Rosie Jones


One of a raft of ‘comedians’ who are not funny. And there are plenty of them, entertaining virtuous morons.
Rosie Jones has cerebral palsy (I think). A dreadful disability. However, as a comedian she is fucking dire.

Because of her disability we are expected to honk and clap. And the only reason for this seems to be ‘ look at me, I’m disabled so I must be funny’ Audiences of half witted students empty their bowels at her act.
Sadly, unless you want to impress with your woke credentials, she is fucking dire. She makes Nish Kumar look mildly amusing.

Bbc news

Nominated by cuntstable cuntbubble.

Gary Lineker (26)

Now I realise that what I’m about to say may surprise some of you. It may even shock you, but here goes. Gary Lineker is a fucking cunt.

Yes the self-styled ‘Conscience of the Nation’ has been gobbing off again, this time on the subject of ‘Just Stop Oil’ campaigners and their repeated attempts to disrupt sporting events this summer.

Apparently Linekunt understands where they’re coming from. ‘Disruptive protest is the only one that gets noticed’ burbles the Sage of the BBC. ‘Nobody wants disruption, but at the same time they will really be disrupted by climate change’.

It is understood that order to demonstrate his solidarity with the campaign, in future Mr Lineker will not heat his house, drive around in gas-guzzling vehicles or travel thousands of miles by aircraft to cover football tournaments.

Or perhaps not…


Nominated by Ron Knee.

More on this mega cunt from West Cunt-ry below.

The usual ISAC regular is at it again. Gary LinerCUNT wanting us to yet again just let the trogs do whatever the fuck they want cause it will never effect him. Thought he could not have a shitter opinion than letting in the worlds unwanted trash but now he wants us to allow our homegrown trash to just carry on and ruin any event they want.

“It’s not going to hurt anyone” is his main argument, tell that to the woman in Bristol who was suffering a stroke and is now paralyzed and the many others who have suffered but not been reported in the news because of these higher middle class cunts must “have their say” even though they will jet set to Ibiza and their private yachts with no cares. Can we have a vote like Brexit to just get rid of this cunt and throw him at Harry and MEEEE-gains in America? They like taking in our unwanted shit like Corden and other shit “comedians”. Can Lineker just shut the fuck up and stick to his shit football takes? Fuck the BBC and fuck Linercunt!

Daily Mirror

Harry Kane (2)


Daily Star

Is he going to stay with Spurs? Is he going to Bayern Munich? Is he going to some other bunch of rich cunts? Who cares…. he’s already booked his future anyway. Let’s not forget that at the Qatar World Cup he wanted to wear the rainbow armband but, when threatened with an automatic yellow card, he backed down and decided to wear a 300 grand “gay watch” to show his solidarity with our sodomite friends.

When Harry boy finishes his career, which could be tomorrow if some cunt decides to give him the kicking he deserves, he is guaranteed a pundit job on BBC and Sky. Yes, he may be an inarticulate, undereducated moron but he knows how to play the game and do as he is told. I’m sure that he has taken advice from Sir ( not yet but we all know it’s coming) Gary Linekunt.

Nominated by Freddie the Frog.

Government Agents Dressed As “Nazis” at Peaceful Protests

I’ll be brief as this is pretty straightforward, speaks-for-itself cunting.
It’s a video from over in that America place.

These “Nazis” are government agents. Plain and simple. It’s been going on for YEARS and it always gets called a, “conspiracy theory”. It isn’t. It’s pretty obvious what this is all about: these are agent provocateurs to make any genuine patriot movement that seeks to be peaceful and take back America from the ghouls in power, look like “Nazis” which is a term I can’t believe still exists in serious political discourse. Of course, the term “Nazi” gets downplayed when members of the Ukraine army are exposed as Nazis, well… they themselves call themselves Nazis.

It’s only going to get worse between now and November 2024 with the Presidential Election. The desperation of those in power will be frenetic, insane, terrifying and, thankfully, HILARIOUS.


Nominated by Pull My Finger.

Rufford Ford Car Bellends

Rufford Ford in Nottinghamshire is a notorious ford that is well-known for being at least two feet deep. With cunts being cunts it has claimed many a vehicle over the years for those who decide to risk crossing it.

As you are sat there looking across the ford at the car ahead, now stalled, engine smoking and waiting for a tow, why the fuck would you think this will turn out differently?

The rotters at Nottinghamshire County Council have now closed the ford to traffic for the safety of pedestrians and saving motorists the humiliation of being made to look like a cunt on YouTube after getting stuck in their Fiat Panda.

The local garage and tow truck company are pissed off too and there will be no Christmas bonus this year.


Nominated by Liberal Liquidator.