Channel 4 [8] : The Inbetweeners


A bus wankers cunting for Channel 4, as they seem to be mulling over a reunion of the Unbetweeners. Far, far too late in the day.

Everyone has a guilty pleasure and mine is for the very un-PC comedy show which ran from 2008-2010, dealing with four sixth forms lads, Neil, Simon, Jay and Will , and their comments and jokes were disgusting. Just go on You Tube and see things like “Will’s mum” or “Inbetweeners watch Two Girls One Cup” and you will see what I mean.

At the time of recording the lads were meant to be between 16 and 18, though the actors playing them were in their twenties. Today two of them are 40 (Simon Bird and Joe Thomas), 39 (Blake Harrison) and the baby of the group (Jay) is 37.

Even if you could find some excuse to bring them together, times are so different, and the yoof of the country so puritanical you would never get away with lines like “My dad ain’t bent” or “knee deep in clunge” or “she’s on the blob” or “If she wasn’t your mum, would you fuck her?”. I can’t see where Mr. Pea Dough Kenendy would fit in now, or the elderly ice cream lady. Neil’s fingering in the car and “she wanked me off a few times” would certainly not get past the script editor.

You can just picture the audience and the production team clutching their pearls, and sniffing their smelling salts, while they get RSI posting their distaste on X for “likes”

Only one of the cast (Joe Thomas) doesn’t look dissipated – two of them look frankly raddled, one frankly looks like a tramp (“I think you are meant to call them homeless these days” as Simon had it).

I am a dirty old man of many years standing, and I sometimes watch the old shows on DVD if I am feeling really down just for a good laugh, but as Thomas Mann wrote “you can’t go home again”. Far better to leave them as four teenagers with foul mouths than bring them back as middle aged politically correct bores.

Why are the company even thinking of doing it?. It will never work.

Daily Mail Link

Nominated by: W. C. Boggs

Channel 4 [6]

Q. What did Cathy Newman say to Jordan Peterson?

A. ‘Do you want fries with that, bigot?’

A nomination for Channel Four and the whingers and luvvies defending it, as it looks like HM Gov may privatise it. I can’t remember the last time it was relevant; perhaps when they used to show Italian football or Babylon 5? My interest in the channel waned as they imported more American sitcoms. Friends was the start of the downfall. How ‘alternative’, cunts.

Most of the crap they peddle now is exploitative documentaries, exploitative ‘reality’ crap, American style, woke late night comedy chat shows or the latest bland US teen drama. Let’s not forget edifying gems such as Gormlessbox, Naked Prat Action, and Twats on an Island. We’ll miss out on Sebastian and Peta showing Kevin McCloud around their ‘fabulous new space’, as well as Jamie Oliver drowning everything he touches in olive oil as it’s the only way he can get food past his fat tongue.
Their ‘Alternative’ Christmas message went from being given by Sharon Osborne, to John fucking Bercow, who was more representative of our current establishment than the Queen.

Celebs are queueing up to whine about the loss of a great British institution.
The channel that was so pro-EU that its lead newsman Jon Snow racialized the Brexit vote by saying he had never seen so many white people in one place on Brexit Day. A pathetic display of sour grapes but useful insight into the minds of these petty, mendacious media cunts.

The Channel 4 that gave us a melting ice block in place of the Prime Minister. Who gave us one sided coverage of Trump’s visit to the UK, and stupid docudramas about the fallout of Brexit.

Production companies are concerned there’ll shut down because there’s no longer a market for their hectoring, anti-white, anti male, anti-straight, anti-British swill. Ever heard of sky or the BBC? Netflix? They’ll greenlight anything as long as it promotes ‘diversity’ (AKA anti-white, working class or British sentiment).

The sale could generate around £1 billion for the state but i’d pay a £50 note and the loose change i can find in the car and rename it Channel GayBlack.

Sell them off, ship them out, and as Jack the Cunter says, get to fuck.
(Link provided by the ever helpful, Night Admin – NA)

Nominated by: Cuntamus Prime