The Labour Party [3]


The entire Labour Party are a bunch of cunts……but then so are most politicians which I believe I have stated before!!!!.

Milliband is the wettest, drippiest cunt of a politician and God help us if he gets in power. He would surely reach levels of cuntishness that Gordon Brown only aspired to.

The Tory party before that painful Labour rule weren’t perfect by a long way and irrelevant of my political party choice. I firmly believe that 10/15 years is long enough of any one party before it NEEDS to be moved to the other side to balance things out.

However the Labour cunts in their term did fuck all other than run the country into debt like we’ve not seen in generations. They took us to war which is pricey I know and there was the global crash but they had a huge hand to play in allowing that to happen, looking the other way. And that is to say nothing about that cunt Brown selling our gold reserves when the price of gold was at it’s lowest in years!!!

Nominated by: Cunty Cunterson

6 thoughts on “The Labour Party [3]

  1. If there is one thing both political parties agree on, its throwing cash away like there was a never ending supply.
    Labour of course squandered the treasury pot shamelessly in their term in office, leaving the Tories with little alternative than to introduce austerity measures.
    What is a constant source of amazement to me however, is quite how, with a country in such dire financial shit, either party is still insistent on throwing away cash on 3rd world relief, ( money to China and India FFs?) getting involved in foreign wars and pandering to the EU’s every demand for more contributions.

    God help us if Milliband gets into power and more so if its in a coalition with the SNP

  2. Last night the idiot known as Natalie Bennet actually stated that we were using up the resources of three planets ????? How the fuck is that even possible ?????? Daft bint.

  3. The Conservative Party are cunts.

    In the interests of balance, it’s worth pointing out what unimpressive cunts the current crop of Tories are. Without the twin liability of Chicken Dave and Gideon the Towel-Folder (and Aussie cunt Lynton Crosby pulling the strings behind the scenes), the Tories could – and should – be doing a hell of a lot better. Their rampant scaremongering and barefaced lies don’t seem to be convincing anyone other than die-hard Tories or they would have broken ahead in the polls long before now. It’s no surprise that Chicken Dave’s “Contract Between The Conservative Party and You” that appeared in the Press throughout the 2010 campaign has mysteriously vanished from the Tory website and has been erased from the archive too. Wonder why that could be? Almost every single promise broken perhaps? Here it is:

    Given all the shit that the Tories – aided and abetted by the Mail, Express, Telegraph and Murdoch titles – have been hurling at the hopeless cunt Miliband for months, you’d expect him to have obligingly topped himself by now, not be level-pegging with Chicken Dave at this stage of the game. I mean for fuck’s sake, Miliband is such an easy target on so many levels, yet the cuntly Tories can’t seem to hit him effectively, let alone deliver a knockout blow. In the current political climate maybe it’s impossible for any politician to persuasively claim the moral, intellectual or economic highground. It’s like asking people to choose between Ian Huntley or Ian Brady. Brady is schizophrenic whereas Huntley is a psychopath, but they both murdered children, so in the end it’s six of one and half a dozen of the other.

    Perhaps, like me, the general public despises these cunts equally. I’m hoping for a hung parliament – my definition of which sees Cameron, Clegg and Miliband dangling from a noose side by side on a specially adapted gallows built for three.

    • Seriously?! A hung parliament again means we as a nation have no backbone. Only a thick cunt would wish for one!! Silly asshole

  4. Is it me, or has anyone noticed that Ed Millicunt is the living embodiment of MTV’s Beavis. Does that make Ed Balls Butthead ?
    Of course not, he is a cunt.

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