Beales Department Store, RIP


Yet another death of a long standing business, citing increased NI costs and minimum wage increases, yet another business closes its doors.

This, along with High Street names like New Look ( young girl clothing store) how many more will close because of Rachel from Accounts lunatic fiscal decisions? A woman who seems to have problems with her own finances.

Will no-one rid us of this economically failing fool? (Apologies to Henry 2, I think)


Nominated by Jeezum Priest.

Dead Pool [354]

Congratulations to Miserable Northern Cunt who has won Dead Pool 353 by picking David Johansen the Frontman of New York Dolls and punk pioneer who died yesterday aged 75 fiollowing a 5 year struggle with brain cancer.He is survived by his third wife and step-daughter .He was 75 years old.

On to Dead Pool 354

The rules

1)Pick 5 famous cunts you think will conk out next.No duplicates and its first come first serve.You can always be a cunt and steal someone elses picks from the previous pool.

2)Anyone who picks the worlds oldest man or woman is a cunt who we will ignore.

3)It must be a famous cunt we have heard of.

4)No swapping picks unless they have already been taken.

5)Hits are rewarded based on chronology of death reporting and not necessarily in chronology of death.

Farishta Jami

Believe me, it took several minutes to decide exactly which party to cunt re: this farce. This Jami cunt deserves it for her terror ambitions. Was ready to off to Afghanistan to join the Isis. Planned for her offspring to be martyrs to the cause further down the line.

Nicked. Mugshotted. Then the 2nd choice to be the cunted nominee, – her barrister cunt – says Mrs Jihad there is ‘upset’ about her mugshot … and wanted it re-taken. With her fucking face covered!

Cunt #3, the judge, .. well he says ‘sure’ .. Cunts #4 .. West Midlands Police comply & issue a picture of what could be fucking ANY cunt … a ninja who didn’t pay their bus fare, say.

Like I said. Farce. A multicunting, this, really.

Farishta Jami.

Believe me, it took several minutes to decide exactly which party to cunt re: this farce. This Jami cunt deserves it for her terror ambitions. Was ready to off to Afghanistan to join the Isis. Planned for her offspring to be martyrs to the cause further down the line.

Nicked. Mugshotted. Then the 2nd choice to be the nominee, her barrister cunt says Mrs Jihad there is ‘upset’ about her mugshot … and wanted it re-taken. With her fucking face covered!

Cunt #3, the judge, .. well he says ‘sure’ .. Cunts #4 .. West Midlands Police comply & issue a picture of what could be fucking ANY cunt … a ninja who didn’t pay their bus fare, say.

Like I said. A farce. Should be a multicunting, really.


Nominated by cuntemall.

Three cunts for the price of one, everyman’s dream? or so I’m told. C.A.

The Gaza Hostage Release Shit Show

Suddenly we see people in some sort of uniform (very clean, no sign of combat), masks and green bandanna brandishing automatic weapons.
The cunts feel safe now to come out of their civilian clothes because there is a cease fire, no longer hiding in schools and hospitals but showing how fucking brave they are.
And the crowds of screaming ragheads, all looking quite healthy and well fed which is the opposite of what we are being told that they are starving.

It has been two weeks and the exchange of hostages for prisoners looks like it is on shaky ground, no surprise there.

As a nice bonus we have had some left wing judge allowing a family of six Gaza cunts to settle in the UK, human right to family life, apparently they have a brother who lives in the UK so that means we have to fucking have them. What Bullshit!


Nominated by Sick of it.

Lazy AI cunts

A digital and physical cunting for the ‘get AI to do it’ cunts out there.

Disclaimer. I am a believer in AI. Massively. But it should be used to enhance our lives by working by it’s side, not using it as a replacement for something missing.

AI is brilliant, but you have to use it to enrich your skills. If you understand a subject, you can ask it the right question and phrase it properly, you will get a good answer. But everywhere you see now is cunts who can’t hold a spanner asking an AI how to fix a car…

The AI really should reply with critical advice like “Seeing as obviously never touched a spanner perhaps you should take it to a mechanic, viola. Fixed. You thick cunt.”

Or asking it : “what do I do… Do I just talk to you.” to be fair. This is said by the generation of cunts who ironically are too scared to answer a fucking phone or pick one up to call someone.

But it’s become a generic buzzword for the 30+ generation to sound next gen. Stop being lazy cunts and learn the skill, then get AI to help you. Like setting your own boxing gym up with a new website… Want to create a website for the business you are supposed to be passionate about but you can’t be fucked? Don’t worry, AI it!

Perhaps each AI session should come with a starter pack of questions to ask such as:” How do I stop being a useless prick and actually become of some value to my life and others.”

And then there’s the terminator crew… Fuck me don’t get me started. To be fair if AI did ever take over I would be on their side. The roads would be safer, the streets safer, you could get through to the tax office, the bank, get your drive resurfaced without getting robbed, have a normal conversation with one as opposed to the average non playable character you encounter in the supermarket checkout… it would be a fucking utopia, unless those African AI robots turned up…

Here’s a cheers to the future. No fucking humans!

Nominated by Cunt Executive Officer.