As if it is not bad enough that we have Bernie Winters in the cabinet (with Dirty Ange as the dog), it seems his oh-so-serious brother Mike is on the way back to importance” – yes David Miliband who used to vie with Mandy Mandelson to be Blair’s arse-licker in chief, is, apparently, lobbying to become British Ambassador in Washington, if the Donald prevents queen Mandy for taking the throne.
What a cabinet full of back-stabbers as well as shit stabbers Kweer employs!
It seems that the £800,000 a year Dodgy Dave “earns” from the “charity” he oversees International Rescue, isn’t quite enough to support him, his cello playing wife and the two sons he paid to adopt (to give that family man image).
I suppose Dave is a slightly better closet case (the wife and children give off an illusion of normality), rather than that posturing effeminate 70 something mincing bum boy, but does this country really want the other Miliband back when you consider the fuck-up his brother is making?: Perhaps Ed and Dave should have a good old bitch fight in public to decide, handbags and powder compacts at dawn.
Nominated by : W. C. Boggs