Marvel comics


Marvel comics are cunts, they are replacing Iron Man tony Stark with a 15 year old black girl. This is cuntish as they are afraid to create a new Superhero character and see if it gets public buy in so they hijack an existing character to inject their PC agenda. Why not go all the way and make her gay?

Should I give a fuck? No but this isn’t about comic book characters this is about the continual assault on white culture. Black kids are more interested in shooting each other than they are in comic books, black lives don’t matter until they are ended by a white police officer.

Dr who must have a female ethnic assistant, James Bond should be a woman. On and on it goes, the mass media indulging it programming the population.

Instead of hijacking popular fiction to present positive images of black people how about black communities doing positive things in reality that then filters into fiction, anything else is unreality and bullshit.

Nominated by: Sixdog Vomit

Marvel Comics are cunts….

Not only have they made Iron Man a 15 year old black girl called Riri (how cringeworthy is that, and how the fuck does that work?!) , now they have killed off the Incredible Hulk and there’s a new oriental and more ‘diverse’ Hulk… Is nothing safe from this PC plague?! What the fuck is next? Spiderman is queer?! Ghost Rider gets blacked up and is renamed ‘Ghost Brutha?!’ Wolverine has a sex change?! Fuck Marvel!

They have no respect for Stan Lee and Jack Kirby’s legacy…

And as for that pile of PC shite, Ghostbusters, why couldn’t it be Jenny McCarthy instead of that fat munter, Melissa?

Nominated by: Norman