Realising your evil

Think your nice?
Little goody two shoes?


Ever been cheered by the news of someone’s demise?
Not very nice eh?

Camilla Batmanghelidjh
Looked like a cross between Christopher Biggins and Ali Bongo?
I smirked when she snuffed it.

Despised the rag wearing big dollop of shite.

Smug faced Friends actor Matthew Perry,
My first thought was ‘ thank god for that.’

See? Wicked.

Magician Paul Daniels?
No more boring fuckin card tricks!

I whistled for a week at that one.

And I’ve realised I’m not the nicest of men,
Probably not going to heaven?

I feed wildlife
I’m kind to animals
Nice to kids
Nice to the elderly
Don’t cheat on my missus
All to my credit
But on the whole I’m a bit of a orrible cunt.
Oh well,
Which celebs deaths have cheered up other ISAC cunters?


Nominated by Miserable Northern Cunt.

The New Jersey Department of Health and Hospitals

In the US state of New Jersey the proud parents of new born babies are given the following form to complete –

“Which of the following best describes your baby? Lesbian or gay; straight or heterosexual; bisexual; self-describes (please specify); questioning/unsure.”

It’s hard to decide which is maddest about this questionnaire. Is it –

A. That a new born baby has sexual desires, let alone preferences.
B. That a parent would believe this.
C. That if the parent did believe this they could ascertain the baby’s sexual preferences without asking it.
D. That if the baby did have sexual preferences it would be able to communicate them.

Answers on a postcard please. The winner will receive a signed copy of Dr Spock’s Baby and Childcare.

Clearly woke isn’t dead yet.

New Jersey hospitals are behaving in a most degenerate fashion.

At best they’re in the full throes of psychosis, at worst they’re a sinister nest of pee-do-philes, demanding parents of newborn babies to identify their baby’s sexuality…


The “Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Questionnaire” requires new parents to “identify” their babies as either “Male, Female, Transgender, Gender Q*eer, or Additional gender category.”

It further requires parents to select the word that best describes their infant: “Lesbian or gay, Straight or Heterosexual, Self-described, Questioning/Unsure.



A double penetration of such cuntishness was required here and provided by Shit-cake Baker and MMCM.

Who went for the brown and who for the pink? one can only guess. C.A.

King Charles’ Music Playlist

I can imagine the panic the flunkies at buck house flew into when this idea was floated.

‘fuck me, this list HAS to keep EVERYONE happy guys…..this is going to be a major task. Then we have to brief the King on everyone on his list so he has a reasonable understanding as to who they are when quizzed. It HAS to include all ethnicities, religions, genders, and the commonwealth’

‘but, isn’t it the Kings list, not ours?’

‘fuck off…we can’t have him upsetting people by leaving certain ones out’

‘but shouldn’t it be a genuine list of the music he likes?’

‘don’t be fucking stupid……it’s a list to keep everyone happy, whether he likes them or not’

‘but that’s not an accurate reflection is it?’

‘no, but nowadays accuracy is less important than inclusiveness, so that’s how it’s going to be, OK?’

‘but, that’s bollocks’


Call me cynical, but when this list was released none of the content came as any surprise to me. The only person that should have been surprised was the King when he saw it and thought….who the fuck are half these, I’ve never heard of them.


Nominated by Chuff Chugger.

People Who Can’t Cook

There are a few life skills that everyone should have.

Being able to swim.
You never know when you might need to.
Being able to drive a manual car.
Even if you don’t own one or have a daily need for one.

But perhaps the most basic and important life skill is being able to prepare food for yourself and your family.

The type of person that readily admits to not being able to cook or who is a self confessed bad cook is a cunt.

A coherent family is a thing of the past, with all children and most parents permanently glued to their mobile phones or watching some shit on the television.

Conversation is all but lost.
The daily ritual of gathering around the table to share a home prepared meal has now gone down the shitter.

Instead whole families go to cheap burger joints, sometimes several times a week to eat crap.
Many don’t even venture inside these places as that would be far too much bother.
So instead they use the drive-through and eat the rubbish that they have brought in their cars.

If they are going to eat at home then their food is delivered in cardboard boxes by an illegal immigrant on a moped.
They then sit on the settee, around the television to eat the stuff.

There will come a time when the family table becomes redundant and homes will be built without kitchens.

Mrs Cunter went to stay with her brother and his fat, lazy wife.
There was fuck all in their kitchen except sweets and crisps.
The fridge had nothing in except bars of chocolate.
Everything they wanted to eat was delivered, including coffee to drink.

For them it was not a question of not being able to cook, they just couldn’t be bothered.

We eat out a few times a week.
Nowhere that does fast food.
The rest of the time we buy fresh food and prepare it at home.

The last time I went to a fast food restaurant was in the UK when McDonald’s opened their take away on Kensington High Street.
That was back in the 70’s.
And it was shit.

I have lived where I am for decades and I have never had food delivered or even brought a ready meal from a supermarket.

That’s because cooking is easy.
There are millions of recipes on the Internet.
It’s fun to look up a new way of preparing something you fancy, sourcing the ingredients and cooking them.

You can get a lot of satisfaction from preparing and sharing food.

Can’t Cook?
So you can’t look after yourself or your family, you can’t follow a simple set of instructions which is a recipe, or perhaps you are just a lazy cunt?


Nominated by The Artful Cunter. Link by Jeezum Priest.

East Sussex Highways

are cunts.

I pass through Hastings on a daily basis – the road works and road closures have brought this busy seaside town to a standstill. The past few months have been utter chaos: multiple road works, long queues of traffic, and yet …. potholes everywhere. Truth be known, there has been traffic chaos for over SIX MONTHS. Take a look at Google Traffic on weekdays – Hastings is a total disaster. Red everywhere.

The biggest culprit has to be the the “Queensway Gateway” roadworks. This work should have been completed nearly a decade ago, but only started in September last year! The works were supposed to finish by the end of December 2024 – now the completion date is “Spring 2025”. Hundreds of motorists are being forced to drive along third-world country lanes littered with potholes. Stonestile Lane? More like PigSty Lane! The farcical situation has caused many people to arrive late for work, and lots of patients at the Conquest Hospital have been late for appointments. Local businesses have lost millions, according to the local MP.

Nominated by Chunder Cloud.