Whiny Freedom Fighters of Hezbollah

Let’s have a “pieces be blown off you” Cunting for the carpet kissing scum known as Hezbollah.

It is true that one man’s cowardly terrorist scum is another man’s target. So in order to keep from being targeted, the cowards of Hezbollah ditched their cellphones and started carrying old school, low tech pagers.

Makes sense right? If you need to coordinate the killing of innocent Jews with your comrades in Jihad and must also stay in touch with the Mullahs of Iran you need a way to communicate. However, if you don’t want a drone dropped on your cowardly ass you need to find a way to stay off the radar.

The solution was the old fashioned, low tech, ubiquitous pager used so effectively by the 1980s drug dealers here in the States.

Or at least they thought it was.

The counter-solution was kosher. Yes once again those pesky bagel snappers have outsmarted the followers of the Prophet and figured out a way to blow the balls off of the Faithful….literally…

Associated Press.

Across Lebanon thousands of peaceful terrorists were going about their degenerate business when…BAM!..their hands and pockets exploded and pieces of them flew off into the air.

A few have been killed but early news reports indicated most were just maimed.


And while these so-called freedom fighters whine about the “attack” I feel confident that thousands of goats across the Middle East are feeling quite relieved.

With regards to our big nosed friends. Well done! I’m glad you’re on our side. Although to be sure if Herr Starmer and Comrade Kammi have anything to do with it you won’t be for long.

As for the cowards in Hezbollah? It’s really quite simple. Quit murdering innocent Israelis and the Jews won’t have to blow your balls off. Then we won’t have to listen to you whine in soprano.

Nominated by : General Cuntster

Harvey Weinstein [3]

Harvey Wankstain

As a former poster boy of serial abusers and middle aged perversions old Harv is rather letting the side down. No longer the doyen of male sexual aggression he has bagged and sagged and taken to tottering around on a zimmer frame.

Now the more cynical may say he has taken acting lessons to appear aged and pathetic before the judge but we would not be that unkind now would we. Pathetic comes to mind as does a waste of Viagra. Wankstain shared with his contemporary Jeffrey Epstain a love of massages but the best one of his frightened young actresses could get out of him now is a brief discharge of weak wet wank.

How the mighty have fallen. Seems to have worked though.

Sly News.

Nominated by : Official Suspect

Judge Paul Goldspring

Judge Paul Goldspring, Chief Magistrate, and Sir Kweer lookalike, is a total cunt.

Today he proved beyond reasonable doubt that he is a full on establishment toady as he handed down a six month suspended sentence to the revolting BBC presenter Huw Edwards:

Whitchurch Herald.

As microscopic violins played, Goldspring sympathised with the obscenely paid BBC flagship anchor Edwards. The filth connoisseur was, after all, ‘of previously good character’. What the fuck! So that’s all right then.

Apparently the leering purrvertist’s career is ‘in tatters’. Boo fucking Hoo.

Will the fragrant Yvette be reviewing the appropriateness of the sentence? Will she fuck. Establishment cunts stick closer together than the pages of a wanker’s well used jizz mag. Fuck the lot of them.

Nominated by : Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea

The French [10]

I`d like to cunt …


(Channel Migrants Deaths)

Apparently, it`s all the fault of … ∰ the British. ∰

You can find a more detailed analysis on this fairy story within the link …

BBC News.

But allow me to highlight the more salient paragraphs …

… And the blunt conclusion … by local mayors, by pensioners, by couples out walking their dogs on beaches [in France] where they now fear they may come across bodies washed ashore – is that this is Britain’s fault.
Having watched this crisis evolve over decades, from the camps around the Channel tunnel and the ferry ports, to this more recent phenomenon of small boats, many French people deeply resent the way their own lives and communities have been transformed by a crisis they see as British-made.

… Britain’s loosely regulated job market, that acts like a magnet, drawing young Eritreans, determined Sudanese, Afghans, Syrians and Iraqis to this coastline, convinced that if they can just make it across this last, short stretch of water – or even half way across – they’ll end up in a country where they can find work, even without the right paperwork.

And finally …

The small boat crisis may be big news in the UK, but in France, … frankly tired of the situation on its northern coastline, even twelve deaths in the Channel barely make headlines.

Sorry France, please accept our apologies.

Would you like some more of our cash?


Nominated by : Sam Beau

Freddie Flintoff and Ramadanadingdong

A piss be upon him cunting for ex-England cricketer Andrew ‘Freddie’ Flintoff. During filming in India for his BBC documentary series about cricket helping disadvantaged yoof, Field of Dreams on Tour, Flintoff decided to fast for a day for Ramadan in a heart warming gesture of solidarity with said disadvantaged yoof Adnan, an Afghan refugee.

Poor Adnan opened up about about how hard it was seeing his friends eat while he was unable to. He was also the only Muslim on the team, adding to his trauma. Flintoff then asked the rest of the team to join him and all agreed. I bet they fucking well did. I would also wager that sausage and bacon were also off the breakfast menu and a relaxing beer in the evening too.

Is it any wonder that these bastards can’t/wont integrate into western culture and respect their hosts way of life whist bellends like Flintoff pander and indulge their stone age regressive mindset? You might argue its only one day of fasting to cheer up a lonely lad but its not OUR culture. You give in to these cunts on the small things and they always want more.

Remember, just a generation or so ago Islamic extremism, grooming gangs, de facto sharia law, Muslim no-go areas, sham marriages, honour killings and backdoor blasphemy laws were virtually unheard of.

Maybe Flintoff’s near-fatal car crash mongnified his booze-addled brain more than previously thought?

Nauseating Mirror link if you can stomach it.


Nominated by Liberal Liquidator.