Supermarkets (7)

really are cunts, especially when it comes to on-line shopping for groceries.

I’ve cunted this before about lazy twats who can’t be bothered to mingle with the plebs, and order their Christmas food on-line, then bitch and moan about “rancid turkeys ruining their Christmas” not to mention ad hoc substitutes that convince me there’s a sweepstake being run by the staff for the most outrageous substitution.

This one, however, takes the pale.


This poor woman, who relies on home delivery due to mobility issues, was so overcharged by Asda, she was put into overdraft with her bank.
Not only that, but they took days to refund her, causing her tremendous distress about having no funds to pay direct debits.

Fortunately, her bank has been very understanding, and has promised to cancel any fees.

Not so Asda, who whine that it takes time to arrange a refund. Why didn’t someone grab £500 out of a till and go pay it into her bank immediately, then worry about the balancing of the books later?

Of course they wouldn’t. Lateral thinking is beyond the robots.

Utter cunts.

Nominated by Jeezum Priest.

The BBC Website’s Sign In or Register

This one’s been annoying me for some time. Hold your nose and go to the BBC website. As you click through sanctimonious critiques of the “far” (or any) “right” and celebrations of London’s diversity, sooner or later, this image –

Some Daft Tart.

will pop up.

It is attached to an instruction to “sign in or register,” for what, I have no intention of finding out, with the small print option “maybe later”.

1. A black woman obviously high on nose candy. wearing fluorescent pink and shouting something in what is certainly barbaric patois, (though whether this was acquired in Tower Hamlets or via a modern English degree at Oxford is anyone’s guess) – this bint is NOT representative of me, my country, or my culture. Her image is ONLY designed to appeal to illiterate Nigerians. She is wholly irrelevant to and unwanted by what is still 80% of the population. She is as much a slap in the face as a stab in the back for the 5 remaining ancestral Brits who may still believe that the BBC is in any way impartial. She is a cunt, among the uncounted multitude of BBC cunts.

2. Turning to “maybe later”; this implies that I might wish at some future date to subscribe to whatever naked propaganda the BBC wants to fire in my direction, and that I would like to be thought too polite to tell them to fuck off and die. I don’t, and I’m not. Cunts.

Nominated by : Komodo

Kurds are cunts, aren’t they?

Yes, yes, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran all stole a piece of your country. So fucking what?.Is that a good enough reason to illegally come here to work the system?

You’ve all seen these bearded Persian smellies in town – a shitty crossbreed of Borat and Peter Sutcliffe. They own the “barber” shops, the ones that are always empty, but have their workers’ Mercedes lined up outside. They don’t even disguise the lack of tax they pay. On the contrary, they have a peremptory fuck you attitude about it..

Here’s the latest Kurd turd:

Sky news

Apparently these Kurd cunts run the boats and people-trafficking industry across the Channel. If you “smash the gangs” as fuckwit Starmer thinks he can, there are tens of thousands more waiting to replace them.

We sure are lucky to have these new goat-eating British people here, gibbering and shouting into their mobiles like they’re clearing last night’s phlegm from their mutton-stinking throats.

Nominated by Captain Magnanimous.

Vera Liddell

A stereotypical cunting for a stereotypical crime, Ladies, Cunts and all in between, May I present to you…

Ms Vera Liddell, A stock relocation specialist over in the states
Old and perhaps wise enough to know that a sustained campaign of misappropriating 11000 cases of CHICKEN WINGS from a school was likely to end in chicken gravy tears.

Does anybody even eat chicken wings? I thought they were a waste product that pet food was made from.

Oh well Ms Vera, unlikely you’ll starve in prison going by the looks of you.

Newsweek. (Link provided by Komodo)

Nominated by : Cunt of Peeblesshire

The Bee Gees

The Hee Bee Gee Bees

Last night I was amusing myself by watching some old stuff from ‘Top of the Pops’, when on they came. The Gibb boys, aka The Bee Gees.

It was an unwanted reminder of latterly how much I came to dislike and be irritated by these guys. I say ‘latterly’ because early in their career, they did some decent stuff like ‘New York Mining Disaster’ and ‘Massachusetts’.

But then they must have met with some form of weird collective accident, and they started singing as though they’d each got their privates trapped in a mangle. That horrible falsetto sound was, for me, like nails down a blackboard. It was so affected. As if that wasn’t bad enough, they added that tremulous, breathy ‘ha ha ha ha’ effect, which just made them insufferable;

YouTube Link One

Okay, I know that they were hugely popular, and shifted records by the cartload. Yer pays yer money… It’s just to me, they sounded like a collection of neutered tom cats. Need any more proof? Take it away lads;

YouTube Link Two

Pile of old pony.

Nominated by: Ron Knee