The Tolkien Society

The Tolkien Society


Watch out ladies, they’ve got swords and aren’t scared to unsheath them

Long an admirer of Tolkien, I have been a member of the Tolkien Society for some years now. It’s a way to fully appreciate Professor Tolkien’s unique and very English genius as a prolific sub-creator. And I mean the real, literary Tolkien, not the juvenilised version in Peter Jackson’s films.

I know Tolkien is not everyone’s cup of tea. Regardless, you have to admire the exhaustive and very learned creativity he poured into his life work. A professor of philology and Anglo-Saxon at Oxford, he spent a lifetime creating the languages, history and geography of Middle-Earth as well as writing his greatest books, the Silmarillion and the Lord of the Rings. His purpose was to create a mythology for England, which he felt was sadly lacking, having been stamped out by the Anglo-Normans. I know of nothing else like Tolkien’s achievement in the history of literature. For people of a scholarly bent studying Tolkien is endlessly fascinating. The Tolkien Society has helped people gain an appreciation of Tolkien through its publications and conferences on Tolkien. It’s not some amateur society of immature Middle-Earth geeks, nerds and cosplayers but a serious literary organisation.

Unfortunately, like everything else, the Tolkien Society has gone woke. This years Tolkien Society conference is called “Tolkien and Diversity”. Papers to be presented include, “Gondor in Transition: A Brief Introduction to Transgender Realities in The Lord of the Rings,” “The Lossoth: Indigeneity, Identity, and Antiracism,” and “‘Something Mighty Queer’: Destabilizing Cishetero Amatonormativity in the Works of Tolkien.” There is also “ Pardoning Saruman?: The Queer in Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings”. WTF?

It’s immediately apparent that the “scholars” presenting these papers don’t know the first thing about Tolkien. It sounds more like they hate Tolkien and would like to destroy his achievement. Tolkien had nothing whatsoever to say about Woke obsessions. He would have hated wokedom. There are no “transgender realities” in Tolkien. There is nothing about race or queerness. And he certainly wouldn’t have cared a fuck about “cishetero amatonormativity.”

Why would these morons want to vandalise Tolkien’s work with their abnormal obsessions. Because deep down they hate him. He represents all that they despise – a conservative, an English patriot with a deep love of England and it’s countryside, a Christian with a tolerant world view but respectful of others and a WW1 veteran. Someone who believed in the value of English civilisation. He was also an Edwardian and like others of his generation had a benign but hierarchical view of society.

That Woke idiots now come to slander, distort and destroy these sub-creations of Tolkien is also, paradoxically, a testament to his legacy. Like Melkor and Sauron, they are possessed by the dark thoughts of their own imaginings and want to bring Tolkien down to their grubby level, where everything can be reduced to race and sex and politics. And the Tolkien Society are letting these orcs in through the front door.

A veritable Mount Doom of cunt.

Nominated by the Marvellous Mechanical Cunting Machine

103 thoughts on “The Tolkien Society

  1. John Roald Rule Tolkein was a literary genius and a quite excellent fellow.

    How else could he have created my existence ?

    Lord Sauron

  2. This sort of thing is inevitable these days. The more so because they cast a major Qu*er in the star role for the cinema, and now have to ‘re-write’ to meet THAT narrative – not the original.

    *is your friend if you don’t want to get auto-moderated – DA

    • And yet the LBG&T folk regularly affix a Q as well. When you ask THEM what it stands for they tell you Que*r!

  3. Closest I got to Tolkien was listening to Led Zeppelin. But I understand why those who love his work are annoyed at the loony left hijacking his legacy.

    I know Peter Jackson did those films a bit ago. But I dare say the dreaded Disney will do their own Tolkien films at some time, and the likes of Frodo and Bilbo will be black or peaceful. The cunts have already blacked up Snow White. Nothing – absolutely nothing – is safe from these cunts.

    And I will be cunting Disney (and Apple*) about the distribution of Peter Jackson’s Beatles film soon.

    *Apple Records, that is.

  4. There’s a LOTR TV series in the works, and the casting looks major league WOKE, i’m afraid that just like Star Wars, it will be dragged down a path that the purists like myself cannot follow.

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