really are cunts, especially when it comes to on-line shopping for groceries.
I’ve cunted this before about lazy twats who can’t be bothered to mingle with the plebs, and order their Christmas food on-line, then bitch and moan about “rancid turkeys ruining their Christmas” not to mention ad hoc substitutes that convince me there’s a sweepstake being run by the staff for the most outrageous substitution.
This one, however, takes the pale.
This poor woman, who relies on home delivery due to mobility issues, was so overcharged by Asda, she was put into overdraft with her bank.
Not only that, but they took days to refund her, causing her tremendous distress about having no funds to pay direct debits.
Fortunately, her bank has been very understanding, and has promised to cancel any fees.
Not so Asda, who whine that it takes time to arrange a refund. Why didn’t someone grab £500 out of a till and go pay it into her bank immediately, then worry about the balancing of the books later?
Of course they wouldn’t. Lateral thinking is beyond the robots.
Utter cunts.
Nominated by Jeezum Priest.