Here’s a cunt:
BBC News.
Labour councillor Ricky Jones……..bro.
This cunt decided it would be a good idea (particularly as a newly elected Labour councillor) to address members of the public soon after the ‘anti immigration’ ‘far right’ demonstrations by suggesting anyone who disagrees in this country with immigration and the uprising of the Muslim faith should have their throats cut…as per the ‘peacefuls’ modus operandi.
May I just add, the irony of the anti racism placard in the video.
Now, in theory if justice were equal between ‘colours’ and faiths in this country then this cunt would appear in front of a magistrate within 48 hours, be televised in the dock and be named an shamed, have his background probed and be sentenced to a longer than seems the ‘norm’ stretch.
I won’t hold my breath for this cunt for encouraging ‘racial hatred’
Oh and at the end of the you tube video..which god is he referring to? Oh, and I am sure Dartford are over the moon, their councillor is campaigning to free Palestine instead of dealing with local issues like potholes. Wanker.
Nominated by : Chuff Chugger