Peter Jackson’s adaptation of Tolkien’s ‘The Lord of the Rings’ is my all-time favourite film, and Lord knows, I’ve got a long list of greats that I love. To me, it’s the absolute epitome of the film makers’ art, a sweeping, epic fantasy brought to the screen with magnificent swagger and style by all concerned. In short, it’s a masterpiece.
Now you may love it like me, or be indifferent, or hate it. What you can’t do is deny that the trilogy has had enormous critical and popular acclaim, receiving a cartload of awards (inc. no less than seventeen Oscars) and netting a cool £3 billion to date at the box office.
I wish that this perfect creation had been left to stand alone, but it wasn’t to be. Seeing dollar signs revolving in front of their eyes, the Hollywood suits and bean counters turned Tolkien’s delightful children’s tale ‘The Hobbit’ (surely only a one picture deal) into a sprawling three picture mess. Then Amazon had to get in on the act with ‘LOTR; The Rings of Power’, which is by all accounts a woke abomination, and a betrayal of Tolkien’s legacy.
Just knock it on the head already will you? But no, there’s news of yet another attempt to squeeze a buck until it squeaks with a new two picture project entitled ‘LOTR; the Hunt for Gollum’. Apparently the 85 year old Ian McKellen will return as Gandalf, if he lives that long. Viggo Mortensen might even reprise his role as Aragorn ‘if it fits the story’ or something. Blimey guys, do you need the money that badly?
This looks to me like nothing more than a cynical attempt to cash in on the amazing loyalty of the huge ‘LOTR’ fanbase, and they should be very careful; just look at how badly Disney has pissed off the ‘Star Wars’ and ‘Indiana Jones’ fans.
Of course the new films might be good, but to me the venture’s got box office backfire written all over it. That won’t stop them though, so prepare for ‘LOTR; the Return of the Suits’, and watch them trash another legacy. Again.
Business insider
Nominated by Ron Knee.