Anthropomorphic global warming

I’m cunting man made global warming.

Trump doesn’t believe in it.
And the crazy fucker is correct.

I have a degree in earth science and a masters in climatology.
Just so u know that I’m not just spouting.
I got these under my belt prior to the religion of global warming being the new Islam.

It’s an industry.
Scientists who sign up get lucrative grants and new jobs.
Scientists who disagree get finished.

The world is still pulling out of the last ice age and temps are expected to rise, as they are.
They are abusing this fact.

I’ll keep it simple but the warming lobby tell you that carbon dioxide is causing the planet to warm to a level where we will be generally flooded in 50 years.
That this CO2 is produced by us burning fossil fuels. Material that is naturally on this planet.

The amount of CO2 which Mount St. Helens blew out over 2 days when it blew in the early 80’s is
more than the industrialised world has exhaled in the last 30 years.

You think the earth would rig up a system whereby it’s natural exhaust gas would render all life impossible?

I went to a lecture last year where I actually heard an advocate of warming say that when the temp reaches a certain level, plants will reverse and start to breath in oxygen and breath out CO2 and destroy the planet.
Utter lunacy.

I did my degree 20 years ago before the thought nazis took hold.
They still told us that in 20 years, London, Holland and Maldives would be under water.
Result- no sea level rise.
Then they said it would flood the Maldives but not rise in Europe till later.
Gibberish as a connected body of water will rise universally.

Told us ice caps would all be gone-
Northern ice caps reached a 50 year high last winter.

Man made global warming is an industry which off shoots globalisation.
And it will die with the death of its master.

Nominated by: Lord Ferrigno

Anthropomorphic Global Warming


Climate change talks. What a load of cobblers.

To see them arguing about fractions of a degree and how much they want to control global warming is fucking hilarious. There is no proof of man made global warming . all the so called ‘evidence’ is computer modelling and 95% of those models have over-estimated global warming. The climate had not warmed at all in the last 16 years. The planet will do what it wants to do it always has done. CO2 makes of 0.4% of the atmosphere and our contribution to that is tiny.

Another myth is that 95% of scientists agree about MMGW. No – 95% of the scientists attached to the International Panel on Climate Change agree but they have a vested interest. There are thousands of scientists who are sceptical about our part in global warming. They just don’t get any air time.

Its all bollocks.

Nominated by: Ozmandias