An Amazon “Prime” cunting for “academic” Dr Joanne Rodda, who has a considerably valuable and hard-earned doctorate in Psychiatry. Because of her passing “interest” in A.I., as a Doctor she felt that she was qualified enough to alert those woke nobjockey’s at Al-Beeba that the Alexa A.I. “had sexism embedded in it”. I have always been a fan of technology, science and development in artificial intelligence, but I would never claim to be able to advise those twats at Al-Beeba about it. If I had a doctorate in Neuroscience I would not presume to be able to advise people on, say, Archeology just because I am a fan of the first three Indiana Jones films.
Why is it being blamed as a sexist? Because when asked by Echo device users for the “result of the England vs. Australia football match” the Alexa A.I. responded that there was “no such match”. Putting aside the argument that some football fans may claim that women’s football isn’t real football anyway (lol!), Alexa is not sentient and so it should not be blamed as a human being would be. Amazon, not wishing to appear to have a lack of feminist values within it’s A.I. R&D dept., quickly fixed the error ASAP. After being fixed Dr Rodda decided to test Alexa again by asking it who Arsenal football team are playing in October. She said it replied with information about the men’s team but couldn’t give any information when asking specifically about the women’s team.
Yeah love, get over it and go back to your day job – with enough time Alexa’s algorhythms will improve and then the erstwhile Dr Rodda, Psychiatrist extraordinaire, can sleep at night soundly. What a cunt!
Nominated by The Wizard’s Sleeve.