The fucking BBC yet again (135)


Sorry Admin if my nomination tends to confirm the view of some on this site that IaAC is becoming too narrow and dismal in its outlook but I suspect that this pile o’ shite will boil the piss of many of us.
Entitled ‘ Kaba verdict leaves black community traumatised’ it is the worst piece of propaganda that I have encountered in years.

Firstly it implies that there is a coherent black community in London. Whilst there are many black people in London I doubt if the majority feel that Kaba did not get what was coming to him.
Much is made of him being someone’s son whilst neglecting to mention that just days before he tried to deprive someone else of their son. Additionally, Kaba’s activities as a drug dealer no doubt deprived other parents of their children.

The BBC is building the barriers between the racial groups within this country for reasons I know not.
What l do know is that it is not going to end well.
As ever, l look to another counter to proved the link.


Nominated by Guzziguy, link by CuntemAll. Further on this cunting by Tricky Dicky below.

The BBC are cunts
Last financial year the BBC got this amount from the licence payers… £5,390,000,000
That’s £14,767,123 per fucking day
And they churn out complete shit programs, repeats, and biased reporting not to mention paying, among others, that cunt Amol Rajan, that cunt Nick Robinson and that utter cunt Lineker huge undeserved amounts of money.
While I’m on what’s this BBC Verify” all about then? Why do the fucking BBC take it upon themselves that they get to be the ones who get to decide what’s “real” or “not real”. It also implies that anything on the BBC News webshite that doesn’t carry the stupid “BBC Verify” marker is not to be trusted, which is probably about right to be honest.
I want to know what they fuck they are spunking all the money on cos almost 5.4 billion per year is a mind boggling amount for what they actually do. The cunts.

Cunts using the past to play the victim/race card


are cunts.

We don’t know if this world has a future.

What, with Covid plagues, Russia up to their tricks, Islam infesting the West, the migrant invasion, phone zombies, AI as a possible threat and so on. You’d think that more people would be bothered about that.

But instead, so many cunts are obsessed with the fucking past.
Whether it’s uppity abos demanding apologies for something that happened over a hundred years ago. To cunts lying about history, and placing black people where they never were. To endless fucking whining about slavery.

Tantrums in front of the King, toppling statues and settling scores for alleged ancestors will not help anyone or achieve anything.

Loads of people could wallow in past tragedies. The Jews with Hitler, the Irish with Cromwell, the Japanese with Hiroshima. And even the English with Hastings or Caesar before that (Did you know Dar Quay guarded and built Hadrian’s Wall??)

But most people want to move on and make things better. But certain cunts can’t – and don’t want to – let go of the past, as they wallow in playing the victim and stirring up shit.

An elderly and unwell King Charles visits Australia. And what does he get?
Some self appointed uppity cunt ‘demanding’ an ‘apology’ for something that happened about 200 years ago.

Get a life, focus on the hear and now, and stop wasting everybody’s fucking time.

Sky news

Nominated by Norman.

Jury Duty


(This nom started-out as a post in the kaba-scumbag trial thread).

I hate the thought of ever being called to jury duty… for several reasons, but in the kaba case, specifically, as in many before (ian Cuntley, particularly) … due to the sheer amount of earlier cuntitude by an individual that is kept hidden from a jury being beyond the pale.

Their opinion of a scumbag should not be tainted by ‘unrelated actions’ is the party line….but .. come on! It’s call a spade a spade time, .. I’ve had plenty of friends throughout the different stages of my life.. and not ONE of them, … not one … has ever been in jail or court for anything.

The day huntley was found guilty, it emerged the filthy cunt had been inappropriate with underagers in double-figures previous to the murders of the two girls that he was on trial for. Not a *single* instance, no, ..which COULD be a false accuser, or two cases, but ten complaints logged with cops and five more with social services .. all for ‘relationships’ with minors.

So ; I knew dozens of folk, not one accusation between them … but this one individual cunt has 15+… whether previously prosecuted or not, .. where is the line, ‘justice’ system? There is no (15) smokes without fire.

There was correlation between that kind of behaviour, and the day the previously unpunished cunt lured two 10 y.o.’s into his house …

Imagine being on a jury that finds a cunt like that not guilty ‘playing it safe’, in a facts-lite prosecution, only to find out after the case that it’s a serial predator or gang cunt(i.e. kaba, floyd etc.)with a SERIOUS history of similar behaviour?

‘Prejudicial’ indeed. Hiding prior bad acts is prejudicial too. The wrong fucking way around though. As always. Scumbags have more rights than the people they prey on.

insider croydon

I have other things against being pressganged to jury duty … but shall keep some powder dry ’til when/if this nom goes live

Nominated by CuntemAll.

Joshua Setipa


“At this joyous time of year” as the late Queen used to say ” our thoughts turn to the Common-Wealth. Well here is one cunt who is VERY interested in the wealth of the Common.

They vacuous looking, whey faced bastard seems to think “Britain owes more money to India than they have”

Yet another freeloading arsehole who is taking advantage of our laughable reputation of being a soft touch. Just wait till him and Hammy lammy meet for a good grizzle about hard Sambo & Singh have been treated by naught nasty Great Britain over the centuries.

We owe these shits nothing – anyway most of them are already over here living on our charity:

Daily Fail

Nominated by W. C. Boggs.

Illegal Immigrants (wieder)


Hallo, meine wunderschönen Eidelweißes !

You think you have it bad in Blighty? – well just take a Gänserich at this


I quote from the text in the link:
Roughly 300,000 people whose asylum applications have been rejected remain in Germany. The challenges Germany faces in deporting them were on full display last week, when Scholz travelled to Nigeria in a quixotic attempt to convince that country’s leaders to take back 14,000 of their compatriots.

This would never –- NEVER !! — have been allowed to happen several decades back.

It`s no wonder half the population in what`s laughingly called Europe is somewhat worried about the upsurge in the `far right`. They have a point, I think.

This is what happens when you do nothing and then try to accommodate for everyone’s views/religions, etc.

Well here`s a fact – they don’t give a Scheiße !

As Bertolt Brecht once said, “Do not rejoice in his defeat, you men. For although the world has stood up and stopped the bastard, the bitch that bore him is in heat again.”

Auf Wiedersehen !

Nominated by Adolf Schicklgrüüber.