Barry Stannard


He’s single, males in prison take note.

This class act has just been jailed for stealing nearly £800,000 from the NHS by setting up two companies of which he was sole director and submitted false invoices which he then approved himself in his role as a NHS manager.

Bad Barry has a bit of form for being dodgy – “Chelmsford Crown Court heard Stannard had convictions for three previous offences, including theft by an employee in 1986.

There were also two offences in 2000 concerning a stolen blank MOT certificate that Stannard filled in with his vehicle’s details, one offence of handling stolen goods and one of forgery”. (Story and above quote courtesy of the Sun).

Why did nobody check – when I worked in the Civil Service I had to have an advanced criminal records check and sign the Official Secrets Act – how did Barry Stannard get away with withholding this relevant information about his criminal past?

Sentenced to five years, out in three with a tag, and not a thought about patients who will not be treated due to his dishonesty.

Nominated by: Vernon Fox

Links below provided by: Cupid Stunt The First

22 thoughts on “Barry Stannard

  1. Disgraceful behaviour – but not without precedent. The number of NHS “managers” who have been convicted of fraud is quite jaw-dropping. Wimmenz of a particular hue are frequent culprits (I think they usually get themselves pregnant to avoid a custodial sentence). Like this man, they will probably change their names, get some fake testimonials and will be at it again when the gates at WQormwood Scrubs (or where ever) swing open again

    • Your observations are spot on W.C. It appears that no one is prepared to get to grips with this sort of behaviour which seems to be endemic in certain organisms.
      Hopefully, it will be possible to recover the funds by selling his property and taking his pension pot .

  2. Looka like a Pædo Mandelson clone which means that the arse pummelling he’ll receive every night from his cellmate Pavel Rapëski will be no punishment at all.

  3. I’m astonished that he was caught at all given the amount of money that falls into the financial Black Hole that is NHS management and procurement.
    Anyhow he’s a filthy cunt that needs a dose of oven.

  4. I bet Mat Hancock’s Pub landlord wouldn’t even get out of bed for a piffling £800 K….

  5. And yet women come to the UK from all over the world to have their babies born in NHS hospitals for free, often requiring paediatric care and incurring costs well in excess of said amount and nobody says a thing…

  6. Stay home.

    Save your life.

    Avoid the NHS.

    So that cunts like this can carry on with their shitty activities and the spaff our cash up against the wall.

    Are the GP’s back at work yet?

    • No.

      Mrs J had a health scare recently that wasn’t covid related (shock horror – other illnesses happen… gasp)

      Trying to talk to our fucking GP was a pointless exercise and a waste of 3 hours on the phone waiting so I took her to A&E instead.

      After that she was seen promptly and had an appointment in the post to see a specialist within days.

      No complaints from me regarding the treatment she received for which I am eternally grateful.

      • Oh yeah?

        If we’re not at work what the fuck am I doing from 7am to 7pm most days in the week then you soppy cunt?

        Yeah that’s right listing to cunts moaning non stop on the phone demanding face to face appointments for their gammy toes and mental elf ishoos, and asking for sick notes because life’s just too hard for them.

        The problem isn’t people like me it’s the hoards of cunts getting in the way of your wife’s appointment I can only see so many patients in a day and unbelievably only one at a fucking time.

        Your GP was probably being forced into a pointless 2 hour mandatory training session where a bunch of fat arsed nurses use the whole time to tell him how great they are. Non attendance isn’t an option as then the surgery budget gets cut and when you ask them well who’s seeing my patients during that time they just shrug and reach for their 18th hob Nob of the day the fat cunts.

        I’m sorry your Mrs wasn’t well and hope she’s on the mend soon.

        We don’t insult fellow cunters on here. Please read the rules. You just went from 0 to 100mph over nothing. – DA

      • Soppy cunt???

        If a cancer scare makes me a soppy cunt then thanks for the feedback mate.

        As I said in my post – the service and treatment Mrs J recieved from the NHS was second to none.

        The point remains that the GP experience was a pile of cunt and incredibly stressful to be truthful though.
        I do fully understand that there’s bound to be a multitude of reasons preventing a GP from actually doing their job to their full potential in modern society what with all its red tape and bullshit trimmings.
        It wasn’t always this way.

        The warning goes both ways. Neither of you two start. I’m really not in the mood. Although I agree that was way out of line to start with. – DA

  7. It’s about fucking time ANY cunt entering the country have medical insurance. No insurance, fuck off again.
    As for this cunt oven and any cunt who defrauds the public purse.

  8. Mrs Fistula used to have an admin job in the NHS and she was gob smacked at the amount of money that disappears into the wrong hands. fake invoices etc and no fucker does a thing about it.

  9. This thieving cunt Stannard should have his sticky fingers put into an old fashioned clothes mangle. I would gladly give it a turn…

  10. Just imagine the enormous corruption going on every day in our “wonderful” nhs. They deserve a medal. Id give them all, including this cunt, the George cross !!!

  11. I’d be interested to hear the views of our resident paramedic on this wankstain.

  12. Would very much hope that the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 is applied and that the cunts assets are seized for the full amount.

    Unfortunately like many I have zero confidence in our legal system to do what it’s supposed to do particularly sentencing and the lack of appetite to regarding the recovery of public funds.

    Far too easy to defraud the NHS.

  13. At least this scumbag got caught and is in jail. This kind of corruption is endemic in Brazil, a country I know well, and the bad guys always get away with it. It occurs in every area of the public sector, with organized groups siphoning off funds destined for hospitals, schools, social services, old folks homes etc. The money goes into their own pockets or the pockets of political leaders who appoint them.

    You would think they would ease off and show mercy during the current pandemic in which over half a million Brazilians have died but not at all. The opposite. A former official in charge of negotiating vaccine sales was arrested last week after lying to a Congressional inquiry over claims that he had demanded bribes. Of course, he was out of detention within hours on bail of a measly US200. No doubt he bribed someone to let him go.

    Vaccine Scandal Takes Dramatic Turn With Brazil Arrest (

  14. Being white has probably given him such a long sentence, wonder if any “Bantu beauty” would of received such a sentence, but then again he’s a thieving cunt and deserves 6 dozen lashes of the sjambok at full force, well it would be his punishment if I was minister for law and order!!!

  15. If he ever needs an op, I hope they give him muscle relaxant BEFORE the GA.

  16. This is the world we now inhabit
    Even if someone knew his past
    They might be committing professional harry karry , if they drew attention to it
    It’s all fine and well but if one ends up the fall guy because of unsubstantiated claims, their the one that’s fucked
    Meanwhile the chancer is Scott free
    Fuck him he got caught the shit faced cunt

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