The Times


The Times is a biased, duplicitous cunt.

When J Edgar Murdoch, ubercunt, bought it in 1981 he had to promise it would remain politically neutral to meet the requirements of the Monopolies and Mergers Commission. He’s been chipping away at this ever since until it’s just a mouthpiece, or arsehole, for Murdoch’s schemes to influence HMG, from Major, Blair and Brown through to Cameron. Nearly all of his main columnists have connections to the Conservative party so Murdoch has no problem when he wants to dis any threats to them. The latest case is UKIP (and yes, I am kipper – a cunt first, but then a kipper). When UKIP was in danger of eating into the tory vote in the 2014/15 elections the times tories went into anti-UKIP overdrive.

The recent story, Thursday 11th, about dodgy UKIP candidates was a front page lead in the Times with a double page spread inside, seemed a bit OTT to me when I read it, i.e. too much coverage of a pretty minor story, I mean it’s not exactly news that UKIP have had a few oddballs representing them in the past.

This pisses me off no end as I’ve been reading the Times since 1988 and I thought the paper was reasonably balanced, even if it always came down on the side of the Tories at election time. This didn’t bother me much as back then, in fact up until this year I’d always voted Green or Lib-Dem (anyone but Tory or Labour, 2 cheeks of the same rancid arsehole – I forget who I nicked the analogy from). Over the last year or so, since retiring, I’ve started to take a bit more interest in politics, current affairs etc and I’ve seen how biased the rag has become (now I can compare then stories against other sources on-lone and TV news, i.e. pro-US, pro-EU, anti-UKIP, pro-Turkey and Saudi Arabia, anti-Russian, demonising of Corbyn, oh and I forgot pro-Cameron and the “new” tories.

As a newspaper of “record” it’s become a fucking disgrace.

I’d better cunt myself for being a hypocrite as I still buy the rag occasionally.

Nominated by: Frottom