I’m not sure if wimminz football has been cunted before, although there have been frequent comments about it in various posts. However, I was pretty incensed when I saw this bollocks in the Daily Fail. I never read the rag, but was following a link to that nutter who had killed all the babies (I think that, and the way the NHS dealt with it, is the subject of another massive cunting).
Anyway, back to the footie. I am writing this on Saturday, so don’t know the result, but hope to all things that are Holy, that the slags lose. I will be in deepest Dorset from tomorrow, with no laptop, so won’t be able to cunt once the result is known. Anyway,
I just can’t imagine the bullshit and wankfest which will follow should the split-arses win.
I really don’t know who are the biggest cunts. Johnson, the Daily Fail, the MSM for pushing it as if it is equivalent to the men’s game, or the FA. In a way, I can understand the FA pushing it as it is just another revenue stream for them – flogging over-priced women’s football shirts etc.. I am just waiting for the day I see some soy-boy in a England women’s top (size 5xl), or complaining on social media that they don’t do the shirts in mens sizes. And I often wonder about Johnson’s mental state – does he really believe that bullshit he is coming out with? Does he still think he’s a politician and is sucking up a few women’s votes?
Just like Net Zero, when will someone stand-up and call out the bullshit? At best, women’s football is, and always will be, a minority sport. It will NEVER attract the crowds like men’s football unelss, like they do now, give away tickets. Even top men’s rugby teams can’t fill their stadia. Many will give away tickets to local schools or clubs.
Even Southend United get 6,000 to a game – a number I suspect would never happen to 99% of women’s teams.
Women are good at many things and have different skills to men. But let’s stop this nonsense of thinking that they are equal to blokes in everything. Footballer, fire”fighters”, soldiers, coppers and, the biggest aberration of the lot, boxing – at most things, their lack of strength is a massive disadvantage.
Anyway, I’m fucking sick of all the shit about this world cup and I hope they fucking lose. Even if they do, I suspect that wanker Rishi will give them all gongs of some sort.
Daily Fail
Nominated by Lord Cuntingford.