Hollywood Movies

That new Barbie film is a cunt. Who the shit writes a script like this? That yawning bore cunt, Noah Borebutt cowrote, Barbie which is a, “WTF?” surely? Might as well have had Woody Allen cowrite it. Bag of shite. Also, Margot Robbie is actually a bit of a psycho, that’s why she was drawn to that psycho project, I am Toyah.

Oh God, Hollywood, start making proper movies again. Makes you long for the days of mad cunts like Don Simpson or dare I say it… Harvey Weinstein! Not these distasteful clown-shoes who are piloting the Tinseltown juggernauts these days.

And I’ll say, I’ll fucking say it… Nolan is a pretentious, boring, high-minded, smug knob who needs to make a fucking ENTERTAINING FILM. Back to basics, cunt, make a movie like, Memento before you turn into a high-tech version of George Steven. You’re not Kubrick, you’re disappearing up your own arse like a semi-lubricated rubber horsecock up an OnlyFans bimbo.


Link is the trailers for Barbenheimer, which is very clever…
… no it isn’t, it illustrates how punchable Hollywood is.


Nominated by Pull My Finger.

The latest Tesco advert

has really hit rock bottom but scaled the the mountain of cuntishness.

I’ve got the Power.

Not only have they put the obligatory dark man as the star but they have made him look an absolute cunt. Added to this there is a second POC in the queue for the till plus another sat at the till behind the main event. If you look closely there also a slitty eye in the back ground

Ten out of ten for diversity but zero for the ridiculous theme

There is a white girl as the ‘straight man’, that must have been a hard decision by the woke cunts not to use a P*ki

The link below is the full advert and it is cringeworthy even by Tesco standards.


Nominated by sick of it.

GB News weather men

are cunts.

Remember when a TV meteorological reporter was a friendly sex offender in knitwear?

Fred the weatherman
Michael Fish

Then it was all dollybirds .
All makeup but no gravitas.

Now I watch GB news.
And the choice has changed again?

There’s Johnathan .
A sort of teenage Lurch.
He has a quiff.
Sort of Frankenstein monster/Morrissey.

Then there’s Ada mcGibbon.
He’s Irish and crosseyed.
With a quiff.
Another in the Morrissey club.

Then there’s a little one about 10yrs old.
Forget his name.
Got a quiff.

I don’t want teddy boys telling me the weather.

I want a proper Ill dresser meteorological nerd in a handmade jumper from Doreen from Dukinfield
And a sheen of sweat in case his computer is examined.

No quiffs.


Nominated by Miserable northern cunt.

Over Reliance on Electricity

It seems backwards to start effectively cutting down on energy-dense fuels if you want to increase the amount of electricity being used by making everything ‘smart’, (the Internet uses more power than the whole of the UK) promote use of electrical vehicles, and now a cashless society, where transactions are carried out digitally. Cash needs no rlectrical power to change hands. You’ve also got more power requirements for the telecoms industry. More masts and towers and higher signal strength means greater power consumption.

All this at a time when our genius government doesnt want to invest in energy security, no nuclear or shale gas, and simply ‘hopes’ wind and solar will cover our needs.

The question is what happens if a society that needs electricity to do anything loses power?
It coukd be anything; a Chinese or Russian cyber attack, or large nuclear warhead detonated over Britain, creating an EMP. How about a Coronal Mass Ejection, or just a violent storm?
How would a volcanic eruption in Iceland affect solar power generation?
There’s also the spectre of a supervolcano in Southern Italy. Volcanic ash is known for having a detrimental effect on power lines.

The witless saps in the cities may coo over electric cars and the latest smartphones, but they will be fucked when they can’t pay for a latte or household bills because of a power cut.

can’t run the scooter.
can’t charge their phone or tablet.
can’t use contactless payment.

The greenies have to use diesel generators for their pathetic outdoor jamboreees. They’re living a lie, just as these freak celevvrities and idiot politicians.

Mechanically and chemically-derived power were being used long before electricity, and they will continue to be used. Why is our pathetic government so keen on destroying our economy with such a backwards approach to energy?

Fucking clowns.


Nominated by Cuntamus Prime.

Fazila Loonat


a, Liebore Cllr. for Huddersfield is a cunt.

This LYING pos has been done for perverting the course of justice, in an attempt to protect her partner Afshit (another arse tag-head, by any chance?) who was caught speeding. She gave his name as Jan, and hers as something else.

Loony, raspberry, who knows? After numerous lies to plod, and the usual No Comment, also Afshit pretending the phone connection was too bad when plod phoned, and hanging up, Loo at dug herself deeper into her sithole by claiming that Jan was merely test-driving the vehicle; she even put an entirely bogus ad on Ebay.

Apparently, all this is really going to affect her standing in da communidee, and she is fearful of prison. Pardon me while I find my 1/8th-size Stradivarius, and play a happy jig. If she doesn’t like prison, I have the perfect solution. Send the Merc to the crusher, with this pair of lying gobshites locked securely inside.

Telegraph and Argus
