Before President Trump had even got his feet back under his desk in the White House, that sanctimonious humbug Pope Francis had a go over the ‘disgrace’ of the president’s plans to intensify immigration enforcement actions in the US.
Il Papa’s got form on this, and has made ‘welcoming migrants’ a recurring theme over the course of his papacy. He stated ‘it would make migrants who have nothing pay the unpaid bill’. He has previously referred to Trump as ‘not a Christian’.
In a subsequent update, the Pope has indicated that the Vatican (which is estimated to hold between $10 and $15 billion worth of gold and other investments, plus an incalculable amount of wealth in property and art treasures) would be digging deep into its own resources to help meet payments on this ‘unpaid bill’. In addition, he stated that several hundred migrants would now be housed in his private apartments, and in those of other senior clerics, as well as being fed, clothed, and given money and a passport**.
**Okay, I made that last paragraph up. Which, I’m sure, will come as no surprise. So go on then, you pious old hypocrite, put your money where your mouth is. We’re waiting, tick tock…
Nominated by : Ron Knee