You know, if there’s one thing that really makes my blood boil…
No actually stop and rewind. Lots of things make my blood boil, but let me refer to the one that is currently causing a rapid overheating of my circulatory system, namely the dodges that unscrupulous foreigners with no right to remain in the UK will exploit to get to stay here. For your edification, let’s just take a few examples currently doing the rounds.
First up is the case of a pa*do*hile jailed for child sex offences who escaped deportation to (you guessed it) Pakistan after a judge ruled that it would be ‘unduly harsh’ on his own kids. This in spite of the fact that said creep hadn’t been allowed to live with said kids after soliciting three ‘barely pubescent’ girls for sex;
You really couldn’t make it up.
How about one Lynthia Calliste, who came from Grenada on a six month visa in 2018? Surprise surprise, she’s still here, having married a Latvian in the meantime. Apparently he wouldn’t be able to tolerate the heat or the cuisine if they get sent back to Grenada, although you have to say that she seems to have tolerated the adjustments required between there and here well enough…
Oh, and let’s not forget the obligatory case of an Albanian criminal. An immigration tribuneral ruled that it would be ‘unduly harsh’ (those words again) for the cunt’s ten year old son to be deported with his father due to his ‘sensory issues with different types of food’. Apparently the kid has ‘a distaste for the the type of chicken nuggets found abroad’;
Clucking hell.
Well I wonder just how many times, week in, week out, cunts who shouldn’t be here are using (and abusing) our hospitality, aided and abetted by a soft as shite system that allows them, almost encourages them, to use any spurious grounds to remain? I don’t claim to know the answer to that, but I’d bet folding money on it being a lot.
Ever get the feeling that we’re being truly and repeatedly had? Make that truly and repeatedly fucked over more like.
the sun
Daily Fail
Nominated by Ron Knee.