Speaker’s Corner

Gone are the days of Lord ‘Soapy’ Soper on his Soapbox. He was very ‘wishy washy’ Lord Soapy. Apart from his fundamental Pacifism.

He always looked like he’d just returned from an ‘Aldermarston March’ with his hobnail boots on and dusty cassock.
I suppose back then you’d get people with a sign front and back ‘REPENT REPENT REPENT for the Day of the Lord is at Hand’.

But a lot of debate was about Nuclear Disarmament and Vietnam other subjects.
Now it is almost All religion. And one participant one; Islam. Many Muslim believers there, hundreds even. You could say Speaker’s Corner is thriving in that sense.
But how can I say it! The rules of debate are not really adhered to.

They’re always arguing ‘I will listen you if you will listen to me and same thing for the other. Sometime it turns into fisticuffs.

It all seems a long way from a gentle eccentric English carry on.

Back then-

Bbc news



Nominated by Miles Plastic.

Politicians’ Spouses

Unelected, whining about non-issue pet crusades and under the illusion that because they are married to the cunt who has actually been democratically elected, they should be listened to and given a platform, the politicians spouse.

The First Lady of the U.S actually has an office in the White House plus staff to promote this bollocks. First off, apart from fawning CNN reporters and opinion pieces in the Washington Post, nobody gives a flying fuck what Michael Obama or Hillary Clinton think about climate change, gender equality or foreign policy. No cunt voted for you! Stick to waving and shaking hands or talking to some Democrat bootlicker on daytime TV about the wallpaper in the Oval Office.

Over here we have had Carrie Symonds, the entitled millennial wokeflake wife of Boris Johnson who had a say on who he was hiring in his office and probably had a hand in the insane net zero policies the govt have adopted. Maybe she promised to do him up the arse in a George Osbourne mask like his Oxford Bullingdon Club days? Miriam Clegg, Sally Bercow to Cherie Blair…non can keep their yap shut for long on everything from Brexit to Iraq to saving the polar bears or anything else that requires their expert opinion.

Oh for Denis Thatcher who knew how to shut the fuck up and let Mrs T do what she was elected to do.

“I wasn’t absolutely too sure where the Falklands was, and I didn’t want to make a bloody fool of myself.”

Quite so old boy, have another G&T.

Here is Bill Burr’s take on it.


Nominated by Liberal Liquidator.

Genesis Pre School Hull and Grandad’s Pride

This piece of perversion, featuring drawings of gays in bondage gear, has been handed out to kids aged 4 at this school, and no doubt others too.

It beggars, or should that be buggers belief that this vile shit is being peddled to kids of that age, or any age to be honest.
The school refused to apologise to outraged parents and defended it by claiming that the children would not understand the images.

The perversion was written by some creep called Harry Woodgate, he’s a cunt too.


Nominated by mystic maven.

Shola Mos-Shogbamim (3), white privilege

Claims that ‘Whiteness” was responsible for the baby murders at Countess of Chester hospital.

Professional race baiter Dr (mickey mouse dept.) Shola Mos-Shogbamim claimed doctors’ suspicions about lucy Letby would’ve been taken more seriously if she wasn’t white. Dr Shola blacksplained:

“Lucy Letby exemplifies how [the] ideology of Whiteness keeps Britain in a chokehold. They believed her tears/denials even though evidence said otherwise, for no other reason than she’s white. A Black or Brown nurse would’ve been reported to the police immediately & sacked for suspicion.”

“Dr” Shola was backed up by Royal College of Nursing president Sheila Sobrany who said:

“If we are going to learn anything from this case we need to stop denying that racism is a serious issue in the NHS, this doctor (Dr Ravi Jayaram) would have been listened to if he was white and Lucy Letby would have been stopped sooner if she wasn’t white.”

Fuck me.

Spiked Online concluded:

“It’s hard to know where to begin with all this bullshit. First up, the notion that Jayaram wasn’t listened to because Letby is white and he is not is a grotesque mangling of the facts. Several consultants and clinicians, many of them white, raised the alarm about Letby. Dr Stephen Brearey, head consultant at the neonatal unit where Letby worked, was the first to alert hospital executives to the fact that babies were dying and Letby was the common denominator. His alleged abundance of white privilege clearly held no sway with hospital managers.”



Nominated by Minge Juice Bottler.

More on this topic by Cuntybollocks below.

Lucy Letby’s ‘white privilege’

Fuck me, even I didn’t expect the race grifting, anti white cunts to blame Lucy Letby’s murderous spree on her ‘white privilege’.

Like the author of the article linked in ‘Spiked’, I fucking should’ve known better.

Yes, it seems there are cunts out there who think that had Letby been black, she’d have been suspended much earlier.

What a load of fucking shit. Most employers I know, particularly fucking government ones like the NHS, are terrified of even criticising non whites, for fear of the old race card getting whipped out and the ensuing tribunals and inevitable (underserved) pay outs.

But I digress somewhat.

How fucking sick are these utter cunts, to be using dead babies to push more of their race baiting and grifting?

I’d happily see these cunts drowned in a bucket of piss.

Fuck off.


The Simulation Theory and Denials of Reality

When some black-clad edgelord says we live in a simulation. I ask ‘of what?’

Is it COVID that has prompted this denial of reality? I don’t think it helped.

I think the simulation theorists are suffering the same malaise as what has lead to wokeness. They’ve been sitting comfortably for far too long.

As soon as things start going ‘wrong’ in society, such as the recession of 2008, or Brexit, or Trump, and recently COVID, you see the comments; We’re in a simulation.

Why was this sentiment never expressed before the Matrix films? When did the simulation begin? How do we know we’re in one? How much computng power is required? Who is running it?

if you believe in this, why not believe in God? After all, you can’t look outside the simulation to find the answers, why not just chalk it up as God did it? If the natural world is all in a simulation, the creator of that simulation is by our definition, supernatural.

The simulation theory begets more questions than it answers. Is the simulation one of many nested in a recurring sequence, like seeing yourself in a corridor of mirrors, but unable to tell if you are the real one. In the sequence of historical events, was it activated from a particular one, say 9/11? If so, why?

Just like with New Age beliefs, the simulation advocates mangle physics to support their theory. With the New Agers it’s quantum mechanics and exploiting quantum phenomena to justify the near-impossible (or as Nobel-prize winner Murray Gell-Man called their interpretation, quantum flapdoodle).
With the sims it’s the Holographic principle. Unfortunately, they refer to it without having any idea what it means; It relates to spatial dimensions within physics, and has nothing to do with The Matrix. Pointing to a possible multiverse isn’t helpful either. Why does a multiverse or multiple universes occupying time and space prove we live in a computer?

Returning to Sars-Cov 2, the upheaval it caused was not unprecedented in history, as the second world war happened, as did the Cold War. You can look at the influenza pandemic of 1918-1921 to see real upheaval.
As a child I lived under a far greater danger than Covid or the one Putin presents. In the early eighties, the Soviet Union had an estimated 3 gigatons-worth of nuclear firepower aimed at Britain alone. Had that kicked off, would the simulation reset, or continue into simulating a dull post-apocalyptic wasteland?

Buzzwords like the ‘new normal’ have helped fuel this paranoia though, and the general mistrust created by governments and denial of evidence around the lab leak theory, as well as poor trial methodology in labs testing vaccine efficacy (published by the BMJ and then denied or fact check by the BBC and Facebook) have shaken some people out of their endless consumerist sleepwalking.

History hasn’t finished. We are still in the world where stuff happens. Liberal democracy is evidently not the last word. This rippling across the fabric of society used to happen all the time throughout human history. The difference now is technology has allowed a much more heightened sensitivity.

This is not the new normal. Upheaval is normal. The last 30 years is abnormal, but only in the West. Strife has continued and wars waged throughout the nineties, and in Europe. Isn’t it telling how useless our media have become when they wring their hands and say the conflict in Ukraine is the first war on European soil since 1945.
What happened in the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s?

Again, failings of institutions and their corruption have not exactly bred trust in the ‘reality’ presented to us. Conspiracies are rampant (some are useful), but we are not in the Matrix.

If we were, and a few people noticed, wouldn’t the programmer/s simply reset our memories? The media may try to do this with convenient omissions and forgetfulness, but a lot is down to incompetence, although during COVID, there was a lot of malice in the form of arrogance and hypocrisy, that sort of behaviour by the ruling class – politicians, media and academics – has sometimes led to revolution in the past.

If a revolution did occur in one of the Anglophone nations with strict regulations on COVID and Carbon emissions, would the sim advocates say it is programmed, or join in?

Given their complacency and disbelief in the ongoing upheavals of history, my guess is that they’d hide under the bed and say there’s no place like home.


Nominated by Cuntamus Prime