Amazon Alexa accused of sexism

An Amazon “Prime” cunting for “academic” Dr Joanne Rodda, who has a considerably valuable and hard-earned doctorate in Psychiatry. Because of her passing “interest” in A.I., as a Doctor she felt that she was qualified enough to alert those woke nobjockey’s at Al-Beeba that the Alexa A.I. “had sexism embedded in it”. I have always been a fan of technology, science and development in artificial intelligence, but I would never claim to be able to advise those twats at Al-Beeba about it. If I had a doctorate in Neuroscience I would not presume to be able to advise people on, say, Archeology just because I am a fan of the first three Indiana Jones films.

Why is it being blamed as a sexist? Because when asked by Echo device users for the “result of the England vs. Australia football match” the Alexa A.I. responded that there was “no such match”. Putting aside the argument that some football fans may claim that women’s football isn’t real football anyway (lol!), Alexa is not sentient and so it should not be blamed as a human being would be. Amazon, not wishing to appear to have a lack of feminist values within it’s A.I. R&D dept., quickly fixed the error ASAP. After being fixed Dr Rodda decided to test Alexa again by asking it who Arsenal football team are playing in October. She said it replied with information about the men’s team but couldn’t give any information when asking specifically about the women’s team.

Yeah love, get over it and go back to your day job – with enough time Alexa’s algorhythms will improve and then the erstwhile Dr Rodda, Psychiatrist extraordinaire, can sleep at night soundly. What a cunt!

Bbc news

Nominated by The Wizard’s Sleeve.

The Battle of Bernstein’s Nose

So our dear old friend Cultural Appropriation has reared – in this case- its ugly nose over the parapet. Jewish cultural and gay icon Leonard Bernstein (music for West Side Story etc etc) is being portrayed in a film by an actor with a false nose hence Woke Outcry. Now they do have a point in a way. Why not cast a thesp with a genuine big hooter? Gerard Depadieu, Geoff Goldblum (and last time I checked was still identifying as Jewish), Owen Wilson et al and not a rhinoplasty between them.

Now it looks like Bradley Cooper has bought the rights to one of the late Sir Larry Oliver’s old conks. Has to be said that that old thesp only felt comfortable when sheltering behind a mound of nose putty. Cooper is being supported by Lenny Bernstein’s own family who say they have no objections to such a portrayal (or indeed the monetisation coming their way). No the issue here is not that Cooper plus conk is demeaning the Jewish Race, it is that the proboscis looks ridiculous and is an example of just how crap Hollywood prosthesis have become.

Fair play Bernstein as a younger man looked more Sean Connery than The Penguin in Batman.


Nominated by Sir Limply Stoke.

Tom Binns

A comedian of some description who’s main claim to fame was a brief appearance on the classic sitcom, The IT Crowd.

Anyway, this cunt has been spared a jail sentence despite downloading over 30,000 images of CP in 2020. Over 500 of those pictures were Class A and B, the most serious, most graphic and most disturbing.

Binns posted a comment on his website in mitigation “Over two years ago, while under the influence of an overdose of prescription drugs for ADHD, which induced obsessive-compulsive disorder, I downloaded and deleted a very large amount of adult pornography over a short period of time.

“Within those downloads, it appears there was some child pornography which I had not sought out nor wanted.

“I have no sexual interest in children. I have taken and passed a polygraph stating I have no sexual interest in children.”

The judge said despite the seriousness of the crime, Binns did not appear to be a threat to the public or children. Therefore he was given a suspended sentence and placed on the SOR for at least 10 years.

How the fuck can he say “I have no sexual interest in children” or “it appears there was some child pornography which I had not sought out nor wanted.” when he has downloaded 35,000 such images!!!!

Moreover, downloading CP is not as easy as it was some 20 odd years ago. These days you need a VPN, Tor and a deep dive in the Dark Web to find that kind of shite. And even more surprising is that to download that amount often means having to pay for it on some dodgy website.

Perhaps if he had downloaded 10 CP instead of 30k+ I could possibly believe him. But this verdict sets a dangerous precedent – just claim you have ADHD and blag a polygraph and you’re sorted!

Oh, and I forgot to add that this kind of verdict doesn’t do anything to protect those poor children who suffered the sexual abuses this creep (and many others) get their kicks from. Neither does it act as a deterrent from groomers who get paid shedloads for the abduction, “education” and ultimately the sexual abuse/rape/torture of children!


Nominated by Technocunt.

Cunting for twats who are always looking at their phones

A ‘watch what you’re fucking doing’ cunting for twats who are always looking at their phones and/or have ear buds jammed in their heads in busy and dangerous environments.

Theres a time and a place for listening to podcasts and music, it’s not walking about a busy town centre, crossing roads, riding bikes and e-shooters on roads or on a building site.

Your car (listening only), house or exercising in a gym or outin a park or countryside/bridleway yes, but being distracted while operating machinery or around power tools, telehandlers, forklifts and excavators is fucking stupid.

If you find the job boring to the point you have to listen to audible or podcasts then look for something else.

If your job is dull and repetive but does not rely on communication, machines or using hot/caustic liquid then fair enough, but there’s a lot of people dicing with death because they were distracted crossing a road, on their scooter, operating machinery or working in the vicinity of heavy vehicles.
Getting hit by a JCB bucket because you were standing gormlessly, fiddling with your fucking iphone to skip a track or rewind to something you missed when you should be watching the big fucking yellow thing made of steel will get you killed or hospitalised.

It’s bad enough having younger blokes taking breaks every 5 minutes to check their phone, even without earphones.

One lad who worked with an old colleague did that, walking over to his car, scrolling through his phone, laughing to himself.
Everyone downed tools and looked at him.
The bloke running the site walked over and the kid barely noticed until just a few feet away.

He was told to jump in his car and fuck off. No more work for him.

There are a few jobs where looking at phones and sticking earbuds in will get you killed, in an ambulance or fucked off out of work.

Nominated by Cuntamus Prime.

Rat infestation

It will come as no, or little surprise, to you to read that the Hoc is infested by rats.
We’ve known this for years, and yet our helpful suggestions of flamethrowers, smart bombs, sarin gas etc have been completely ignored.

So when I saw this titbit today, I was curious.
Folks, it appears that the HoC is invested with actual rats and not just the thumb and tit sucking cunts ( in the main) that sit on the benches.

Oh, the irony!

Apparently, they’ve been refused cats, as the potential for a lethal cat poisoning is high, due to the poison traps.

What IS the solution. I can think of a few, which I think I’ve pretty much already covered.

Daily Fail

Nominated by Jeezum Priest.