was having an incestuous relationship with her father leading to her insanity, she thinks she and her incestuous family can get off with trying to murder me and the murder of my son with former police woman Janet Mackenzie, who’s husband Rob, along with Ian Henry, Grant Tully, Russel Bonnalie, Joe Bonnalie, Santos Cuscanni, Alan Rankin, Bob Senior, Mike Emerson, Ian Jenkins, Sylvia Cutter, Ernie Cutter, Dave Stewart, Annie Lennox, Eddy Fenwick, Charlie Gray, Terry Boyers, Joe Boyers, Barry Cubby, Tommy Stuart jar & Snr, Alan Dag, Gary Pern, Colin Hume, and Patrick Terence Thompson, one of the drivers of the white vans seen stalking Jill Dando, and Peter Gowling, all murdered by the same gang, known as The Torso in the Tank gang, 
The Met never followed up on the leads, so as to help the Blairs get off with child abduction, Katharine Blair is my daughter and not Tony Blairs, Pedophile Billy Blair along with his family are targeting me via Newcastle Social Services, controlled by Adulteress and incestuous pedophile Cherie Blair, who lied to me to get me to have sex with her, then stole my daughter Katharine, and tried to have me murdered on a number of occasions here and in Australia, Jill Dando met Brenda Boyers, also murdered…..”

    • Jeez – he really if full of self importance and bullshit isn’t he? I can see why he was cunted!

      Disabled toilet (didn’t want to disappoint you!)

  18. This silly twat has nominated herself:

    Bigotry is ok, Mr Dioclese? Ok:
    1/ Fuck the SNP,
    2/ Fuck Alex Salmond,
    3/ Fuck Islam,
    4/ Fuck Scousers,
    5/ Fuck the BBC,
    6/ Fuck UKIP,
    7/ Fuck the SNP,
    8/ Fuck Man Utd,
    9/ Fuck the SNP,
    10/ Fuck the SNP.

    Is that enough bigotry?

    Now I’m off to have a wank about Leanne Wood.

    • Cunt’s Mate Cunt @ so a cunty liberal finds out the islam she has been defending,now after finally meeting a dirty muslim bastard now believes islam is bad news and dangerous cult and hate women, what a dumb cunt she must be,She must of just read up on the Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal where abunch of muslim cunts raped white girls and the pro zionist media blocked much of that story after reading 50 pages of the the in detail descriptions of abuse i felt sick and depressed and really hated this world after reading that, I trust police even less now. At that time suicide felt like a viable option but it really makes you think how many sick fucks are out there fuck this world seriously fuck this world

      • When the fuck did I defend the mindless cult of Islam you illiterate cunt?

      • oh no dear boy you can’t read thats a shame well for starters i never said you were i said she was. The women who wrote the article defending islam, i said she was, are you a she?wasn’t talking to you, i’m not illiterate i was merely agreeing with you you were jumping to conclusions cause you never read my comment , i up vote your comment and agree with you and you call me a illiterate cunt . Are you welsh by any chance or are you the type of mate who calls his friends cunts and a random stranger mate, kinda backwards `hey .

      • Perhaps if you included some punctuation and capital letters, people could understand the points you are trying to make.

    • Seems fair. Enjoy your wank…

      …although Leanne Wood? Christ, you must be desperate! You’d need a paper bag over her head and a cork in her mouth before fucking that!

      • A cork in her mouth? I knew you Ancient Greek types were sexual deviants but why the fuck would I want to do that?

        You’re one letter away from what I would put in her mouth.

      • You need it to stop her talking. The Welsh love the sound of their own voices. And that accent would drive me mental !!!

        Plus she’d really ruin the whole experience by telling you that you’re doing it wrong. The Welsh are NEVER wrong

        They also sing much too loud, much too often, and flat…

      • I’m afraid I can’t agree with your assessment of our Welsh friends. Went out with a Welsh girl when I lived in Swansea back in the early nineties and she fucking loved it!

    • Here’s some more…

      Fuck Chelsea FC
      Fuck Plaid Cymru
      Fuck Sinn Fein
      Fuck Man City
      Fuck Obama
      Fuck the Conservatives
      Fuck the LibDems
      Fuck UKIP
      Fuck Ed Milliband
      Fuck FIFA
      Fuck Andreas Lubitz

  19. The Leader’s debate reminded me of a 1970’s Game Show. Winner gets an Austin Allegro, losers get a Dusty Bin…..

    • Sure it wasn’t the other way round? Dusty Bin would have had more rustproofing and a better paint job

  20. Leaders debate, what a fucking load of wankitude that was, I’m sure the X-Factor generation lapped it up, I on the other hand watched some porn and had a wank before putting the cat out and going to bed.
    I don’t vote, never will and I am not MR so and so, I’m a human being, not a piece of paper that is not proof of identity but I am expected to represent everytime the government want some money.

    Fuck them all, bunch of cunts

    • If you don’t vote, then you’ve no right to complain at what you get IMHO. I’ll let you off if you go down to the ballot box and write ‘No suitable candidate’ on the paper. If enough of us spoil the ballot paper, then somebody might take notice. It’ll take a while but it’s a start – maybe even a quiet revolution if we all do it?

  21. I refuse to even do that, I am not on the electoral register and as far as I am concerned I do not need a fucking thing from the government.
    Every aspect of governance is to get state control, you have to get a license or a permit from the government to do anything, but hang on, if you need a license from the government to do something then by proxy it CANNOT be illegal or criminal.
    Read the Road Traffic Act fully, it all applies to ‘commerce’ and this is how they tax you by twisted legal wordplay, why else has Blacks Law Dictionary had so many revisions? 😛
    Because I thought a word defined something, why would they ever need to change? Because they are creating and closing loopholes, much the same way accountants creatively avoid corporation tax.

    I do not need the gov for anything, I know right from wrong and am an honourable man, the more people have to rely on the gov the more enslaved they become, just look at benefit claimants, if they don’t get their giro in the post they don’t eat – enslaved.
    Then you have the working tax credits crap, again relying on the gov and how often do you hear of miscalculations and families being ordered to pay back for their fuck-ups – enslaved.
    Driving or traveling, you need a gov driving license or passport – enslaved.

    People need to wake up to the whole democratic enslavement, it all starts with your birth certificate and continues for as long as you agree you are that name (the legal fiction)
    Bin your birth certificate, fuck the gov and get on with your lives in peace 🙂

    • I see where you’re coming from – but that presumably means you won’t claim the state pension, don’t want roads to drive on, don’t need street lights or drains or electricity or railways or schools or hospitals or loadsa other things that the government spends your taxes on. You don;t mind if the country is invaded because there’s no army. You don’t want a police force so everyone can do what they like and there’s no courts or laws?

      Like I said, if you don’t vote then you deserve what they give you and have no right to complain about it…

  22. And incidentially what does it say on your birth certificate…
    COPYRIGHT OF THE CROWN (I mailed mine back to Liz saying I found it, I never heard anything back mind you!)

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