Well just when you think you have seen and heard it, you see something that makes you go hot and dizzy and not in a good way, see link below.
We have been drawn to the plight of the modern gypsy/ traveller community and these hard done by minority are disillusioned with their lot in life, lots of moaning and whinging about how difficult it is for them to live in the conditions and the general feeling they get from the general public, so I would like to set a few things strait here.
They feel persecuted by the police, I know for fact there are 2 camps in Cardiff and the police don’t want to go there if they can avoid it, but when the place is a haven for stolen cars, wire spools, plant and equipment, illegal vehicles, stolen dogs, fires, feral kids even a slaves once, I shit you not and anti theft trackers pinging away like some sort of demented Lilly Allen song what the fuck do they expect, stop thieving and breaking the law and this wouldn’t be a regular occurrence.
Then they moan that the conditions are not good, first of all they are not wanted in any town [ trust issues you see, fucking well deserved as well], so they have camps built for them, again in Cardiff when these were new, they ripped all the copper pipes out of the shower blocks, weighed it all in and then demanded the council repaired the damage, for fuck sake, but the council used plastic pipes the next time and surprise, surprise they are still there, lesson learned.
Then they are moaning that people are racist, now are these thieving gypsy bastards actually a race apart or just a breed apart, I’m leaning towards the latter here, the facts are they are not to be trusted and they prove this fact again and again by thieving, conning and general dishonesty every fucking day and everywhere they go.
Again Cardiff, there was a funeral some years back and these inbred cunts decided to completely block a main road out of town by literally using it as a car park, they they had the biggest theiving, lying, shit kicker talk to the press to say how these cunts were so miss understood and they cant understand why the are less popular than Meghan Markle.
The same aforementioned pikey, likes to park horses on other peoples land and then claim it for himself after an allotted period of time.
They they claim there are rats the size of dogs where they live, now if they weren’t so cruel to their animals , didn’t have tied up horses, dead, dying or killed animals hanging around looking forward to the next life [ hopefully doggy heaven is pikey free] and tidied their self caused shit holes they wouldn’t have overfed, giant super rats running around the place.
Then they moan that the Welsh government are not pandering to their demands, have they not noticed the country is in the shit and a percentage of this is down to these cunts directly, while they don’t pay taxes, drive around in Mercs when not driving the Tranny around looking for things to steal, wasting police time all the time.
Ripping off all the local businesses by day and breaking in by night, thank god we don’t live in Appleby, must be a fucking nightmare.
So now I can say these fuckers deserve absolutely everything they get, nobody wants them around because they are cunts of the highest order in every level in life.
Nominated by Fuglyucker.
FFS use a spell check please with your cuntings. I’m not a fucking English teacher C.A.