“Good afternoon. This is IsAC’s travel correspondent Ron Knee bringing you first news of an incredible new holiday destination for 2025.
Are you feeling a bit jaded by your familiar jetset holiday round of Monte Carlo, Saint Moritz and Antigua? Tired of bumping into the Waleses and the Clooneys, and the other same old faces?
Well I’m here to bring you news of the new ultra cool, ultra chic destination for 2025. Say ‘hi!’ to the glittering sophistication of Majeon Beach, North Korea, the former missile testing site that has been utterly transformed into one of the world’s most glamorous playgrounds.
Majeon (that’s Korean for ‘New Benidorm’, by the way) is the utterly exclusive 10 star resort* that has recently been blessed by a visit from none other than the Dear Leader Kim Jong Wrong-un himself, whose portrait graces every room in the place.
This playground of the mega rich and famous has everything you’d expect. Luxurious accommodation; rooms have an indoor toilet (with one toilet roll provided per visit) and electricity and running water for no less than two hours every day. Only the finest cuisine is offered, featuring local delicacies such as seaweed and sawdust porridge and desiccated locust, washed down by vintage North Korean wines, certified to have matured and aged for a least three weeks. Also featured are a three hole mini golf, a paddling pool, and twice weekly bingo sessions.
The beach is of the finest soft sand, and female visitors will be allowed to frolic in bikinis, a pleasure denied to local women. In fact, you can rest assured that you won’t be troubled at all by bothersome locals, as they aren’t allowed near the place. Should you become tired of lounging on your sunbed, a variety of exciting excursions await, such as a visit to a chicken manure processing plant or a guided tour of a salt mine. You may even be given the opportunity to participate in the time-honoured North Korean tradition of floating shit-laden balloons across the demilitarised zone into South Korea**, or viewing the execution of disgraced officials***.
Indeed Majeon Beach is so exclusive that so far it has only been visited by a select group of Russians, in recognition of the accord shared between two of the world’s great leaders. But the good news is that the NK International Travel Company is now considering the acceptance of a limited number of visitor registrations from Westerners. So if you want to be among the first to visit this world class facility, my advice is to get in fast.
One cautionary note. It’s believed that initially at least, only one-way tickets will be available for purchase, with punters only able to buy a return ticket at an incredibly extortionate price once in the country. Therefore be prepared to pack large amounts of Yankee greenbacks, Swiss francs, uncut diamonds and gold sovereigns in your case****.
This is Ron Knee for IsAC, wishing you ‘bon voyage!’ and returning you to the studio”.
*official rating, North Korean State Bureau of Classification
**subject to prevailing wind conditions
***sentences may be commuted to public flogging and humiliation
****visitors should be aware that a hefty bribe will also be payable to administrators
Nominated by Ron Knee.