
British? Get fucked.

”Clearsprings: Home Office asylum contractor prices out homeless”

Yes, thanks to the largess of the most incompetent department there has ever been, homeless Brits can’t access housing. Why? Because the Home Office pays more than local councils can afford to secure accommodation for dinghy vermin.
The same Home Office that is going to destroy £300 million investment so that RAF Scampton can become an asylum theme park and destroy the nearby village. But fuckem, they’r Brits. And not in London.

God bless the working from Home Office.

Bbc news

Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble.

Ava-Santina Evans

A cunting for rent-a-dunce Ava-Santina Evans.

Graduate of Sussex University for the Hard-of-Thinking, Ava has made a ‘foil’ of herself by playing the TalkTV equivalent of GBN’s Benjy Butterworth, the guest ‘knobber’ on the left side of every issue who clashes with the unctuous host, be it Piers Morgan or Dan Wooton.

Evans is another media blonde whose journalistic pedigree is a little light; A producer on LBC radio and now ‘author’ for the execrable JOE politics, Ava blunders her way through panel discussions with the intellectual weight and charm of a regurgitated dog biscuit.
As Douglas Murray recently pointed out to her during a mass debate, she hasn’t built a career. Murray, who I think cheapens himself appearing on this dross, was pointing out her vacuity as if to say ‘you don’t deserve my time’. I agree. The problem is that this guff is more suited to Evans and her ilk than anyone with anything of substance to say.

Evans and the Butter-slut are both grifting lightweights. Paid to be gobshites and strawmen for Wooton and Morgan to hit with burns, both of who are two-faced fucktards in their own right, so perhaps this cunting is not just for the egregious Evans, but also the format of televised discussion she represents: the clickbaiting and soundbite culture to grab you for just a couple of seconds.

I plead guilty to having been suckered once more, if only by Douglas Murray’s delightful barbs, but I would ask him if it isn’t just shooting fish in a barrel, or butting heads with a boorish, pissed-up pensioner at the cmmunity fête?
Are you slumming it again, Doug’ my old son?
It reminded me of David Starkey sharing a panel with Laurie Penny, when she derailed the discussion by suddenly saying Starkey made her feel unsafe because he got riled up and called her a ‘jumped up public schoolgirl.

These dippy twats being pitched against men of letters and learning is not sport

Next up; Prof. Niall Ferguson (the historian not the covid cunt) versus, err, Fearne Cotton? Holly Willoughby? That daft bint from the Young Turks?


Nominated by Cuntamus Prime.

Indiana Groans and the Fail of Destiny

I love the original ‘Indiana Jones’ trilogy; pure escapist entertainment with no axe to grind or agenda to push. Sadly ‘the Crystal Skull’ jumped the shark, and it appeared that as the franchise ran out of steam and Harrison Ford got ever older, things would be left to rest in peace.

Sadly not. Disney purchased Lucasfilm, and inevitably, looked to squeeze Indy for every last conceivable buck it could. So now ‘Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny’ is about to the hit the multiplexes.

Needless to say I won’t be shelling out my cash to buy a ticket. This is because I predict that it will be complete and utter gash. Why? Well it’s odds on that Disney will do what it did to ‘Star Wars’, namely trash the legacy and alienate a huge swathe of the fan base.

Producer Kathleen Kennedy has already pretty much stated this, and had a go at fans in the process. Responding to talk of a potential fan backlash and boycott, she claimed that fans who refuse to see the film or purchase a ticket ‘are not real fans’, and they’re angry at ‘the change we are bringing to the franchise with diversity and female empowerment’. Well Miz Go Woke Go Broke, here’s the thing; fans want entertainment from Indy, not a lecture on your agenda. Oh, and they can choose where and when they spend their hard-earned cash, thanks very much.

As for that ‘female empowerment’, well it appears in the form of the insufferable Phoebe Waller-Bridge, as Indy’s goddaughter Helena Shaw. Word has it that she’s a typical Kennedy ‘Mary Sue’; you know, that idealised female character who has no faults and is indomitable. And almost certainly utterly unlikeable. I’ll bet she can out-think, out-shoot and out-run poor Indy, leaving him as a grumpy old git shuffling about in her wake. Just what we need; another ‘girlboss’.

So there’s my assessment of how this will turn out. I think it will tank, and moreover, I fucking hope it tanks, and big time. Hollywood, and Disney in particular, seem hell bent on patronising audiences and talking down to them, while simultaneously abusing them for not appreciating the woke guff it wants to dish out. Then they have the gall to get annoyed when the fans say ‘fuck you’ and turn their backs as they see another film legacy being disrespected.

‘Go woke go broke’ Disney, and the fucking sooner the better, you cunts.


Nominated by Ron Knee.

Australian Sportsmanship

Two nil down with three to go, so the Ashes are almost certainly already lost.

Now I’d be the first to admit that England have brought this on themselves. These two matches could and should have been won. But thanks to Stokes’s boneheaded declaration on day 1 at Edgbaston followed by half a dozen dropped catches, then at Lords we had village green slapstick comedy batting on day 2 and pedestrian bowling conceding over 70 extras, ffs.

But what sticks in the craw is the dismissal of Bairstow. Clearly he thought the ball was dead as the umpire at the bowler’s end was looking down. So why didn’t Cummins the captain gracefully withdraw the appeal and show some class? BECAUSE HE HASN’T GOT ANY CLASS, HE’S A CUNT, that’s why.

On reflection, only to be expected from a bunch of cheating convicts I suppose.
Got any sandpaper handy for Headingley, cobber?

Bbc news

Nominated by Geordie Twatt.

Addendum from Cuntybollocks and Lord Helpus on this touchy topic below.

I’d like to second this nomination, if I may?

What also pissed me off was the likes of Atherton and a few other ex England players sticking up for the Aussie cheats. Do these idiots think the likes of Ricky Ponting would do the same if it had happened to the Aussies?

Like fuck he would. And he’d be right not to.

Well if, as these pricks say ‘It was within the laws of the game ‘ then I fully expect them not to moan if we do the same to the Aussies next game?

Every time a player walks down the wicket at the end of an over (which is what happened with Barstow) we should stump the cunts.

I want us going full cheat mode next game. Players on steroids hitting the ball into the Thames. Poisoning the Aussie players food to give them the shits the night before the test. Use deepfake technology to show our players gangbanging the Aussie players wives and mothers then put the videos on xhamster. Or even better, Steve Smith banging Pat Cummins’s missus. See, I’ve got this sorted.

I want us ball tampering and all (they can ask Atherton how to get away with this)

If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.

Fuck these cheating convict cunts.

We all know the aussies will do anything to win – fair or foul. Why is anyone surprised at their atrocious antics and lack of sportsmanship?

But I agree with GT: declaring on the ist innings of the 1st test was arrogant stupidity.

Stokes is a fine buccaneering batsman in the style of Botham but as with the latter he isn’t a great captain. Mike Brearley knew one had to apply brains as well as brawn to win a test series against the best opponents.

You can’t go gung ho in every situation.

We should be 1-1 not 0-2 down.

The Sussex PCSO who refuses to do his job


is a cunt. If this forum was for a more fitting cunt, then this Sussex PCSO ticks the box.

His fucking attitude stinks…….he is no better than the slack jawed knuckle dragging wankers he is being pleaded with by this member of the public to go and sort out.

To his credit the guy requesting help kept his temper and patience in check…particularly under increasing cuntiness of the ‘I really don’t give a fuck, it’s not my job’ attitude of this PCSO.

For me, what makes this worse is that the PCSO didn’t even try and make much of an excuse. He could have said he was on surveillance for example, but no.

Here’s the video:

Bbc news

And you wonder why this country is becoming like the wild west and victims take justice into their own hands. The Police and associated authority figures appear to be recruiting officers that are no better than the thugs on the street themselves.

All started to go downhill IMO when they did away with the height requirements.

You now have short arse kids in police uniforms that are far to big for them….how they fuck are you supposed to take a modern officer seriously when their uniform is ‘one size fits all’ they are short and dumpy wearing black polo shirts and baseball caps? What happened to fine upstanding officers 6ft tall with a proper tit helmet on to give them another 8 inches in height…crisp white shirt and tie, black trousers and DM’s with hand cuss in a leather pouch of their belts……..just the look of a proper officer used to shit me up.

Nominated by Chuff Chugger.

A little bit more on this from Lord Helpus below.

The great Owen Jones was arguing on Jeremy Vile today that “PSCOs” aren’t police constables. They only get £20K a year and aren’t trained to deal with violence. No, he blamed the brave members of the public who intervened in the shoplifting. Apparently, Jones stands aside and lets the little shits take what they like. After all, the are probably poor and needy aren’t they?

These are the sort of woke, gutless, immoral attitudes that are sending this country spinning into terminal decline.

Police personnel refusing to prevent crime aided and abetted by Liberal left commentators who condone their cowardly behaviour. Shameful.