Germany’s outgoing ambasador to the Court of St James, Peter Ammon, says that Brits should stop going on about being so bloody independent, that it isn’t WWII any longer, and that we all have to stand together, united…
Oddly enough, on the very same day, we learn that, almost 80 years on, VW (remember the “Kraft durch Freude gassing-wagen” scam, would anyone buy a used / non-existant car from these cunts ?), BMW, Mercedes et al. have been up to their old tricks, using car engines to…gas monkeys, who, apparently, watched cartoons during the “prozess.”
Wot, no Wagner operas ?? Or Goethe poetry (the deluded twat who wrote the Ode to Joy lyrics that even van Beethoven nearly ditched)…That’s a let-down for Vaterlandischer-Kultur !!
WTF is it about these guys and their gas fixation ?? And they imply that WE haven’t learnt.
Fackin hypokrauts.
I wonder if Ammon has seen the Merkelfuhrer’s fanny by gaslight…
Nominated by HBelindaHubbard