The mannequin challenge


Can someone please explain this shitty “mannequin challenge”?

Everyday I feel a little less connected to this world. I’m all for never growing up and staying forever young, but the world has gone barmy. Organised fun should be left to the under tens, and any older cunt doing shite like ice bucket challenges should be sent to reeducation classes.

There they will be verbally abused until they realize its only patter. They will go without social media until they can talk to each other face to face for more than five minutes without being upset at other people’s facial expressions.

They will be taught to wear what they like , and not have to copy any hipster trends coz hipsters who do not change will be shot. And apart from the wimmin, the “men” will learn to get horny over the opposite sex again…

And they will learn that when some doss cunt throws icy water over themselves or grows a moustache that they are just fucking eejits with no hope and will be terminated.

Here’s to a brave new world with no cunty eejits to encumber us……

Nominated by : Birdman