Chelsea Manning

Chelsea Manning is a cunt!

For my inaugural cunting I nominate (from across the big pond, from the land of the twats and the home of the cunts) Chelsea Manning. This despicable cunt has announced it’s intention to run for the U.S. Senate.

For those of you who don’t remember this cunt, Chelsea Manning was born Bradley Manning and is a convicted traitor as well as a freak/mistake of nature. While serving in the U.S. Army, this foul, vile, and loathsome creature released sensitive military intelligence to that bastion of free speech and unfiltered information, Wikileaks who of course published it in the name of humanity.

When caught, this maladjusted little cunt plead guilty to 10 felony counts and in the subsequent court martial proceedings was convicted of 17 others. It was sentenced to 35 years in a maximum security military prison where it applied for “gender reassignment” and of course expected the U.S. taxpayer to foot the bill.

In the U.S. Constitution treason is the only crime that is specifically punishable by death. We should have executed the cunt. And although cruel and unusual punishment is banned by our Constitution we should have taken up the best traditions of our English forbearers and hung, drawn and quartered the filthy cunt. (After all, if it wants “gender reassignment” and wants the taxpayers to pay for it, the least we could do is accommodate it by chopping off the balls this mistake of nature was born with.)

But noooooooo…what happens? After conviction it served only 7 years before it was pardoned and released by the Community Con Artist. And now not content with trying to destroy us by giving aid and comfort to the enemy, he wants to destroy from within by serving in the Senate.

Of course the libtard/Obamunist/snowflake community is hailing this mistake of nature as a victim and a hero instead of the traitorous little cunt that it is. I for one want to puke!

Don’t get me wrong, as a true libertarian I really don’t care how you live your life as long as you do no harm to others and leave me alone. If you want to dress like a Welsh Tart (it’s mother was Welsh) and play sword swallower that’s your business. I don’t have to like it and sure as hell don’t want to see it but hey…it’s your life and I have the right to ignore it and your degeneracy.

But a convicted, traitorous, felonious, mistake of nature serving in the U.S Senate…is an affront to all decent human beings everywhere…even if you do fit right in with the rest of the lecherous perverts already serving in the august body of shit.

So with that said I proudly cunt…Chelsea Fucking Manning!

Nominated by General Cunster

Chelsea Manning is indeed a cunt. A cunt of Mount St Helens proportions.

Because we are subjected to a Liberal media in U.K. this freak has had plenty of airtime.

It’s painted as a victim when in fact it’s a traitor.

There’s no room for niceties when it comes to espionage or national security, when your enemy engages in trench warfare you have to respond accordingly.

This freak along with the cunt Snowden set out Security Services many years. And for what?

You almost couldn’t make it up that not only did the traitor have ‘gender realignment surgery’ paid for by the American Taxpayer, then get a pardon from Obama Barak Cunt but then just to really rub your face in it now wants to stand for Congress.


Nominated by CuntyMcCuntface