This lefty liberal Savile impersonating cunt is at it again. Very into saving the planet because of global warming, but does like his expensive flashy cars which presumably all run on fairy dust rather than evil petrol.
Well, he has quite the track record for driving at excessive speeds. The Rozzers keep catching the cunt and he ends up in court to face the music. This time he was clocked doing 97 MPH on the M6. It’s been a while since I stepped foot in Englandistan, but if memory serves the M6 is a motorway and the speed limit is a mere 70 MPH. Naughty naughty.
Now most folks driving that much over the speed limit could reasonably expect a hefty sanction and a ban. But not our luvvie Steve. Oh no. He’s special you see because he’s on the telly. That’s right cunters, he argued that another 6 points on his license added to the 6 already there would mean a ban and that would interfere with his filming schedule. It gets worse. Here’s a direct quote:
“These projects would be severely impacted, not only affecting my own livelihood but also the many individuals dependent on these productions for work,”
According to Celebrity Net Worth, Coogan is worth around £19 million. The bare faced cheek to claim being banned from driving for a period would affect his livelihood is simply jaw dropping. To then also claim other people in the production(s) would also be impacted by his ban is laughable. Coogan isn’t exactly a captain of industry where a driving ban would force the closure of his business empire and throw all his employees out onto the street.
The man has no shame, no accountability and seeks to use his fame and public profile to get his own way. Naturally the judge fell for it and awarded one-trick-pony Coogan a mere 5 points thus avoiding the triggering of an automatic ban. He also awarded Coogan a fine of £2,500. Presumably Coogan will launch an appeal to have that overturned on the basis that it too will affect his livelihood.
Coogan really is a despicable, duplicitous, self-serving, arrogant cunt.
Nominated by Imitation Yank.
Seconded by : Norman
An old ISAC favourite back for another cunting. Steve Coogan.
Steve Coogan has been banned for driving for two months instead of six, after telling the judge that a lengthier ban would impact the filming of his series The Trip. The luvvie twat and peaching Labour cunt was caught going at 97mph, well over the 70mph speed limit, while travelling in a Range Rover on the M6 last year.
In a letter to Birmingham Magistrates’ Court (God forbid he’d actually turn up), Coogan urged the court not to disqualify him as he already had six points on his licence and was required to drive as part of filming a forthcoming series of the The Trip alongside fellow cunt Rob Brydon.
Basically, this is Coogan – supposed socialist and ‘ordinary bloke’ (Ha fucking Ha) – doing what so many despicable celebrities do. The ‘Don’t you know who I am?’ routine and expecting special treatment.
We all knew that Coogan was a gargantuan cunt before this. But this proves beyond doubt how big a cunt he is. If that was any of us, we’d get the full ban and be told that ‘it’s the law’. I fucking hate celebrities and what they get away with.
BBC link: