

I really have a problem with the deafblind charity that was advertising on TV at Christmas. They want money to teach deafblind people how to sign to communicate.

a) how the fuck are they going to do that?

b) the advert just shows just children. Is that to tug at our heart strings, or aren’t they going to help adults?

c) how much of the money are they going to spend on more TV adverts, after all, it is quite a niche charity, and can’t be that well funded in the first place, yet they still seem to be able to afford the adverts

Nominated by: The oncoming Fart

Jesus Christ


I would like to nominate the baby Jesus. Okay, had a tough start in life. Born in a stable, but at least the cunt got some gold. Thirty years later the ‘exalted one’ is working as a fucking tekton. What happened to all the fucking gelt?

And what the fuck happened to Joesph? I bet the cunt fucked off with the fucking money. Cunting Yid – should have been nailed to a piece of wood.

Has anyone noticed that baby Jesus looks a bit like Prince George? God bless you Maaaaaaam.

Nominated by: Flaxen Saxon