Stella Creasy MP (3)

Tits-Out Creasey is a cunt, isn’t she?

Always has to be the centre of attention no matter how much of a twat it makes her look. Getting her tits out in the Chamber of the House of Commons to feed the infant strapped to her knockers every day, now the daft tart, in a BBC interview promoting ever more immigration invokes a toy bear (Paddington) in her arguments to allow ever more “asylum seekers” into our already overcrowded island.

She makes herself sound even more of a cunt by suggesting that the toy bear is real (perhaps a human “furry”?) and imagines we all love Mo Farah. Well, I fucking don’t.

What an arsehole!


Nominated by W C Boggs.

Deportation Dodgers

You know, if there’s one thing that really makes my blood boil…

No actually stop and rewind. Lots of things make my blood boil, but let me refer to the one that is currently causing a rapid overheating of my circulatory system, namely the dodges that unscrupulous foreigners with no right to remain in the UK will exploit to get to stay here. For your edification, let’s just take a few examples currently doing the rounds.

First up is the case of a pa*do*hile jailed for child sex offences who escaped deportation to (you guessed it) Pakistan after a judge ruled that it would be ‘unduly harsh’ on his own kids. This in spite of the fact that said creep hadn’t been allowed to live with said kids after soliciting three ‘barely pubescent’ girls for sex;

You really couldn’t make it up.

How about one Lynthia Calliste, who came from Grenada on a six month visa in 2018? Surprise surprise, she’s still here, having married a Latvian in the meantime. Apparently he wouldn’t be able to tolerate the heat or the cuisine if they get sent back to Grenada, although you have to say that she seems to have tolerated the adjustments required between there and here well enough…

Oh, and let’s not forget the obligatory case of an Albanian criminal. An immigration tribuneral ruled that it would be ‘unduly harsh’ (those words again) for the cunt’s ten year old son to be deported with his father due to his ‘sensory issues with different types of food’. Apparently the kid has ‘a distaste for the the type of chicken nuggets found abroad’;

Clucking hell.

Well I wonder just how many times, week in, week out, cunts who shouldn’t be here are using (and abusing) our hospitality, aided and abetted by a soft as shite system that allows them, almost encourages them, to use any spurious grounds to remain? I don’t claim to know the answer to that, but I’d bet folding money on it being a lot.

Ever get the feeling that we’re being truly and repeatedly had? Make that truly and repeatedly fucked over more like.

the sun


Daily Fail

Nominated by Ron Knee.

DeadPool [353]

Congratulations to King Cunt who correctly predicted legendary Hollywood Tough Guy Gene Hackman would be the next dead dude.Hackman was 95 and was found dead alongside his wife and dog in their Sante Fe home yesterday.Their deaths are not thought to be suspicious.Hackman won 2 oscars and was nominated for a further 3 in a 50 year career.He starrred in The French Connection, Bonnie and Clyde,The Poseidan adventure and Superman amongst many other credits.

On to Dead Pool 353

The rules

1)Pick 5 famous cunts you think will conk out next.No duplicates and itsfirst come first serve.You can always be a cunt and steal someone elses picks from the previous pool.

2)Anyone who picks the worlds oldest man or woman is a cunt who we will ignore.

3)It must be a famous cunt we have heard of.

4)No swapping picks unless they have already been taken.

5)Hits are rewarded based on chronology of death reporting and not necessarily in chronology of death.

Makes me proud to be Welsh

”Planners recommended against nuclear plant in 2019 citing fears for Welsh language”

”Planning inspectors recommended against a Hitachi-built nuclear power plant in Anglesey on the basis that it could dilute the island’s Welsh language and culture, it has emerged.”

Never mind the investment, jobs and infrastructure, let’s make sure Jones the Planning doesnt have English speaking cunts on his doorstep.

I hope those cunts at RAF Valley are all Welsh speaking


Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble.

rydym yn idiotiaid , C.A.

”Sadiq Khan’s (46) ‘swimmable rivers’ plan

will deliver ‘racial justice’, says deputy mayor.

Now, I am all for rivers being cleaned up but this has puzzled me. ‘Racial justice’ ??

I haven’t been to that London for some years. There weren’t ethnics queuing up to jump off Tower Bridge then. Has something changed? Is it white supremacists shitting in the rivers to oppress the poor coloured folk?

”95 per cent of black adults and 80 per cent of black children do not swim – regardless of whether they know how to or not.”

Que? How can you fucking swim if you dont know how to?

Why is it that these fucking morons crow bar racism into everyfuckingthing? Do public baths bar ethnics in that London? Do school swimming lessons bar the fuckers or does the weight of their knives sink them.

This shite is from somefucker called Mete Coban. People voted for him.


Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble.