

Catholicism is a evil religion and the worst form/sect of christianity who through the ages have brought genocide, torture, death, pain, confusion and misery.

I have never said anything good about the Church of England and catholicism in general isn’t even christianity per se. It’s actually a paganized form of it, where in the pope acts as a god who does no wrong infallible ie “incapable of failure or error”.

It also makes it’s own rules and laws which also wants to bring other religions together which is the opposite of christs teaching. The pope is apologetic to islam, has kissed the koran and promotes refugees/migrants and even said extremists have a right to kill if you offend them(this was after the charlie heb’ado attacks).

Paedophilia is a sad state of affairs in catholicism and the church is unapologetic.

Nominated by: Titslapper

Tyson Fury


Tyson Fury is a complete cunt with ridiculous ideas, in this country we still (just about) have the right to freedom of expression as long as violence is not incited and I don’t believe that the idiot has done that.

I am really worried about our seemingly decreasing right to free speech, it has already been stopped by Muslim apologists by the use of the ridiculous term ‘Islamophobia’ and by certain Muslims who are prepared to kill for any perceived slight to their prophet.

Maybe I should also cunt religion in general for being granted far too much respect whilst not having a shred of evidence for the existence for any of its claims. Religion is the basis of Tyson Fury’s opinions, but sadly the Bible/Koran etc. give credence to all these appalling ideas.

Ian Sawyer who has reported Tyson Fury to the police for hate crime is a right cunt too.

Nominated by: Serena



Scientology is overdue for a cunting.

What brings this cunting to the fore is the letter that dropped onto my doormat yesterday, inviting me to join a course on detoxification with the ‘church’ of cuntology.

Apparently, for a fee I can go to a scientology centre and have numerous toxins removed from my system including street drugs, prescription drugs, petrol / diesel and Asbestos.

Now call me a cunt, but I always thought that removing drugs from your system is pretty easy. Don’t start taking them in the first place.

Asbestos on the other hand is an absolute cunt of a substance and any poor fucker who gets it in their lungs is in for a slow and painful death. There is no cure.

My ex father-in-law is currently wasting away from asbestosis and I have already seen one of my engineers go the same way. It is a heartbreaking and terrifying way to die for all involved.

The reason I fucking despise Scientology is that they prey on the gullible and vulnerable…..and then relieve them of all their cash and worldly belongings when they are at their lowest ebb.

I have seen the way they recruit, their brainwashing techniques and the downward spiral into something approaching mental illness of those unfortunate enough to get wrapped up with them. All first hand.

L. Ron Hubbard was a mediocre science fiction writer, not a prophet. The ‘church’ members are a bunch of deranged, manipulative cunts and they can take their billion year contracts, roll them up and insert them fucking sideways.

Fuck them, fuck all of them to hell and back!

I hope they die screaming. The cunts!

Nominated by: Odin’s Balls



Let’s see….
God makes the Earth and makes people and says “If you’re good I’ll let you into heaven and you’ll be happy forever, and if you’re evil you’ll go to hell.” But he already knows if they’re going to turn out good or evil because he’s omniscient, and as he’s omnipotent as well he could have made everyone good and put them in heaven to start with, so he’s wasted seven days of his own time.

And if he made man in his own image then he’s a cunt. It all makes perfect sense. You can see why millions of people dedicate their lives to religion.

Nominated by: Allan



I would like to nominate the word “Islamophobia” for an epic cunting.

This absurd term has become ubiquitous over the past few years but, and this is the reason for the nomination, no-one has actually defined what it means. It appears to mean whatever the speaker wants it to mean, so that anything from the foamings of right-wing nutjobs on conspiracy theory websites to thoughtful musings in the quality press about the place of religion in 21st century Britain can be dismissed by this ridiculous word. As far as I can work out, “Islamophobia” is Arabic for “Shut the fuck up, Kuffar!”

“Islamophobia” is automatically associated with racism against the mythical “Muslim community.” Now this really is a racist term. Some folks of South Asian descent have been living in the UK for three generations but whenever some bearded freak goes mental, screaming “Allahu fucking Akbar” as usual, these people are told they must condemn his actions because they are “Muslims.” No, they aren’t. They are British citizens with the same rights and responsibilities as everyone else. It is racist to say that they are Muslims because of the colour of their skin – PC twats at the BBC please take note.

Those cunts who shot up that French magazine are accused of shooting a “Muslim police officer” as they fled the scene. No, they didn’t; they shot a FRENCH police officer who happened to have a somewhat darker skin than the majority of the French population. Again I say, it is racist to label people of a certain ethnic group as “Muslims.”

By labelling certain folks as “Muslim” on account of their skin colour, the PC racist cunts of the BBC go on to empower so-called “Muslim community leaders.” Who elected these twats as “community leaders”? From what I can work out, being a “leader” of the mythical “Muslim community” simply means you have a beard and have read a book. Well, I have a beard and I’ve read lots of books (including the Koran) but I don’t claim to be a leader of any “community”!

But for sheer cuntishness, the phrase that really takes the biscuit is “Muslim feminist.” Have these silly tarts read their “holy” book? It specifically says that women are only worth half of men in terms of inheritance and testimony. “It’s my choice to wear a bag on my head when I go out,” they bleat. Fine. But it’s also my wife’s choice to wear a bikini when we go to the beach and no misogynistic cunt whose library consists of one book of thousand year old fairy stories can stop her. Fuck you.

That silly cunt Anjem Choudary says that freedom of speech does not allowed people to mock Allah’s prophets. That’s exactly what is does allow you utter, utter cunt. Your prophet was a violent, murderous, delusional twat who felt up a six year old! A six year old, for fuck’s sake! What kind of cunt gets his jollys from a Year One kid – outside of Parliament or the BBC that is?

There have been a lot of twats saying they have the right to practice their religion in peace. Absolutely correct – and right back at you! You can believe in fairy tales, worship a violent desert bandit, bang your head on the ground five times a day and force your wife to wear a bag on her head (actually I’m not so sure about the last one, unless she’s a “Muslim feminist” who chooses her own bag). BUT I DON”T HAVE TO. And nor do I have to “respect” your shitty religion.

Lots of people have written about Islam in recent years but most of them miss the point. They concentrate on the supposed violence in the Koran, the treatment of minorities in Islamic countries or the attitude of Muslims towards women. This is to miss the central problem in Islam; the central problem in ALL religions. Muslims believe the universe was created by God.

THERE IS NO GOD. At last count, physicists reckon there are 100,000,000,000 galaxies containing 300,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars in a universe that has existed for 13,700,000,000 years. And yet! The “God” who “created” all this cares most about whether one half of one species on one planet around one star shows its hair to the other half! Please, just fuck off, chill the fuck out, have a pint or three and get laid – with an actual woman not a prepubescent virgin.

Nominated by: Cunt’s Mate Cunt