Phillip Green


Sir Phillip Green is a circle faced pensioner robbing cunt.

The so called captain of industry is now captain of a new 300ft super yacht Lionheart. The chain smoking overweight bag of pus can now fly down to Monaco in his Gulfstream jet complete with his entourage of hangers-on to party on board.

They seem to give out knighthoods with “lucky bags” these days and do not mean very much to normal people. They are however highly prized by social climbing dumb fuckers like Green. The public humiliation by stripping him of this badge needs to take place. Then like Captain Bob Maxwell before him, he needs to do the honourable thing.

Nominated by: My neighbour is a dog hating cunt

i can’t believe this, i just checked, the last time Phillip Green was cunted was it seems 2011! wtf?

A lot has happened since then, including the purchase of a £100 million yacht, no doubt purchased with all the money he Squeezed out of BHS. As an employer he should been paying into the company pension fund, he failed to do so. Now thousands of BHS employees are facing a worrying retirement.

Now obviously he may be a cunt but he’s not an idiot. I very much doubt he has broken any laws, so he’ll probably get away with it. I know he’s probably not that arsed but theres a petition on 38 Degrees calling for his knighthood to be rescinded.

Incidentally theres an app which tracks big yachts. His is currently off the coast of Malta. nice.

Nominated by: Ozmandias

Sir Philip Green

Sir Philip Green is a money grabbing Jewish cunt! And has no worries about the present economical climate as he’s stashed all his money that he’s robbed of the tax payers in the Cayman islands!

So fuck Dixons,Curry’s and all the stores he owns, I hope they all go under before Christmas!! money grabbing old cunt of cunts.

Nominated by EDDIE-F