The hook nosed poisoned dwarf aka London mayor, together with the Welsh (mis)Government, is to impose 20mph speed limits in many areas previously 30mph zones.
Obviously, this has been the cause of much celebration around the country as, inevitably it will spread to more regions once news of the great benefits breaks. Less emissions, fewer collisions, more freedom for cyclists and pedestrians to roam the streets not looking where they are going.
A new “road safety” (for this read anticar) group has been set up to promote 20mph as the default speed in all built up or semi rural areas. It has 600 members. Meanwhile a petition has been signed by 58000 people who are AGAINST this brilliant idea.
How can this be you ask? Well, firstly, they know it is the thin end of the wedge. Next they will be calling for 15/10/5 mph. After all, less speed = fewer casualties. Of course, take ALL cars off the road and there will be none apart from stupid sods bumping into each other on foot or bikes. No need for road protests either. Nobody would be going anywhere.
Secondly, it’s a cash cow for councils as everybody knows. Easy pickings from that famous charity group known as motorists.
Thirdly, their “facts” aren’t correct. Driving at 20mph means you have to drop gears with higher revs, greater emissions. More noise too unless you are a silent assassin in your EV. And you have your eyes fixed on the speedo instead of looking all round. More dangerous.
The road system in this country is a compromise between getting from one place to another and safety for yourself and everyone else. These zealots are forgetting what the roads are for. Transport. We all know there are bone-headed thugs and nutters who roar through towns at stupid speeds. But if they don’t obey 30mph how will they keep to 20mph?
If I drive through a village which is a 30mph limit I will automatically slow down further if there is a horse, bike or child around. Eldery folk are fair game. I’m sure most drivers do the same. Dropping to 20mph is incredibly frustrating if there are no obstacles. To drive this slow for miles on end isn’t feasible. You adjust to the conditions. Yet that is the world we are looking at in the near future.
I just dont believe that the stats quoted by the nanny state and interfering busy bodies add up.
20mph is yet another stick to beat car drivers with.
Nominated by Loed Helpus.