Beyonce and JayZ

Beyonce and Jay Z are supercunts…
These two strutting, preening, arrogant john johns shove their fame, obscene wealth, and decadent lifestyle in everyones’ faces… They also act all big time and their flash antics and lavish habits would make even Louis XIV and Charles II combined look humble…

But, seriously, what are they? Who the fuck are they? A so-called ‘independent woman’ who had her career manufactured and paid for by daddy, a mediocre talent who sounds like a stuck car alarm and relies on props, costumes, and expensive videos, a ‘strong feminist’ who puts up with her serial cheater of a husband, and a ‘black icon’ who has sold millions of records and gained worldwide fame by being a ‘coconut’ and trying to be white…

As for Jay Zed? Record as long as your arm, can’t get past referring to women collectively as ‘bitches’, has threesomes behind his wife’s back, assaulting various people, has to use the ‘N’ word to get noticed, and basically an all round cunt… Yet they both think of themselves as royalty?! Pair of fucking cunts…

Nominated by Norman

Jay Z


Jay Z is a talentless cunt if ever there was one.

His music is unlistenable shite that my dogs arsehole could put together.

It sounds like a combination of Dubstepmoobathontraphousegrungeindieguitarsoulskankingwankfuckbuggerbollockstriphopcuntin
gunfreshshitstainedhandshandysecondhandtrampywank see.

Nominated by: Hurling Dervish

Beyonce & Jay Z


There’s some fucking gormless cunts out there, and none more than Jay Z and Beyonce.

The publicity seeking cunts turned out to support the protests over Trayvon Martin’s shooting. Fuck the facts – just look at the cute pictures of him taken when he was 12 years old.

FFS! Some people will do anything to get their names in the papers. And neither of the cunts can sing, either.

Nominated by: Rap me a cunt