Get this: the London Science Museum reckons Lego bricks are homophobic and transphobic!
Daily Fail
Apparently this bonkers stance re Lego is part of a museum tour on “stories of qu**r communities, experiences and identities” dreamed up by a sinister sounding group calling itself the “Gender and Sexuality Network”.
A “Seeing Things Qu**rly” guide states that Lego bricks are anti-LGBT because they reinforce the idea that heterosexuality is the norm (it is) due to the bricks having male or female parts that are designed to “mate” with each other.
It further states that this is “heteronormative”, which is the idea that “heterosexuality and the male/female gender binary are the norm and everything that falls outside is unusual.”
Unusual? That’s one way of putting it. I’m sure fellow cunters can think of more appropriate words to describe it.
When I first heard about this gobbledygook I thought it must be another of Titania McGrath’s brilliant woke wind-ups, but no – it’s real!
Doubtless, if these degenerates had their way they would see our kids glueing their Lego bricks together with tranny jizz.
The London “Science” Museum… a blatant misnomer if ever there was one!
Nominated by Shit Cake Baker.