“Good afternoon. This is IsAC’s cultural affairs correspondent Ron Knee reporting. Today I bring you another world exclusive interview, this time with *ahem* glamour model and ‘influencer’ Katie Price, direct from her prison cell no less”
” ‘Allo Ron darlin’, long time no see. Innit”
“Well Katie, you failed to turn up to court yet again to discuss matters relating to your bankruptcy, jetting off to Turkey for yet another facelift instead”
“Yeah well, gettin’ me mug sorted’s very important in mah line uv work, same as gettin’ me teef an’ tits an’ that done. Ah’d uv fought the jadge would’ve granted me a bit uv leniency ander the circumstarnces, ‘specially as ‘e fancies me. Can’t take ‘is eyes of ’em, the dirty ol’ git. Innit”
“The thing is Katie, you keep on doing this. How many times have you failed to show up so far when you’ve been charged for various offences? It’s amazing that you’ve not received a custodial sentence before now”
“Yeah, or even sent ta prison. Bat the jadge knows ah’m a workin’ mam, an’ ah’m a carer fer me poor san ‘Enry. The judge’ll take them exasperating facters inta account, wunn ‘e? Innit”
“Er, your son’s name is Harvey, I believe. But look, one of these days you’ll game the system once too often, and you’ll end up behind bars”
“Harvey d’ya say? On yeah, ‘im an’ all. Yeah well, s’pose it wouldn’t be all that bad. The screws brought me breakfast in bed this mornin’ in return for a flash, an’ ah could do me workart’s in the gym, gavver material for anuvver new book, and plan me next career move fer when ah get ahrt. Innit”
“Next career move? Pray tell!”
“Well ah’m finkin’ uv goin’ inta escort work. Samfink’s gotta pay fer all the work needed ta keep me lookin’ bootiful, know whut ah mean? There’s loads uv rich old geezers who’d lav ta be seen wiv a celebrity like me on their arm, goin’ ’round the casinos an’ posh restaurants an’ that. Farzand quid a punt, hundred extra ta cop a quick feel. There’s real manney in it. Innit”
“But that’s not going to do much for your already, shall we say, uncertain reputation”
“Sorry lav, ‘ere’s me ‘airdresser, cam ta do me ‘ighlights fer the court. ‘Spect the beak’ll let me ahrt on bail again, wunn ‘e? You see if ‘e don’t. ‘Ere officer, show ‘im arht would ya, there’s a good lad. Triffic. Innit”
Oh well. This is Ron Knee,for IsAC, returning you to the studio. Innit”.
Sly News.
Nominated by : Ron Knee