Now I realise that what I’m about to say may surprise some of you. It may even shock you, but here goes. Gary Lineker is a fucking cunt.
Yes the self-styled ‘Conscience of the Nation’ has been gobbing off again, this time on the subject of ‘Just Stop Oil’ campaigners and their repeated attempts to disrupt sporting events this summer.
Apparently Linekunt understands where they’re coming from. ‘Disruptive protest is the only one that gets noticed’ burbles the Sage of the BBC. ‘Nobody wants disruption, but at the same time they will really be disrupted by climate change’.
It is understood that order to demonstrate his solidarity with the campaign, in future Mr Lineker will not heat his house, drive around in gas-guzzling vehicles or travel thousands of miles by aircraft to cover football tournaments.
Or perhaps not…
Nominated by Ron Knee.
More on this mega cunt from West Cunt-ry below.
The usual ISAC regular is at it again. Gary LinerCUNT wanting us to yet again just let the trogs do whatever the fuck they want cause it will never effect him. Thought he could not have a shitter opinion than letting in the worlds unwanted trash but now he wants us to allow our homegrown trash to just carry on and ruin any event they want.
“It’s not going to hurt anyone” is his main argument, tell that to the woman in Bristol who was suffering a stroke and is now paralyzed and the many others who have suffered but not been reported in the news because of these higher middle class cunts must “have their say” even though they will jet set to Ibiza and their private yachts with no cares. Can we have a vote like Brexit to just get rid of this cunt and throw him at Harry and MEEEE-gains in America? They like taking in our unwanted shit like Corden and other shit “comedians”. Can Lineker just shut the fuck up and stick to his shit football takes? Fuck the BBC and fuck Linercunt!
Daily Mirror