The Guardian


I have to nominate the Guardian and its comment moderators for a cunting.

The bloody Guardian dares to use a picture of C.P.Scott with the caption “Comment is free, but facts are sacred” but they are constantly deleting comments that don’t abide by their “community standards.” Basically, if you don’t subscribe to their world view, your comment gets deleted. So much for “Comment is free.” Heirs to Voltaire these twats are not.

I wrote a comment on an article today (Sun 10/1) by Nick Cohen (“Don’t look to the Pope for Enlightenment values”); I don’t always agree with Cohen but compared to his colleagues, he is a beacon of sanity in an ocean of utter bollocks. His article was a welcome retort to a couple of odious pieces on the events in Cologne and elsewhere, both written, bizarrely, by female journalists who were more “offended” (Christ, how I hate that fucking word) by the suggestion that the bestial behaviour on NYE was carried out by asylum seekers than by the behaviour itself.

If I remember correctly I wrote something like this:
“A splendid article. Thank you Mr Cohen.
We live in strange times. “Liberals” want to censor anything they disagree with. “Feminists” demonise those who criticise mass sexual assault whilst female politicians issue guidelines to the victims of said assaults rather than the perpetrators. “Muslim” is now an ethnicity. And a man who loudly proclaims his reasons for shooting a police officer has his reasons dismissed by those who think they know better.
Perhaps the public revulsion against the events in Cologne and the attempted cover-up by the media will make some people rethink their ideas. And perhaps Mick McCarthy will lead Ipswich to Champions League glory in 2018.”

What, I ask, is the reason this comment was deleted? Excessive sarcasm? Supporting a football team outside the Nu-footie twats’ wonderland of the Premier League? No, I’m pretty sure I know the reason why this comment was deleted.

The ongoing (one way) love-in between folks who describe themselves as “progressive” or “liberal” or “left wing” and micro-cocked Islamists is one of the enduring mysteries of the 21st century. Seriously, I just don’t get it. Opponents of Islamism or critics of Islam (yes, I think they are different things; we can argue about that another time) are routinely described as “far right.” But even mainstream Islam, based as it is on rigid conformity to some pretty old fashioned ideas, seems pretty fucking right wing to me. And some Islamists have views that would make even Heinrich Himmler blanch.

But the Guardian is only part of what appears to be a spreading intolerance and conformity in public life in the West. Deviate a millimetre from the current “progressive” line and you are instantly beyond the pale. Thus, that repellent harridan Germaine Greer, who has made a career for 50 fucking years with her version of feminism, is called a misogynist for suggesting that cutting off your bollocks, sitting down to piss and wearing a dress doesn’t make you a woman. A softly spoken Iranian lady, who dares to dress how she pleases, supports women’s rights in various Islamic hellholes and is open about leaving her religion, is howled down by aggressive Islamist males and the “feminists” at the university where this outrage occurred side with the fucking Islamists. That arrogant cockmuncher Cumberbatch is slagged off by shitheads for saying “coloured people” instead of “people of colour.” Fuck me ragged.

So, fuck you Guardian moderators. And fuck (metaphorically I assure you) all your brain-dead, Islamophile, “feminist” columnists who are more interested in defending savage sex attackers from nasty name calling than in defending the right of young girls to walk safely down the streets of their hometown.

Nominated by: Cunt’s Mate Cunt


Oh, so much cuntitude, so much of it…

Franny Armstong is a smug hypocritical let-them-eat-cake elitist, 
bien-pensant Islington media-liberal, disconnected-from-joe-public’s 
reality, ecomentalist cunt.

And so is Richard Curtis… but perhaps slightly less so.

Nominated by dontmakemelarf

Richard Curtis is a 10:10 climate gate global warming scaremonger 
blowing up kids in a shit alarmist lying film cunt of a cunt

Nominated by The Last Of The Few

…the entire totalitarian entourage of 10/10 twats need to be “Cunted”, 
along with Tottenham Hotspur F.C. Gillian Anderson, 
The Guardian newspaper, the odious BBC for good measure too, 
as on a daily basis they’re shown up as cunts 
and any other Global warming 
Stalinist entity known to mankind…

Nominated by Dazed And Confused