Unlike other religious groups, Sikhs, Hundus, Buddhists, Jew, etc Muslims have done absolutely nothing to fit in with British culture. In fact in a lot of cases, WE have been expected to change in order to accommodate THEIR culture. And thanks to those soppy, hand wringing cunts on the left, that’s exactly what’s happened. Britain today, is one where Sharia courts are tolerated, even though they have absolutely no authority under British law. We have Muslim men living in illegal polygamous marriages, but being allowed to get away with it because ‘it’s their culture’. The problem with that argument though, is THEY live in OUR culture. If a non Muslim were to commit polygamy, they would be prosecuted.
It’s also their culture to treat woman as fifth class citizens. The property of men. Are we to turn a blind eye to that? It’s their culture to marry off pre-pubescent girls to much older men. Are we supposed to accept that happening in this country? We already have a situation where people are beginning to ask if the meat they buy from supermarkets is Halal. We shouldn’t be having to ask. Why should a fucking minority be allowed to dictate to the majority how the meat we consume is slaughtered? If they must have meat slaughtered in such a barbaric way, they have should specialist butchers.
Then there’s the so called ‘radical Muslims’. The likes of Hamza, Qatada, Bakri and Choudhary. For years they were allowed to stand out in the streets, preaching hatred and encouraging violence against non Muslims. Why? If I were stand in the street, shouting about how evil Islam is, I’d be arrested for hate crimes. Even though Islam IS evil. They stood on the streets, whingeing about how evil the UK is, how Muslims are oppressed and downtrodden. Obvious lies, yet nobody in authority challenged those lies.
Someone should have said to them, “Listen, you chose to come and live in the UK. Nobody forced you. You know you’re telling lies, so shut the fuck up. In fact, you should seriously consider using your right to fuck right off out of the UK, and move to a country more to your liking. Saudi Arabia for example. That’s a medieval shit hole, you’d love it there.
We keep reading about Muslim ‘men’ forming paedophile gangs and raping young white girls, yet the authorities continually try to sweep it under the carpet. They young victims slagged off as lying femmes fatales who led those poor Muslim men on. Even when the scandal first broke, there were some left wing cunts who tried to bury it by telling us that the majority of paedophiles in the UK were White. Yes, but that’s because White people form the majority. Simple numbers. Statistically, by race/religion, there are more Asian Muslim paedophiles than in any other racial/religious group.
The fact is, Islam is far from being a religion of peace. It is a malevolent belief system that condones acts of violence and murder against everyone who does not follow that belief system. It is also a fact that Islam is incompatible with Western life and values. I live in area with a huge Bangladeshi population. Everyday I see the contempt these so called peaceful Muslims show toward my country. In my opinion, it’s time that Muslims were told to leave the UK, as they are a divisive force, and no longer welcome here.
Nominated by : Quick Draw McGraw