hmm seems like a volunteer security force for the UK is needed. Time to wield big clubs eh?
None of these ‘experts are real scientists’, they are bullshit woke professors of faggot studies. There is no climate change, meteorologists interpret computer models of weather. They base everything off of <200yrs recording, earth is considerably older. It is actually the coldest it’s ever been (for a long while). People like milk and cheese and not faggot food. Fuck off.
Being deficient in vitamins from meat make you fucking retarded and unable to have sensible thoughts. That’s all the science you need.
Humans are omnivores, except these protesters they are just cunts.
Any scientist on a climate change paper is a fake journal, eg journal of scientific climate change (it’s not real, you may as well call it the journal of the occult, this is why they can slap 1000 names of any scientist they like and not remove it). This way you can manufacture falsely whatever you want as fact. Of course there isnt a politician in the world with the brains to work this out and do something or probably even care.
The reality is tofu, and Nutella are fucking up the world and the highest pollutants while these lefty fuckers all fart out methane. If anyone needs to help the plants chop em up and worm food them all.
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Nominated by: getfuckedwokecunts