The riots, the narrative and the Far Right


It seems some on-line shit stirring resulted in our summer of riots. There were probably a few BNP type nutters involved, but it mainly seems to be local yobs. However, the narrative is Far Right. Got it? Far Right.

Except when you see local reports of who has been arrested – namely, local yobs.

A lot of kids. Fucking looters. And on the quiet a fair few of the Peaceful persuasion . Are we to believe these cunts are an organised threat? Well thats the narrative. The facts however do not back this up.


Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble.



So says London Mayor Sadiq Khan, he of the Concorde nose and shortarse and Napoleon personality. So, too does comic pseudo Commies like Kweer Charmer and Yvette Sugartits Cooper (she of the head of an onion and body of a garden gnome, as somebody so rightfully put it the other day.

OK these people are terrible clever as well as being totally pure, so let’s accept what they say, while at the same time perusing news stories as they appear at 1030 hours on MOnday August 12th.

Right – let’s start with the BBC:

Valdo Calocane: Doctor warned Nottingham attacker ‘could kill’

Valdo Calocane: Doctor warned Nottingham attacker ‘could kill’
The concern that Valdo Calocane could “end up killing someone” appears in a summary of medical records shared wi…

Oh dear – a fliuke. Let’s try the Standard, now trying to be a free Daily Mirror:

Four stabbed in east London after men ‘try to enter restaurant with knife’

Four stabbed in east London after men ‘try to enter restaurant with knife’
Lydia Chantler-Hicks

One man was taken to a major trauma centre where he remained on Sunday

Come on Stanard, there m ust be SOME good news?:

Man punched pensioner after being asked to stop smoking on Elizabeth Line train

Man punched pensioner after being asked to stop smoking on Elizabeth Lin…
Josh Salisbury

Detectives release CCTV image of man after pensioner left with black eye in train attack

(To be fair this incident happened on July 20th but the police have issued the request for help on 12/8/24

Not looking good is it?. Never mind – let’s try again. Let’s drop in to the local paper of Health Secretary Wes Streeting – in his lavender and lace world, surely all must be gaiety, sweetness and light?:

Search for ‘violent’ runaway patient who is risk to women

Search for ‘violent’ runaway patient who is risk to women
The Metropolitan Police has launched an appeal to find a potentially violent Ilford medical patient who ran away…

Is diversity really our strength, or our weakness and our downfall?. I wonder if Wes and Kweer ever mince round London incognito. If they do, I assume their response, if they saw the real world would be like Simon Cooper’s was in the In-Betweeners film@ “I think I’ve shit myself.


Nominated by W. C. Boggs, link by C.A.

A cunting for Islamophobia (4)

What is it, how can it be defined, why do we need it.

Answer, it’s bollocks, doesn’t need defining and we don’t fucking need it.

In Labour land however it’s going to happen and any criticism of Islam or hint of extremism will be Islamophobic, the link below is from the free speech union but references an article in the telegraph.
It won’t be long before 9 year old white girls will be forced to marry 50 year old Muslim men (well it is their culture which must be protected ?)

In the real world according to the MI5 website

‘ Islamist terrorism is the most significant terrorist threat to the UK by volume’

Nominated by Sick of it.


We all know that political hangers-on who lick the arses of their heros and bankroll them are dubious cunts on the make, and those who accept such largesse are greedy Joe Ronces (I hope you dig rhyming slang?), so we will overlook Skanky Angie’s luxury freebies, just as we will overlook the 61 year old bespectacled cunt mincing to a Taylor Swift concert (didn’t the toolmaker allow his son to go to pop concerts when he was a boy?), but Lord Alli “Labour Peer” (which always seems an oxymoron in the party of the worker) goes above and beyond. In addition to providing free accommodation, post election win for Kweer, en familie, and over £16,000 for “work clothing” (did that include stockings, suspenders and corsets?), he gave him £2485 for several pairs of glasses, all of which, I suspect had plain plastic lenses. Kweer never needed glasses at all before he showed signs of becoming next PM. I always thought Rodders said he would never use private medicine or allow his loved ones so to do?. Why not then just get an NHS HC1 form and go down to Specsavers. In the event I remember seeing him wearing at least four different styles since he settled on those big oversized black ones, which he now wears constantly. I suppose he got that idea from Mandy (“oooh you look absolutely lovely in those, duckie”).

If Alli has so much money to burn, why not give it to a worthwhile charity, Cancer Research, British Heart Foundation, The Dogs Trust, Cat Protection or the RSPCA. Why give it to a multi-millionaire lawyer from leafy Surrey? What is Alli really after?. It reminds me of when Anthony Blair used to take free holidays from the Peter Pansy of pop, Cliff Richard, in Bermuda with hot and cold running “houseboys” A lovely gesture (though I bet there were fights every morning as to who got to the make-up mirror and Oil of Olay first). Not long after these free holidays started, Blair was instrumental in getting the Copyright Protection Act altered by the EU, extended from 50 years to 90. It just so happened at the time Harry Webb’s (Richard) first 78s were coming up to the 50 year mark.

Politicians generous “friends” stink worse than a prop-forwards jockstrap (and Alli’s probably stinks of curry and piss as well):


Nominated by W. C. Boggs.

Julia Clark

Julia Clark, 53 years old with a husband and three grown up children, met and married an Egyptian and went to live there with him.

Then wondered why it all went wrong when he more or less lost interest in her very quickly and decided to marry an Egyptian woman, since under their laws he is entitled to have four wives.

I think the Supremes had a song about that, ‘Love makes me do foolish things’.

Yahoo News.

Nominated by : mystic maven