Gulf Coast Bigfoot Research Organisation (GCBRO)

is a cunt.

Now you might not of heard of this scientific organisation.

They hunt Bigfoot.?

Now Bigfoot is either

A) a undiscovered primate species ,

B). A relic hominid or early species of human

C) complete bollocks.

Now plenty of people try and prove the existence of Bigfoot.

They take plaster castes of
Trail cameras
Do DNA testing on hair, scat , samples etc.
A scientific approach.

The GCBRO take a different scientific approach.

They’re gonna blow it’s fuckin head off.

Now as a large hairy biped who likes to spend time in the woods,
I’m hesitant at this.

GCBRO get together in head to toe camouflage and high powered rifles to.try.and shoot the big lad.
For his own good like.

Only a matter of time till some hiker, bird watcher, lumberjack gets mistaken for a wookiee and there’s a corpse missing a head and a legal case for GCBRO.

One said

” They’re rare and at risk . We git one on a slab we kin git it protection.”

Gee thanks Cletus.
Maybe you can save the panda too?


Nominated by : Miserable northern cunt

Miranda Kauffmann

Miranda Kaufmann is one almighty Marxist cunt.

Now before I state what follows, I wish to make it clear I’m not feeling aggrieved about being a parent of a fee-paying school student. I’m not a massively wealthy person, so the £9k a term my ex-wife and I split to send our daughter to a London school that she is lucky to be able to go to and escape the dismal alternatives in her state school catchment, is money I have to graft for every fucking penny and deny myself holidays for. Fine, no problem, my daughter’s education is my luxury.

But when you pay for the privelege of your child’s education (and remove one more child from the state education system that you still also pay for but which resulting space you allow to be enjoyed by another child less lucky than yours), you may, like me, hope you can liberate your child from the manacles of leftist identarian poison and grant them the opportunity of some reasonably objective standards of education; or get some fucking value for money in other words.

Think again. My daughter’s Yr 8 history syllabus this past term? Black Tudors. I repeat. Black Tudors. This is her introduction to Tudor history. A module based entirely on the effluent spouted by this black obsessed bitch, as embodied in a book by the same title as this syllabus. Turns out that in the canon of English Tudor history, the war of the Roses, the reformation and establishment of a new political opposition to Catholic hegemony, the fight against France to expand British colonial influence and shore up our nation’s international primacy, no, the biggest fucking thing that 12 year olds should be learning about is the 3 black people in Tudor times who did things like playing a trumpet and podgering Anne Boleyn when Henry VIII was too shagged out from a stag hunt.

Worse than that, in the true spirit of Marxist revisionism, it would seem that falling into this definition of Black “Tudors” is one Jacques Francis, a black scuba diver who helped salvage the Mary Rose – yep, you heard that right, for £9k a fucking term my daughter is being told that a dark complexioned frog man in the 1980s was – I’m sure unknown to him – a fucking Tudor, and an important one at that!

My daughter has pleaded with me not to go to the next parents evening and talk to the history tutor convening this afront to education (and yep, you got it, the teacher in question is originally from a much hotter part of the world than Chiswick) – but I’m grinding my fucking axe already and looking forward to some contributions from my fellow cunters when I announce my objections to this desecration of the role of educator and my contempt for the Kaufmann bitch pumping this bullshit.

miranda kauffmann website

History Reclaimed (as a counterpoint – Day Admin)

Nominated by: Balsamic Dave

The plan for growth that never was

‘Labour has a Plan for Growth’ boasted Kweer Sponger just 6 months ago.

And what has this plan been? Tax Middle England to death, spunk money on foreigners, doctors, train drivers and net zero bollocks, and then wonder how Rachel from Complaints has managed to put the country into recession.

There never was a plan of course, and here’s the proof. In an act of ultimate desperation they’re turning to a bunch of career civil servants responsible for regulating public utilities to come up with some ideas for economic growth. People whose job it is to stifle growth. Brilliant!

Seriously, have we ever had such a useless, inept, clueless, despairing bunch of idiots running the country?

Sponger and Thieves, the Laurel and Hardy of British politics. That’s another fine mess you’ve gotten us into.


Nominated by: Geordie Twatt

Guilt laden charity adverts

A cunting required for all the guild laden charity adverts I am seeing these days, saw the above adopt a fucking Orca ad today and thought for fuck sake, they are now touting for people to adopt a wild Orca and keep Orca families together, pay for an Orcas shopping, or a homeless Orca you get the idea, thats just one of them.
There are hundreds baby shades with cleft lips, African babies with a cold, homeless crack heads, who need a new I phone- donate £50,ex Donkey porn stars, young muzzie girls married to stinky old pervs- and the affronts of white wimminz who have an issue with this,
Dirty Harriet just says don’t send money to the cunts send them condoms.
Then we have help the people of Gaza, Ukraine ,Amanda Holden’s next surgeries, repairs to Harvey Prices new cage, RSPA and my personal favourite the RNLI .
Some of these are indeed worthy causes, some are not and some are just miss used, like using life boats to bring illegal immigrants to the UK from France [ that really pisses me off].
But then i started thinking, when did this stuff become big business and how much of your donation actually goes where the guilt shamed donator thinks it goes.
So first and foremost it looks like 40pence out of every pound is paid in tax to the government, then the cost of the adverts, then the boss of the company gets a share and then further trickle down economics until the tiny percentage thats left finally gets given intended end user.
Also what is the percentage that has to be donated by the charity to be classed as a charity 30% apparently and then that 30%is then miss used by the organization [think RNLI] to be spent how they see fit.
So first and foremost the charity spends the money on itself, the street i used to work in had a building built, so they could move out of a rented building using donations meant for the actual kids they are meant to be helping, another on the same street are supposed to be helping homeless people and all we saw is electric cars and chargers being installed that are never used and thats only obvious if you can see it, imagine the money that gets spunked up the wall by these outfits and what money grabbing cunts they all really are.
Then of course you have completely unregulated crowd funding and this is by cunts who want to cut out the cunts who skim off the top, dead scrotes whose mum wants another all expense paid trip abroad or football hooley killed for probably acting like a cunt in Spain and the beat goes on…..


Nominated by Fuglyucker and seconded by Chuff Chugger.

I would not only like to second this cunting, but add to it if I may. Gone are the days in TV charity adverts asking for a donation, or will legacy. The latest charity adverts are now asking for either specific amounts or minimum amounts….not contents with the odd fiver, they now state ‘£25 will buy Ranjit a weeks worth of food’ or ‘£50 will buy Willomena and her load of sprogs clean water for a year’ thus guilt shaming people in to send more than the original fiver they were going to send, so will now send more than they can afford or not even send the fiver they were going to as it’s considered such a paltry amount.


Rory Campbell

is a cunt.

Oh dear, I forsee trouble breaking out in the Campbell dynasty.

Old soak Alistair, probably already hitting the bottle harder than ever over Orange Man’s victory, has now seen his £300,000 ‘investment’ in his son’s gambling syndicate disappear down the swanee.

Son Rory, clearly a chip off the old cunt block, described his syndicate as ‘massively low risk’ and convinced his dad and others to ‘invest’ millions. One wonders how pissed the old man must have been to believe that gambling on the outcome of football matches amounts to a low risk investment.

Hopefully Rory will do the decent thing now and do himself in, then his old man can find out how it feels to lose a close family member to suicide.


Nominated by Geordie Twatt.