One of the more tolerable LeadingBritainsCunts radio presenters, unfortunately just shat all over my tasty breakfast cereal by uttering the following,
“They’re not real Muslimes”
This is of course in relation to the conviction and sentencing of yet another ‘grooming’ gang, of ‘predominantly’ Pakistani men who were probably all Pakistani, for raping countless girls and.. you all know the rest. They were all part of that peaceful belief system, that’s real enough for me thankyouverymudge.
I was going to cunt this relic who pretends to be a strong right wing semi-conservative voice last week, after a caller rightly corrected him when discussing some aspect of Tommy Robinson and how the media had apparently brought this whole ‘grooming’ scandal to light. Erm, no, you reported it only after people like Tommy kept on making noise because none of our establishment gave a fuck, you utter shameless media cunt.
He’ll only go so far so as not to endanger his salary and fat pension. Sorry you cunt but you can’t claim to be leading any conversation let alone pretending to lead a national one if your priority is the money and not the integrity of your conviction. I’m certain he knows he’s lying to himself, for money, thus he deserves to be cunted with the rest of them.
He’s about as convincing as Alan Sugartits pretending he’s still a Delboy wheeler dealer. You’ve made the choice, you love your money, now embrace Satans cock you utter cunt.
Nominated by The Big Chunky Cunty