Workplace bullying


Bullies and cliques in the work place do my suede in, the seriously need a cunting.

I’ve seen it happen, many a time. How can these, and I use the term loosely, adults, many married with kids, promote themselves to make someone’s life a misery, just because they’re either shy, quiet, don’t want to join their ‘gang/clique’ or, heaven forbid, don’t want to join in the secret fucking Santa or have some kind off affliction.

It’s bad enough in schools, but in the fucking work place, it’s fucking disgraceful behaviour, when all most people want to do is earn a decent crust and fuck off home…

I’m sorry to say, it nearly always seems to be fucking women and sometimes nancyboy blokes, who haven’t got the bollocks to stand up to them, so, they join in. The fucking wankers, bleat on how they are the hardest workers, yet spend most of the day, gossiping and shit stirring.

I’ve seen a many good worker not turn up the next day, never to return and when I bump into them, tell me that’s why they left….

Fucking cocksucking wankfucking bullies………I hate them.

Nominated by: Cuntybollocks