The Armchair Ulema


The armchair ulema deserve a severe cunting.

For those folks who don’t know (although the number of folks who are unaware of the violence in the Koran is shrinking after every Islamist attack, much to the chagrin of BBC and Guardianazi “progressive” types), the ulema are the body of “scholars” entitled to opine on all things Islamic. One must be recognised as a member by other greasy beard wearing paedophiles to qualify; needless to say, no women need apply. However, this doesn’t stop various “progressive” fucktards claiming that ISIS is not Islamic, based on their reading of a Wikipedia page and a couple of op-ed pieces in the Guardian written by odious cunts like Mehdi Hasan. That stupid bitch in the audience of Question Time on Thursday night whining about the straw man of “Islamophobia” is a prime example of this type of cunt.

The leader of ISIS (the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) has a Ph.D. in Islamic Studies from the Islamic University of Baghdad. He is so confident of his Islamic credentials that he has declared himself Caliph, second on Earth only to the semi-historical desert bandit who allegedly started all this nonsense. May I respectfully suggest to these cocksuckers that Al-Baghdadi knows more about his religion than you do.

Interestingly, it is considered poor form in Guardianazi circles to question someone’s self-identification. Thus, Germaine Greer was hounded by “progressive” twats for saying that injecting yourself with female hormones, putting on a dress and sitting down to piss doesn’t make you a woman. But it’s apparently ok to say these self-identifying Muslims are not Muslims because … eh, because I said so, you racist bastard. How dare you invade my safe space?

A lot of wankstains tweeted (twatted?) a tidied-up, Toytown version of Koran 5:32 after the recent events in Paris in order to prove that Islam is a “religion of peace” (copyright, every “progressive” cunt who has ever touched a keyboard). Now, if this is the best they can do to prove Islam is peaceful, then they are in big trouble. I invite fellow cunters, to read the whole verse and the one after it to get a true sense of what it means. The armchair ulema accuse ISIS of quoting the Koran out of context and then proceed to do exactly the same thing.

Nominated by: Cunt’s Mate Cunt