David Cameron [14]


Cameron is a Russian doll of cunts — Every new layer of shellac that falls off this slimy sack of excrement in the shape of a human, reveals is yet another cunt inside the Cunt Cameron.

His latest fuckmupery is supporting the dead-eyed sack of filth, Maria Miller, for thieving, bullying, lying, and other Tory core values.

David Cameron is loathsome cunt shit. He says his foreign aid budget is his proudest achievement (giving our money away – £620 per household in Britain in the fiscal year 2013-2014). David Cameron is a lying corrupt cunt. The truth is most the £11.3 billion a year set aside for overseas aid goes to thieving Tory cunts acting as consultants, and what is left over is thieved by dictators and foreign politicians who are pals of the filth in parliament (and give them nice holidays and presents + cash in brown envelopes).

Cunt Cameron is extremely proud of selling off the post office cheap to his pals (thereby thieving a £billion from taxpayers). He has no shame or remorse. His time in office is all about how much he can thieve to enrich himself and other Tory filth at the expense of the poor.

Every single thing Cunt Cameron does is dishonest and corrupt. This High Speed 2 railway is bollox. £75billion to a £100billion for a journey that will be 15 minutes faster. You can smell stinking corruption of Cunt Cameron on this project. Tory filth will be thieving 1,000s of £millions of taxpayers money (just like the Olympic horse-shit).

David Cameron is a filthy evil cunt. He is a liar without a shred of honour, humanity or decency.

The motto of criminal Tory filth, under this diabolical malignant cunt, Cunt Cameron, is, “never tell the truth, never resign, thieve as much as you can from the poor to give to the rich and for yourself.”

Nominated by: Alice